After exiting Wang Dingyuan's shop, Xu Hao went to a few more. Without exception, Xu Hao had hit a wall. No one was willing to buy Xu Hao's soil.

After knocking against a wall a few times, Xu Hao felt like retreating, but remembering his ambitions from yesterday, Xu Hao mustered up his courage again and walked into a ornamental plant shop.

The shop owner was a girl. She was wearing a light yellow dress with a pair of beautiful white legs. She was wearing a pair of ordinary sandals. She looked like an innocent girl. Judging from his age, he should at most be one or two years older than Xu Hao.

"Welcome, mister. What kind of ornamental plants would you like to pick? All of the ornamental plants in our shop …" The owner, Su Jing, passionately recommended all kinds of ornamental plants to Xu Hao, even though Xu Hao didn't think that it was someone who would buy ornamental plants.

"Sorry, I... I'm not here to buy these ornamental plants, I just want to discuss a business deal with you. " Looking at the passionate girl in front of him, Xu Hao said in embarrassment.

With her innocent big eyes, Su Jing looked at Xu Hao and said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I won't be able to work with you anymore. I'm ready to transfer this shop. I'm really not fit to run this kind of store. "Look at the plants in my shop …" With that, Su Jing pointed at the ornamental plants in the shop.

Compared to other shops, the leaves of the ornamental plants in this shop were drooping and almost withered. No wonder this shop didn't have a single customer.

"Maybe I can help you." After thinking for a moment, Xu Hao said. Wasn't his dirt just enough to solve the problem in front of him?

"Really?" Su Jing excitedly looked towards Xu Hao as she grabbed both of Xu Hao's arms and asked happily.

Nodding his head, Xu Hao said: "Of course it's true, I promise!"

"That's great." Su Jing said as she bowed deeply towards Xu Hao.

Because Su Jing was wearing a small dress that was hanging down, when Su Jing bent over, he could see the beautiful scenery of Su Jing's chest from Xu Hao's position, "Little He only revealed the tip of his horn!" Xu Hao could not help but exclaim.

"What did you say?" The excited Su Jing, naturally couldn't understand the meaning of Xu Hao's words, and asked puzzledly.

"Nothing, nothing." As Xu Hao said that, he took out the soil and said to Su Jing: "You can sprinkle this soil into the potted plants.

"That's it?" With wide eyes, Su Jing looked at Xu Hao and asked in disbelief.

"These potted plants and ornamental plants of yours are basically dying right? Why don't you just treat it like a living horse?" Xu Hao looked at Su Jing and said.

Sighing dejectedly, Su Jing said: "You're right, let's give it a try! I may really not be suitable for doing business. Half a year ago, I was too impulsive and wanted to start a business, so I borrowed money to open this small shop. "Half a year has passed, and not only has the store not made any money, it has also lost quite a bit each month …

As Su Jing spoke, she swiftly sprinkled all the dirt that Xu Hao had given him into the flower pot.

"I'll give you the rest." Looking at Su Jing, Xu Hao gave the rest of the soil to Su Jing, and said: "If tomorrow, all of these plants of yours are going to start a new spring, I'll have to trouble you to advertise it for me!"

"Yes, yes, no problem. "No matter what happens, thank you very much." Looking towards Xu Hao, Su Jing said, "Do you know? When I wanted to start a business, no matter if it's my family or friends, they all looked down on me. I wanted to prove myself, but it's a pity … "

"Believe in yourself. You will definitely succeed!" Looking towards Su Jing, Xu Hao said. These words were said for Su Jing to hear, and it was Xu Hao who said it for himself.

Heavily nodding her head, Su Jing said: "Thank you, you will definitely succeed, young man who sold dirt!"

"A youth selling dirt?" Xu Hao was startled, then laughed out loud and said: "This nickname is really fitting. Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Xu Hao, what about you? "

"Su Jing!" Su Jing said, as she extended her small white hand out.

Xu Hao also quickly reached out and held Su Jing's soft and small hand.

Originally, Su Jing wanted to treat Xu Hao to a meal to express her gratitude but she was rejected by Xu Hao. He could tell that Su Jing was not well off financially right now either. Based on the current situation of her store, it was unlikely that there would be any business.

"Ai …" Leave a number. " Seeing that Xu Hao was about to leave, Su Jing immediately said: "If by any chance you sell all these mysterious dirt on me, I'll give you the money as well."

Smiling, Xu Hao gave Su Jing his number. Su Jing also gave his own number to Xu Hao.

Walking out of Su Jing's store, Xu Hao couldn't help but shake his head with a bitter smile. He had originally planned to start his own business, but he hadn't expected it to end with this sort of situation. Hopefully, Su Jing can help him open up the situation!

Sighing, Xu Hao slowly walked out of the Flower Bird Market. Although the Flower Bird Market was very far away from where he lived, Xu Hao was not willing to take a taxi back. After all, every penny was extremely important to him.

On the way back to his residence, Xu Hao finally had enough time to size up this familiar yet foreign city! Although he had lived in the Jiangcheng for two years, Xu Hao had almost never left his living quarters. Today, Xu Hao finally had time to size up the city.

Just as Xu Hao was walking on the road, a familiar voice suddenly called out to him.

Turning his head, Xu Hao saw the person who called him back - a twenty-seven or twenty-eight year old woman. She wore a small, white, tight shirt with a red peony dot on it. Her dark blue, tight-fitting, one-step dress tightly wrapped around her full, perky bottom. A pair of well-developed, beautiful legs tightly wrapped in flesh-colored stockings made her look especially straight and round. What a mature young woman!

"Hao, it's really you." Seeing Xu Hao, the lady was clearly excited, and said: "You don't recognize me? Your Aunt Bai Yan! "

Hearing the young maiden's words, Xu Hao finally remembered something. The woman in front of him was her own family's previous nanny, Bai Yan! Only, after the incident with Xu Family, Xu Hao had not seen Bai Yan ever again.

"Aunt Bai!" Seeing the people from the Eastern Ocean once again, Xu Hao was also a little excited. Back then, although Bai Yan had the identity of a babysitter in their family, Xu Hao's mother had treated Bai Yan as her own sister!

"Even when you're here, you still didn't say that you wanted to contact your Aunt Bai. Have you forgotten about your Aunt Bai?" Bai Yan said, and immediately pulled Xu Hao's hand, and said: "Come, come visit Aunt at her house. It's been two years since I last saw you, Aunt has always missed you!"

With that said, Bai Yan pulled Xu Hao and walked towards her house.

As he followed behind Bai Yan, he smelled the fragrance that was emitting from Bai Yan's body. Worried that he would make a fool of himself, Xu Hao quickly shifted his gaze away, not daring to continue staring at Bai Yan.

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