"Xu Hao, don't go too far." In Sun Xiaowen's heart, what Xu Hao had done was obviously to tease her. After all, Xu Hao had only done this kind of thing as a tease to women once before in the Shengshi Floral Chain Store.

Xu Hao shrugged helplessly, and asked: "Miss Sun, I really don't understand what you're saying!"

"Fine, since you want to humiliate me, I'll grant your wish!" Anyway, this matter was brought up by me! " Sun Xiaowen was already giving it her all. She looked at Xu Hao and said: "Didn't you say you wanted my body? I promise you! The time and place will be decided by you, and you can notify me when the time comes. But only once. " After he finished speaking, Sun Xiaowen picked up the handbag on the table, turned around, and walked out of the private room in a huff …

"This little girl is quite interesting." Looking at Sun Xiaowen's furious back, the corner of Xu Hao's mouth couldn't help but curl into a smile. He never planned to do anything to Sun Xiaowen. He, Xu Hao, would not do anything to take advantage of someone.

When Xu Hao walked out of the teahouse, he saw that Su Jing was currently standing under a tree not far from the teahouse's entrance. Although it was shaded, Su Jing's face was still completely red.

Seeing Xu Hao coming out, Su Jing immediately jogged over. As if to curry favor with Xu Hao and let him calm down, Su Jing had even taken the initiative to hug his arm.

couldn't help but find it funny when he felt the sharp horn on Xiao He's chest. He purposely moved closer to Su Jing, who said: "Silly girl, what are you standing outside for? To be basking in the sun? "

"Nope." She shyly glanced at Xu Hao, who asked: "Xu Hao, you're not angry, right?"

"Mm …" I have to think about it. " Xu Hao said as he turned to look at Su Jing.

Being stared at like that by Xu Hao, Su Jing's blushing face started to turn even redder. However, she did not dodge. Although she was embarrassed, she still tried her best to look straight into Xu Hao's eyes.

"If someone is willing to kiss me at this moment, I won't be angry." Looking at Su Jing, Xu Hao instantly brought up his own request.

"Ah …" Hearing Xu Hao's request, Su Jing couldn't help but let out a cry. Then, he used her little fist to hit Xu Hao on the body, and said: "You … Why are you so bad, ignoring you! " As she said that, she released Xu Hao's arms and quickly walked forward with her head lowered.

Seeing Su Jing's bashful expression, Xu Hao hurried forward and rudely pulled Su Jing's small hand. After Su Jing struggled symbolically for a bit, he slowly tightened his fingers around Xu Hao's.

The two of them walked aimlessly on the road. Finally, Su Jing broke the silence and asked: "Can we not be intimate?"

"What?" Xu Hao was startled, then looked towards Su Jing. It seemed that the little girl Su Jing had been lowering her head all the way, and was actually thinking about this. Thinking about that, Xu Hao really wanted to hug Su Jing and give him a big kiss, this silly girl, isn't she too cute? I was just joking. She actually thought about it for so long, and now she's even taking the initiative to ask for my opinion!

Lifting her head, Su Jing bit her lips and looked at Xu Hao in grievance. "I … I'm really sorry, why don't you change your request and beg of you! "

"Enough, enough, I was really defeated by you." Seeing Su Jing's pitiful little appearance, Xu Hao did not have the heart to continue bullying her. After thinking for a moment, Xu Hao said: "Then hug me to comfort my wounded heart, is that alright?"

"En!" As Su Jing said this, she quickly gave Xu Hao a hug. Then, she quickly let go and ran forward. Looking at Su Jing's jumping body, it could be seen that this silly girl was very happy right now.

Only, Xu Hao was a little speechless. You're really giving me a hug. Xu Hao hadn't even felt it before he released her. At the very least, he had to hug her for a few seconds, right?

"Hey, silly girl, how can you hug someone like this?" Xu Hao shouted at Su Jing in dissatisfaction.

Turning her head, she stuck out her tongue at Xu Hao, who said: "What you said, give me a hug. Since I've already reported it, you can't be angry. I'll head back to school first. We still have to discuss graduation papers with the coaches in the afternoon. " With that, Su Jing ran towards the bus stop.

Xu Hao also caught up, walked to Su Jing's side, held her small hand and said: "Then I'll send you to school. Let's take a taxi on such a hot day. "

Su Jing shook her head with all her might and said: "The school isn't far, it's very convenient to take the bus."

Seeing Su Jing's serious expression, Xu Hao knew that he wouldn't be able to convince Su Jing anymore. Therefore, Xu Hao could only nod his head and agree.

Normally, there wouldn't be many people on the bus at noon. However, for some reason, the bus was packed with people today. Once Xu Hao and Su Jing got on the car, they regretted it immediately.

It was already hot and there were so many people in the car. The most important thing was that the air conditioner on the carriage didn't seem to be very effective. Both Xu Hao and Su Jing's forehead couldn't help but be drenched in sweat.

After the bus stopped, another group of people came on. Immediately, the originally not very loose carriages became even more crowded.

Su Jing's thin and weak body was squeezed by someone until he could barely stand. Xu Hao directly hugged Su Jing, using her own body to block the crowd, and protected Su Jing tightly in front of him.

However, as a result of this, the two of them could not help but stick close to each other. Because it was summer, neither of them had much clothes on. Separated by a thin layer of clothes, Xu Hao could feel the girl's soft and unique body feeling.

Su Jing wanted to retreat, but she had nowhere to retreat to. Raising her head, she looked at Xu Hao pitifully, but Xu Hao could only give her an expression that said he was powerless to help her. The carriage was filled with people. If not for Xu Hao's protection, he would have been squeezed even more people.

A flash of panic appeared in Su Jing's eyes, and she quickly turned her head to the side.

From where Xu Hao was standing, he could see Su Jing's neck which had completely turned pink from embarrassment. This seductive pink color even spread all the way to Su Jing's earlobes, turning pink.

Almost unconsciously, Xu Hao reached out and gently embraced Su Jing. And after Su Jing struggled slightly, she slowly leaned against Xu Hao's chest, allowing Xu Hao to hug her.

As a normal man, to be able to hold such a beautiful woman in his arms, Xu Hao's hands slowly followed along Su Jing's back and slowly reached down …

Sensing Xu Hao's sinister intentions, Su Jing lifted her head, pitifully looked at Xu Hao, and said: "You … You're not allowed to bully me. " When Su Jing spoke, the hot air pounced onto Xu Hao's nose, causing her appetite to increase.

However, seeing Su Jing's wronged look, Xu Hao could not bear to continue bullying her.

"This is the real hug, you know? What you had before doesn't count! " Looking at Su Jing, Xu Hao said in all seriousness: "Alright, stop thinking nonsense, it's almost time to stand."

When the car stopped, Xu Hao pulled Su Jing and quickly squeezed in.

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