As soon as Wang Tong left, Huang Xin couldn't wait to ask, "Xu Hao, are you really going to borrow money from the bank? We still owe the bank a lot of money. Can the bank lend us?"

"These days, it's the uncle who owes money." Xu Hao said with a smile: "besides, as long as the people in the bank credit department are not fools, we won't refuse such a good project!"

"Hard to say!" Huang Xin doesn't know where Xu Hao's confidence comes from. After all, the bank keeps a group of Actuaries who specialize in investment risk assessment. The debt ratio of Dongping company is a little high now. It's not so easy to borrow money.

"Don't worry, I have a way!" Xu Hao said confidently.

When they were just going to find a place to have a casual meal, Xu Hao's cell phone rang. Seeing that the caller was Shen Rong, Xu Hao quickly answered.

"President Shen, why did you call me suddenly? Something happened to the company?" Xu Hao asked as soon as the phone was connected.

"That... Is something." Shen Rong said haltingly on the phone: "Mr. Xu, do you remember pony e-commerce and Ma Dongqiang?"

"Remember. Why? They contacted us to cooperate with us? Tell them that we have signed an exclusive cooperation agreement with Yunteng e-commerce and can't cooperate with them for the time being." Xu Hao said directly on the phone.

Now, the reputation of Dongping juice is rising. I believe Xiaoma e-commerce certainly doesn't want to miss this cooperation opportunity! However, they refused to cooperate at the beginning. In this case, don't blame Dongping company for not giving them face.

"Mr. Xu, let me get this straight!" Shen Rong said without hesitation: "pony e-commerce secretly sold our products and was found by Yunteng e-commerce. Now, Yunteng e-commerce wants to sue them. Pony e-commerce people want us to help make peace. They are willing to lose money!"

"Secretly selling our products?" Xu Hao asked in surprise. This guy from Xiaoma e-commerce is really interesting. Don't you know that Dongping company has signed an exclusive online sales agreement with Yunteng e-commerce?

"Yes, they can't help it. They can't talk about our cooperation, but the users of the platform have great demand! They don't want to lose customers, so they have to sell our products secretly!" Shen Rong said awkwardly on the other end of the phone: "In fact, the amount is not large. They all take goods from the supermarket. They basically don't make money. Even when they do activities, they have to pour money in!"

"It's really a living Lei Feng!" said Xu Hao with a smile. The pony e-commerce not only helps them sell, but even sells with money! This spirit is not a living Lei Feng. What is it?

"Mr. Xu, the people of Xiaoma e-commerce are in our company now. Mr. Bai said she can't handle this matter. Let me ask you for instructions." Shen Rong also has a headache. He is familiar with Ma Dongqiang, so when Ma Dongqiang asks him, he can't refuse directly!

"Well, I'll wait until I go back to Jiangcheng, okay?" Xu Hao couldn't think of a good solution for a while, so he just dragged on.

"OK, OK, OK!" Shen Rong said hurriedly. As long as you don't refuse, it's good news for pony e-commerce!

Seeing that Xu Hao hung up, Huang Xin hurriedly asked, "what's the situation? How can I listen to you about pony e-commerce?

With a wry smile, Xu Hao said the matter roughly again!

"Deserved it! When we wanted to cooperate with them, they refused. How did they talk nonsense? Now it's too late to come back and beg us!" Huang Xin was angry when he mentioned the robbery of pony e-commerce!

"Sister Xin, don't be angry. How long has it been?" Xu Hao said hurriedly, afraid that Huang Xin's anger would damage his body. "In fact, the final result of this matter is still at Yunteng e-commerce! I'll call Yan Weiguo."

Xu Hao said and dialed Yan Weiguo.

As soon as the phone was connected, Yan Weiguo made a preemptive strike, "president Xu, if you are a lobbyist for pony e-commerce, don't say anything! Our legal department has obtained evidence and can sue pony e-commerce at any time!"

"Lao Yan..." Xu Hao didn't expect that Yan Weiguo was still in a bad temper. However, it's not difficult to imagine Yan Weiguo's mood at the moment. He was pressed by pony e-commerce all the time. It's hard to catch pony e-commerce's pigtail. If he didn't breathe hard, he would be in a panic!

Besides, no matter what the result of this lawsuit is, Yunteng e-commerce takes advantage of it.

Pony e-commerce, as the big brother of e-commerce, has attracted high attention! The fierce competition between Yunteng e-commerce and pony e-commerce can naturally bring them popularity and rub the popularity of pony e-commerce!

Maybe, after this wave, the popularity of Yunteng e-commerce will be greatly improved!

"Mr. Xu, we signed an exclusive online sales agreement at the beginning, right?" Yan Weiguo asked on the other end of the phone: "moreover, it was agreed that Yunteng e-commerce has the right to sue once it is found that other e-commerce platforms sell!"

"Lao Yan, please calm down first. I'll call you. It's nothing else. I just want to ask about the situation. As for you, calm down." Xu Hao said on the phone: "don't worry, I must be on your side, we are partners!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xu. I'm relieved to have Mr. Xu's words." Yan Weiguo also breathed a sigh of relief. If Xu Hao has a tough attitude and asks him to give up suing pony e-commerce, he will have to give up even if he is reluctant to do so. After all, a large part of the running water of Yunteng e-commerce platform depends on the sales of Dongping juice. If you offend Xu Hao, he will lose his temper completely if he directly blocks the shipment.

"On your side, calm down. Think about how to maximize your interests." Xu Hao said on the phone: "I'm not in Jiangcheng now. Anyway, you have to wait until I get back to Jiangcheng to make a final decision!"

"OK. Since President Xu said so, I must give you face!" Yan Weiguo said on the phone, "but if pony e-commerce still refuses to repent during this period, we will sue directly!"

"This is natural," Xu Hao said hurriedly.

Hanging up the phone, Huang Xin looked at Xu Hao's smile and asked curiously, "what's your bad idea?"

"Do you think we can do much about pony e-commerce?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Huang Xin. Since pony e-commerce takes the initiative to send his face to the door, Xu Hao naturally has no reason not to accept it.

This time, if you don't bite off a large piece of meat from pony e-commerce, Xu Hao will be distressed and can't sleep! Such a good opportunity must not be missed!

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