Facing the fierce attack of Dongping company, Tianle beverage group immediately made a strong response.

In East China, which is most valued by Dongping company, Tianle beverage group directly launched a price war, and various promotional activities were carried out one after another, which caught Dongping company unprepared.

"Dongping company has gone completely crazy." in Yang Zonglin's office, Shen Rong said angrily: "their current promotion efforts have a loss of at least 300000 a day!"

"For Tianle beverage group, it's a war to compete for the dominant market in East China. Therefore, let alone losing 300000 a day, they will also lose 3 million." Yang Zonglin came from Tianle beverage group. Naturally, he knows what attitude Tianle beverage group has towards its competitors.

One of the common tactics of Tianle drink is to use the low price strategy to kill its competitors. After fully controlling the market, we can consider making profits.

"Mr. Huang has 50 million funds in his hand. How long can he last?" Shen Rong asked with some worry.

Seeing Shen Rong looking at him, Yang Zonglin hurriedly said, "the headquarters can't get much money!"

"Mr. Xu, have a word!" Shen Rong was a little anxious. Did they just watch Huang Xin being bullied by Tianle beverage group in the East China Sea?

"Mr. Yang, what are our chances of winning the price war?" Xu Hao didn't answer Shen Rong's words, but looked at Yang Zonglin and asked.

"There's no chance of winning." Yang Zonglin said reluctantly, "we can't afford the price war of Tianle beverage group after so many years of development!"

"Mr. Xu, do you want Mr. Huang to withdraw back?" Shen Rong looked at Xu Hao and asked incredulously.

"East China market, I am determined to win!" Xu Hao said firmly. In order to force Mr. Zhao out of hiding behind him, he must steal all the market share of Tianle beverage group in East China! In this way, Tianle beverage group is breaking the muscles and bones, and it is possible to force Mr. Zhao behind Tianle beverage group to appear.

"Mr. Xu, to tell you the truth, the East China market can be suspended! It's hard for us to take advantage of the hard fight with Tianle beverage group!" Yang Zonglin said when he looked at Xu Hao.

"Well, you don't have to persuade me about this. I have my plan!" Xu Hao directly interrupted Yang Zonglin. The reason why he set up a company alone was to avoid the failure of the new company and implicate Dongping company!

After leaving the company, Xu Hao called Yang Si and asked Yang Si to have coffee.

"Mr. Xu is so elegant." when he saw Xu Hao, Yang Si smiled and said, "it's all burning. Mr. Xu, you're not in a hurry?"

"It was because of the burning eyebrows that I found Miss Yang for help." Xu Hao said shamelessly: "Miss Yang doesn't plan to go to the East China Sea? Or just have a concert?"

"You..." hearing Xu Hao's words, Yang Si knew that Xu Hao wanted to borrow her influence.

"Even if I announce the concert, it will take at least a month or more. After that, can your company in the East China Sea last so long?" Yang Si asked with some confusion when he looked at Xu Hao.

"As long as Miss Yang cooperates, there will be no problem." Xu Hao smiled and said.

Xu Hao didn't really intend to let Yang Si have a concert. It would take too much time. Xu Hao's idea is to organize a campus singing competition with Yang Si and many universities in the East China Sea, and the contestants are limited to college students. In this way, Huang Xin can take the lead in opening the market among college students in the East China Sea.

Donghai, as the leading metropolis in China's economy, has more than one million college students! Xu Hao naturally doesn't want to miss such a huge market group!

Moreover, the cost of holding campus singing competitions is very low. With the participation of celebrities at the level of Yang Si, it will be much more convenient to talk about cooperation with various schools. After all, these schools also hope to expand their influence.

"What bad idea are you making?" Yang Si was a little creepy when he saw Xu Hao's bad smile. She was scared by Xu Hao!

"It's very simple..." Xu Hao told Yang Si directly about the campus singing competition without hiding it from him. "I don't want you to make much effort. I just hope you can be the judge of the singing competition and borrow your popularity. Isn't it too much?"

"It's that simple?" Yang Si couldn't trust Xu Hao.

"Or what do you think?" Xu Hao smiled bitterly and said, "Miss Yang, you are the spokesman of our company. You don't help me with this. Isn't it appropriate?"

"All right, I agree!" Yang Siluo thought about it and agreed, "but first, you are not allowed to dig a hole for me, or I will go on strike!"

"That's impossible!" Xu Hao said hurriedly.

"Believe you, there is a ghost!" Yang Si is ready to be trapped by Xu Hao.

"By the way, what's your relationship with colleges and universities in the East China Sea?" Xu Hao asked again. If this thing is completely promoted by him, it may be difficult in the early stage. However, if Yang Si knows someone, it's another matter.

"Mr. Xu, you have asked the wrong person. You should ask Mr. Tang. She has a lot to do in the East China Sea!" Yang Si knows the details of Tang Jing and naturally knows where the influence of the Tang family is!

"Tang Jing?" asked Xu Hao suspiciously.

Nodding, Yang Si said, "president Xu can't sell me then!"

"Don't worry, don't worry," said Xu Hao. After explaining to Yang Si again, he got up and hurried out.

Seeing that Xu Hao ran away directly, Yang Si was speechless: "you bought the order anyway! I'm so angry!"

Out of the cafe, Xu Hao called Tang Jing. After learning that Tang Jing was in the club, Xu Hao drove directly to the club.

"What's wrong with the East China Sea?" Tang Jing asked directly when she saw Xu Hao.

"Tianle beverage group directly launched a price war, and there are many difficulties in the East China Sea." looking at Tang Jing, Xu Hao said, "so, I want to ask you a favor!"

"You say!" Tang Jing asked hurriedly.

After simply talking about the campus singing competition, Xu Hao said: "I don't know if you have a relationship in the East China Sea. Can you help contact various colleges and Universities..."

"It's up to me," Tang Jing said, patting her chest.

Xu Hao didn't expect Tang Jing to promise so readily, which made him prepare for a long time and didn't have a chance to say it.

Seeing Xu Hao looking at her in shock, Tang Jing smiled and asked, "why? Can't you trust me? Don't worry, in the East China Sea, we still have some relationship with the Tang family! Not to mention all colleges and universities, at least 90% of colleges and universities will agree to participate in this singing competition!"

With Tang Jing's words, Xu Hao finally felt relieved

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