Xu Hao's reorganization of the mineral water plant became very simple because of the intervention of deputy county magistrate Yu!

Although Xiao Jinguo has some resistance, he also knows that Xu Hao's investment has thrown a big burden out of the town. Once the debt crisis of the mineral water plant breaks out, several leaders in the town will have bad luck! Therefore, in this regard, as the leader of the town, he is also a beneficiary.

Moreover, starting from the economic work in the town, Xu Hao's reorganization of the water plant will certainly bring enough resources to the water plant to make the water plant run better. In this way, it can not only drive the economic development of the town, but also provide more jobs for the town.

After several considerations, Xiao Jinguo, on behalf of the town, agreed to Xu Hao's restructuring plan.

Although Wang Jingui is unwilling, he has no right to speak! Moreover, he also knows that if the mineral water plant continues to drag on like this, it is inevitable to go bankrupt. At that time, he said he had to be implicated. This situation is a good thing for him.

"Since you all think this plan is feasible, I think we should just sign the restructuring agreement today. President Xu may also arrange the corresponding work in advance and strive to start the factory as soon as possible." see Xiao Jinguo, deputy county magistrate Yu said.

"OK, OK!" Xiao Jinguo said hurriedly, and then looked at Wang Jingui.

Wang Jingui also nodded quickly and immediately convened several main leaders of the water plant to draft the reorganization agreement. Then, under the witness of deputy county magistrate Yu, the water plant, Xu Hao and the town government signed the reorganization agreement.

After signing the agreement, Xu Hao and Huang Xin convened the middle management of the water plant for a short meeting. Wang Jingui said at the meeting that he would strongly support Xu Hao and Huang Xin's reform of the water plant.

With the support of Wang Jingui, others in the water plant will not disagree with Xu Hao and Huang Xin! This made Huang Xin, who was originally worried, breathe a sigh of relief!

If all the original managers of the water plant do not cooperate, it is difficult for her to reform the water plant! Unless she fired everyone.

Just after the meeting, mayor Xiao Jinguo plans to invite Xu Hao, Huang Xin and others to have dinner and discuss the coordination between the town and the water plant. However, at this time, Huang Xin's phone rang.

The phone call was from Liu Guihua. On the phone, Liu Guihua asked Huang Xin and Xu Hao when they would go back for dinner and said that there were important things to discuss with them.

Listening to Liu Guihua's seriousness, Huang Xin was not sure what her mother was going to do, so she declined Xiao Jinguo's invitation and planned to go back with Xu Hao first.

"I still have some things to deal with here. You see, you went back to Jiangcheng first and said to stay in town temporarily?" Wang Tong was entrusted by song Yuwei to temporarily assist Xu Hao in dealing with the reorganization of the mineral water plant, so he stayed in town temporarily and didn't go back with deputy county magistrate Yu.

As Wang Yumin's guard, Xiao Jingyi rushed back after finishing his work. No one around Wang Yumin can take care of him!

"Come on, you're busy. I'm staying in the guest house in the town for the time being." Wang Tong said helplessly after seeing Xu Hao and Huang Xin. She could see that Xu Hao had an unusual relationship with Huang Xin. Thinking of Xu Hao's relationship with song Yuwei, Wang Tong thought song Yuwei was worthless.

What kind of man can't song Yuwei find? The result fell into the hands of such a playful man as Xu Hao! Now, as song Yuwei's assistant, she wants to help Xu Hao and Huang Xin deal with things, which makes her feel bad.

"OK, I'll trouble you to deal with the matter here for the time being." after explaining to Wang Tong, Xu Hao and Huang Xin took the car arranged by Xiao Jinguo and rushed home.

As soon as Xu Hao left, Wang Tong dialed song Yuwei. I briefly introduced today's situation on the phone, and then Wang Tong couldn't help complaining about the worthlessness for song Yuwei. Together, he poked out the affair between Xu Hao and Huang Xin.

Originally, she thought song Yuwei would be furious when she heard it! Even if you don't get angry, you'll be jealous. However, to Wang Tong's surprise, song Yuwei's reaction was extremely calm.

"I'm not surprised that little bastard Xu Hao did such a thing!" Song Yuwei at the other end of the phone smiled and said, "I didn't send you to look at Xu Hao. I didn't look at his idea. Just help him deal with the things over there!"

"Mr. Song, you... You say you are also a strong woman in the shopping mall. How can you... Hey..." Wang Tong has an attitude of hating iron and not steel. Song Yuwei actually took Xu Hao's ecstasy and helped Xu Hao speak.

"Pooh Pooh!" Song Yuwei laughed first. "You're in a hurry first! Things between Xu Hao and me are very complicated. Anyway, I'm satisfied to have Xiaomeng with me all my life. I never wanted to marry again. You say, I didn't want to marry. Do I have to force Xu Hao not to marry a daughter-in-law all my life?"

"Mr. Song, you... You..." Wang Tong was completely shocked. Isn't song Yuwei saying that she acquiesced in Xu Hao's flirting outside? This... This is really incredible.

"In fact, Xu Hao is a very lovely person. You will know after spending a long time with him." Song Yuwei said on the other end of the phone, in an unspeakable sweet tone.

Wang Tong is completely speechless. The originally shrewd president song has completely disappeared. Now only a little woman song Yuwei is left! A heart is all on Xu Hao. I really don't know where Xu Hao is!

"Well, Mr. Song, I know what to do!" Wang Tong said very speechless, "but Mr. Song, can Dongping company really get tens of millions of funds now? The transformation project of mineral water plant here will start soon, and Xu Hao doesn't have much time to raise money!"

"How much money can our investment fund transfer out?" Song Yuwei didn't answer Wang Tong's words, but asked about the investment fund.

"It's not difficult to withdraw 10 million from the investment fund!" Wang Tong said, suddenly shocked and asked, "President song, do you want to lend money to Xu Hao?"

"Why not?" Song Yuwei at the other end of the phone smiled and said, "anyway, we also have interest on this money. We might as well lend it to Xu Hao temporarily!"

"President song, I can see that you really lost your wife and your soldiers! No, you lost people and money!" Wang Tong said angrily on the phone: "I don't know what you like about Xu Hao!"

"You little girl, don't talk nonsense. What makes you lose your wife and lose your soldiers? It's terrible!" Song Yuwei's face can't hang, and her pretty face is even more red.

"Well, well, I know what to do." Wang Tong said and hung up the phone very speechless.

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