Bai Yan's speed was extremely fast. Within two days, Bai Yan had initially selected a suitable place to build a large scale vegetable garden. Bai Yan was very satisfied with both the area and price. Therefore, Bai Yan called Xu Hao to tell him about this matter.

Aunt Bai, how about we find some time and take a look together?" Hearing Bai Yan say that she was optimistic about a village in the outskirts of Jiangcheng, although it was a little far from the city, it had a large enough area and its price was also suitable. Therefore, Xu Hao had the intention to go and take a look.

"Sure, I just came back from there. If you want to go and have a look, Aunt will call the Village Chief over there in a while. " Bai Yan said in a straightforward manner.

Early morning of the second day, Xu Hao woke up early and went straight to Bai Yan's home. After having breakfast at Bai Yan's house, the two of them rode to the village together.

On the way, Bai Yan told Xu Hao about the situation of the village.

Longwan Village belonged to the distant suburbs of Jiangcheng, and they were even more distant from Jiangcheng when it came to administration areas. Thus, he fell into a situation where his maternal grandma didn't care for him and his uncles didn't love him. Compared to the development of other parts of the Jiangcheng, the development of the Longwan Village could simply be described as tragic to behold.

These past few years of rapid growth in Jiangcheng had caused the young men and women of Longwan Village to all rush into the Jiangcheng to look for work. The only people left in the village were the elderly and children. Because of this, the village was left with a large amount of wasteland. This was also the reason why Bai Yan had set her eyes on this place with a single glance.

After roughly understanding the situation of Longwan Village, Xu Hao had a rough idea of what was going on. Isn't it a good opportunity for him to go to the Longwan Village to build a garden? No wonder the village chief of the Longwan Village, Hee Dahai, was so concerned about this matter.

Xu Hao and Bai Yan directly took a taxi. It was fine at first, but when they got close to the Longwan Village, the bumpiness of the road made them feel despair. The taxi driver was complaining all the way. That his car was a new one, that the road was ruined, that he had lost too much, that sort of thing. Since he was forced to, Xu Hao indicated that he was willing to give the driver another hundred yuan, the driver stopped talking about this matter happily.

Just as Xu Hao and Bai Yan got off the car, they saw a man in his fifties standing at the entrance of the village, waiting for them. From Bai Yan's introduction, Xu Hao knew that this person was Hee Dahai, the village chief of Longwan Village.

Seeing that Xu Hao and Bai Yan came as promised, a boulder in Hee Dahai's heart also dropped to the ground. He quickly walked towards the two of them and said: "Welcome to our Longwan Village to inspect …"

"Village Head Hee, you're too polite." Bai Yan had contacted Hee Dahai before, so the two of them understood each other now.

After chatting for a bit, Hee Dahai led Xu Hao and back to their house. Just as he walked into Hee Dahai's courtyard, he smelled the familiar fragrance of chicken stew. This dish was considered a special dish in the Jiangcheng. Once, Bai Yan liked to cook for Xu Hao and his family.

"Village Head Hee, you are being too courteous. "Your family isn't rich either …" Bai Yan was naturally clear that this was a chicken that Hee Dahai arranged for his wife to kill in order to welcome her and Xu Hao here.

"The village's conditions are too poor. There's nothing to treat them with, please do not mind …" Hee Dahai's face looked a little awkward. Although he was the village head, this was the village's only condition. As the village head, his condition was not that much better. It was only this chicken that he had grinded his teeth for his wife to kill and lay the hen.

Hee Dahai's wife, Aunt Hee, was a typical peasant woman, simple and honest.

Once inside, Hee Dahai immediately got his wife to bring out the prepared dishes. Hee Dahai also took out a bottle of wine from his room. There was no need to ask, Bai Yan knew that this bottle of wine was probably sent here during the new year. Hee Dahai kept it the whole time, and wasn't willing to drink it.

Since he could not change Hee Dahai's good intentions, Xu Hao drank a small cup. Bai Yan expressed that he did not know how to drink.

At the table, Hee Dahai was expressing his wish for Xu Hao to invest in it. Because he had drank quite a bit of wine, Hee Dahai's face was slightly flushed. "Little Brother Xu Hao, I won't hide it from you. As long as you are willing to come to the village to repair this Vegetable Base, you can take all the land you want and not pay for it! "However, there is only one small request …"

"Village Head Hee, if you ask me for anything, I will definitely fulfill your request." Xu Hao immediately said. Although he hadn't known Hee Dahai for long, in such a short period of time, he was already impressed by Hee Dahai's simplicity.

"I just hope that you can build a road for the village. As long as it is a sports car, it will suffice." You don't know, but during the new year, once it rains, this dirt road won't be able to be walked on. There are many young people in the village who are unwilling to return to the village for the new year because of this … " As Hee Dahai said this, he couldn't help but become somewhat sad. Xu Hao could tell that Hee Dahai's child most likely belonged to one of these people.

With regards to the cultivation of the road, even if Hee Dahai did not say anything, he had to consider it. After all, in the future, the vegetables from his Vegetable Base would also be transported out this way. If it were to rain on such a dirt road, it would be impossible to get out of the car.

"Sure, no problem." Village Head Hee, once we have decided on the matter of cooperation, I will immediately start repairing the road. "However, I'm not very rich, so I can only build asphalt roads, and I can't build cement roads." Xu Hao looked at Hee Dahai and said while smiling bitterly. Maybe in Hee Dahai's heart, Xu Hao was that kind of amazing big boss, but only Xu Hao himself knew the situation of his own family.

"The tarmac is good, the tarmac is good." Hee Dahai immediately said: "As long as you don't kick the mud in rainy days. "Children these days, how can they be so precious and ruthless as we were back then …" With that, Hee Dahai's thoughts seemed to return to when he was young.

By the time he finished the meal, it was already past 4 in the afternoon. Due to drinking a bit, Xu Hao's alcohol capacity had increased, and he could not leave even if he wanted to. Besides, I had a meal today and didn't specifically discuss the matter of constructing a garden in Longwan Village.

Therefore, he was sure that he could only stay in the Longwan Village for the night. Tomorrow, he would have to discuss the matter of cooperation with the villagers in detail. Although Hee Dahai said that as long as Xu Hao was willing to cultivate the road, the villagers would definitely welcome him with both hands raised. However, these were not counted until the contract was signed. Most importantly, in order to be stable, Xu Hao had to sign appropriate contracts with his fellow villagers to prevent others from reneging on their words.

"Hao, you should go and rest." Hao, you should go and rest. Seeing how Xu Hao's eyelids were fighting, Bai Yan supported him into the room and let him sleep for a while.

Xu Hao was extremely sleepy. He nodded at Bai Yan and fell asleep on the bed.

Coming out from her room, Bai Yan explained to Hee Dahai that she wanted to see the situation of the various farmlands in the village. Hee Dahai was naturally filled with joy as she hurriedly brought Bai Yan out of the house and personally introduced the details of the village …

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