Zhang Yue, who had entered the shop, also noticed the ambiguous atmosphere between Xu Hao and himself. As an experienced Zhang Yue, how could shshenot know what was going on? She quickly covered his eyes with his hands and said, "I didn't see anything, really. "I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first …" As he spoke, she prepared to leave. However, because she had covered his eyes with his hands and was walking in a hurry, she crashed into the glass door of the shop.

"Cousin sister …" Seeing Zhang Yue crash into the glass door, Su Jing immediately ran over, while Xu Hao laughed sinisterly, her mood extremely good.

His forehead was already red, but Xu Hao was still laughing, he was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he had no choice. But, if they couldn't heal Xu Hao, he could bully Su Jing. And with the love Xu Hao had for Su Jing, this was more or less the same as bullying Xu Hao.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Yue's originally depressed mood improved a lot.

Helping Zhang Yue to sit on the shop's sofa, Su Jing looked at Zhang Yue and asked: "Cousin sister, are you alright?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing. Cousin sister, did I disturb you?" Next time, you must be careful as well. Close the door ahead of time. "It's fortunate that I came in …" Hearing Zhang Yue's words, which were getting worse and worse, Su Jing was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to hide in.

Seeing Su Jing's embarrassed look, Zhang Yue's mood improved a lot. If you can't bully Xu Hao, can't you bully your sweetheart?

"Mhmm …" Xu Hao purposely made a noise and walked over to sit opposite of Zhang Yue. He said: "Sister Zhang Yue, what are you in such a hurry for?" The reason Xu Hao spoke at this time was naturally to change the topic and prevent Zhang Yue from bullying Su Jing any further.

Xu Hao immediately asked, "Didn't I hear that there is a bank at the Wealth Plaza that is going to open up in a few days? I specifically went to negotiate a business deal. There are eight flower baskets in total.

"Cousin, is that true?" Su Jing could no longer care about being embarrassed, looked at Zhang Yue and asked in disbelief.

Glancing at Su Jing, Zhang Yue said, "Of course it's true. One flower basket for two hundred yuan, this bill was sixteen hundred yuan! When they run out, we can bring the flower basket back! With this calculation, if we exclude the cost of the flowers and labor, we would be able to earn at least one thousand yuan! "

"Awesome!" Su Jing was extremely excited, jumping around the shop like a little kid. Fortunately, there was no one in the shop at the moment. Otherwise, they would have thought that there was a mental illness in the shop!

Seeing that Xu Hao was still as calm and indifferent as before, Zhang Yue was a little angry. No matter what, this could be considered as having been a big deal. As the boss, shouldn't he give him some encouragement?

Not caring about whether it was an ungraceful scene or not, Zhang Yue reached out her beautiful leg that was wrapped in silk stockings and lightly nudged Xu Hao, saying with some dissatisfaction: "Hey, can't you express something? This is a big deal! "

"A list of over 1000 yuan, how big is that?" Then, he leaned onto the sofa and said to the Su Jing who was still extremely excited: "Alright, alright, stupid girl, it's only a thousand yuan and you're already so excited. If there's a bill worth several tens of thousands of yuan, then wouldn't you have a heart attack from excitement!"

"You … What nonsense are you spouting? " Hearing Xu Hao's words, Su Jing instantly quietened down, but her face still brimmed with an excited expression.

After sitting down, Xu Hao asked again: "Su Jing, did that girl Sun Xiaowen tell you why she wants to buy the flowers and soil from you?"

"President Sun said that the amount of flower ground you sold her was too little. Their experiments all failed, and now you need a large amount of flower ground for your new research …" Looking at Xu Hao, Su Jing said everything in detail.

Nodding silently, Xu Hao also roughly knew what was going on. Although he gave Sun Family a little bit more flower soil last time, with the scale of the Sun Family, that little bit of flower soil was completely not enough!

Last time, Sun Mingde said that although he was the president of the Jiangcheng Orchid Cultivation Association, he had never brought out a piece of work that could be found in the Orchid Expo these past few years. If he still could not produce high quality orchids for this year's Orchid Expo, then Sun Family would lose the position of president of the Jiangcheng Orchid Cultivation Association.

Although the president of the Jiangcheng Orchid Cultivation Association wasn't an official title, he still had a certain level of influence in the field of orchid cultivation throughout the country. It was precisely because Sun Family had always occupied the position of president of the Jiangcheng Orchid Nurturing Association that their flower industry could produce such a huge sum.

Therefore, the moment they lost this position, to Sun Family, it would mean losing their position in the flower cultivating world. At the same time, the market share that they obtained through this title would also disappear. This was a fatal blow to Sun Family which mainly focused on the cultivation and sale of flowers. Otherwise, Sun Mingde would not have agreed to Xu Hao's extortion price.

"Looks like Sun Family really met with a problem this time." After understanding all of this, Xu Hao sighed and said.

"The Sun Family is huge, what problems can we encounter?" Zhang Yue was a little confused. To her knowledge, Sun Family could definitely be considered a Wealthy Class, a type of colossus from the legends.

"The big problem of life and death." Xu Hao laughed and said: "However, it has nothing to do with us. Anyway, my cooperation with Sun Family can pretty much be concluded now. " At that time, Xu Hao gave up on the shares given to him by Sun Family precisely to avoid this kind of situation.

If Xu Hao had taken the share in Sun Family back then, then under these circumstances, Sun Family would naturally request for Xu Hao to provide a sufficient amount of soil and flowers to ensure that his Sun Family would be able to achieve good results at this year's Orchid Expo.

However, back then Xu Hao had rejected the interest in Sun Family, and they only had a simple business relationship. Therefore, under this kind of situation, even though his Sun Family had already fallen into a very dangerous situation, he was unable to request for Xu Hao's help as a matter of fact. It was to the extent that even standing at the side, Xu Hao had nothing to say.

Gently pulling at Xu Hao's clothes, Su Jing quietly said: "Xu Hao, I think it won't be easy for President Sun, how about we help her?"

Hearing Su Jing's words, Xu Hao became speechless. Su Jing, this silly girl, was too kind. Although Sun Xiaowen had helped her before, that was only in exchange for benefits. Right now, with the Sun Family in a bit, it was a matter of friendship for Xu Hao to help him, and there was no problem at all if he did not help his.

"Silly girl, the Sun Family is not something we can meddle in. Let's just let their Sun Family give them a headache. " Xu Hao glanced at Su Jing, and said: "For this matter, you don't need to meddle."

Raising her head, she looked at Xu Hao. In the end, Su Jing swallowed the words at the mouth of her mouth. Looking towards Xu Hao, she nodded strongly, and Su Jing said: "I understand, I will not get involved in President Sun's matters."

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