When people are down on their luck, drinking cold water would be equivalent to describing Xu Hao's current situation.

Because he had patted Huang Xin's perky butt yesterday, Xu Hao deliberately avoided Huang Xin's hours at work, so he woke up half an hour earlier and planned to run before Huang Xin got to work. But, when he opened the door, he saw Huang Xin, who was dressed in professional clothes and had a cold expression, standing in front of his door.

Xu Hao stood there awkwardly and waved at Huang Xin, saying: "Morning, Sis Xin!"

"Is that so? It's getting late. " Huang Xin's tone was so cold that Xu Hao couldn't help but shiver. Huang Xin did not come with good intentions, so he decided to close the door and hide for a while.

However, just as Xu Hao was about to close the door, he caught sight of something. At this time, it would be too late if Xu Hao closed the door.

"Sis Xin, don't you have to go to work today? "I'll be late." As Xu Hao retreated back into the house, she said to Huang Xin with a bitter smile.

"Today, I'll cripple your third leg before going to work." As Huang Xin said that, she took out a kitchen knife from her handbag.

The moment Xu Hao saw the kitchen knife, he fell into complete despair. Looks like Huang Xin really got angry yesterday, or else he wouldn't have blocked the door so early in the morning. Most importantly, Huang Xin had also brought a blade.

"Sis Xin, don't be rash, I … Can't I be wrong? " Now, Xu Hao had no choice but to act like a grandson. If he knew it would turn out like this, he wouldn't have patted her yesterday. At that time, he felt great, but now he was in a miserable state!

"Speak, where did you go wrong?" Huang Xin asked as she raised the kitchen knife high up in the air and looked at Xu Hao with an unfriendly gaze.

"I... I shouldn't... "We shouldn't have …" Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin's beautiful face which was growing colder and colder. He didn't dare to say the latter half of his sentence.

"What is it? Do you dare to say anything? " Looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin questioned: "Brat, you're quite bold, even daring to take liberties with me, aren't I giving you too much face?"

"Sis Xin, I was just joking with you. Really, I didn't mean anything else." Xu Hao felt really awkward. If he knew that Huang Xin would be so angry, even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't dare to touch Huang Xin's tiger butt!

"Speak, which dog's paw touched it?" Huang Xin maintained her hand holding the kitchen knife as she asked.

At this time, Xu Hao did not dare say anything. He stood there like a little kid who made a mistake, not daring to look at Huang Xin. Xu Hao tried to use such a pitiful method to get away with it.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful with me, be honest." Huang Xin obviously did not plan on letting Xu Hao go so easily, and asked again.

"Cough, cough …" Sis Xin, don't be angry, don't be angry. " Hearing Huang Xin's tone soften a little, Xu Hao immediately seized this opportunity and walked to Huang Xin's side and took the kitchen knife in her hand, then said: "Sis Xin, it's getting late. If you don't go to work soon, you'll be late."

"None of your business!" Her beautiful eyes rolled towards Xu Hao, and Huang Xin said: "This will be the last time, so next time won't be the case. Otherwise, I will chop off all your dog paws! "

"Yes, yes, yes." Xu Hao immediately said, at this time, Huang Xin was angry, of course whatever she said would come to pass.

Seeing Xu Hao's submissive look, Huang Xin couldn't help but burst out laughing. Actually, Huang Xin was extremely angry yesterday, but after that night, she was no longer angry.

However, if she acted too casually about this matter, with her understanding of Xu Hao, this little bastard would definitely trample all over her face. This was the reason why this happened in the morning.

Huang Xin was just trying to scare Xu Hao, and wasn't really trying to do anything to him! Seeing Xu Hao's pitiful look, she could no longer hold back and burst out laughing.

Seeing Huang Xin smile, Xu Hao's hanging heart was finally at ease. She quickly put away the kitchen knife and moved closer to Huang Xin, saying, "Sis Xin, let's go. This little one will personally send you down the stairs, don't fall down …"

"Virtuous." Staring at Xu Hao, Huang Xin turned around and walked quickly out of the house.

Looking at Huang Xin's swaying figure, Xu Hao did not dare to have any excessive thoughts. This time, he was truly frightened.

Hearing the sound of high heels hitting the ground coming from the stairs, Xu Hao was finally relieved. It seems that for such a joke, it would be best not to joke with Huang Xin. It might cost her life!

After calming himself down, Xu Hao went out.

Two days ago, Su Jing had called him, telling him to pay her a visit at her shop if he had time. However, Xu Hao had something important to attend to these two days, so he did not go. Since he had the time today, Xu Hao decided to make a trip to Su Jing's place.

When Xu Hao came to Su Jing's store in the Flower Bird Market, he was in disbelief. Su Jing's shop's business could even be described as thriving!

Seeing that Xu Hao had arrived, Su Jing gave him an apologetic look, and then continued to entertain the customers.

After the few customers in the shop left, Su Jing ran over to Xu Hao's side and immediately apologized: "Xu Hao, I'm really sorry. There were so many customers that I couldn't even greet you!"

"It's okay, it's okay." Xu Hao said, as he wiped off the sweat on Su Jing's forehead. Su Jing had been busy previously, even though the air-conditioning was on, she was sweating profusely.

Being flirted with by Xu Hao's action immediately caused his to blush greatly. His beautiful face flushed red as he looked at Xu Hao, who said: "Thank you … "Thank you." As he said that, he quickly wiped the sweat off his forehead and conveniently increased the distance between him and Xu Hao.

Xu Hao realized that he liked to watch Su Jing's shy look more and more. Su Jing couldn't help but want to tease her when she saw Su Jing's shy look.

After pouring Xu Hao a cup of water and letting him sit, Su Jing told him about the situation of the shop. Since Su Jing's shop was the direct shop of the Golden Age Flower Chain, and the Golden Age Flower Chain gave her the highest quality flowers, Su Jing's shop's business was very good.

In addition to the Golden Age Flower Chain's signboard, there were even some Golden Age Flower Chain's old customers who directly ordered flowers from her! The money she had earned in this half a month, made Su Jing somewhat unable to believe her eyes.

"How much money have you earned to make you so excited?" Xu Hao could not help but ask curiously.

"Ten thousand!" Looking towards Xu Hao, Su Jing said emotionally: "Xu Hao, I succeeded, I really succeeded."

As Su Jing said this, she hugged Xu Hao.

Being suddenly hugged by Su Jing caused Xu Hao to be in a daze, but she still quickly reached out and gently embraced Su Jing.

Lying in Xu Hao's embrace, Su Jing cried tears of joy. She had always wanted to prove herself, but the previous blow from the flower shop had almost made her lose her life. Fortunately, Xu Hao's appearance had changed her flower shop. Now, she had finally proven herself to everyone!

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