He stared at Tang Jing for three seconds, and after Xu Hao confirmed that he did not hear wrongly, he asked: "President Tang, you are not trying to steal my business are you? Your Yimei Health Care Centre is quite large, so you shouldn't be interested in those three fruits of Vegetable Base, right? "

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Tang Jing knew that Xu Hao had misunderstood him. Tang Jing immediately waved her hand and said: "You're mistaken, I do not have any intentions to enter the vegetable growing industry. I am only a little curious about the vegetables that you have sent me. So, you haven't eaten yet, right? Shall we talk while we eat? "

He didn't know what Tang Jing was planning, but since the beauty had taken the initiative to invite him for a meal, Xu Hao naturally would not reject.

Seeing Xu Hao nod his head, Tang Jing stood up and walked to the front of the desk, picked up the phone, and said that he would send them in. Very quickly, Liang Hongyu pushed a dining cart and walked in.

After setting up the small dining table in the office, Liang Hongyu placed all of the dishes in the dining car onto the table.

Glancing at Liang Hongyu, Tang Jing nodded at him. Liang Hongyu immediately withdrew himself.

"Xu Hao, come. Let's have a taste of our Yimei Health Care Centre's health food." Tang Jing said while smiling, and then led Xu Hao to the dining table.

After sitting down, Xu Hao was a little shocked. On this small dining table, there were all kinds of meat. Moreover, judging from the way the dishes were being sold, one could tell that they were extremely delicate.

"President Tang, I can see that your health food and beverages do not seem to be that good. How can you support such a big fish and such large meat? " Xu Hao said as he sat down.

Smiling at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "Let's talk after we taste it. Sometimes, what the eyes see may not be real. "

Xu Hao did not stand on ceremony with Tang Jing. He picked up his chopsticks and picked up a piece of Red Braised Meat. Just that, when the Red Braised Meat was placed into his mouth, Xu Hao was stunned: This is not meat! This life-like Red Braised Meat was actually made from radish and other vegetables.

Seeing Xu Hao's shocked expression, Tang Jing said: "Every single dish in our Yimei Health Care Centre is made from a variety of vegetables that have been meticulously processed. That's why, when you see the meat on the table, it's all fake! They're all made by our chef, with all kinds of vegetables. "

"This is amazing." Even though Xu Hao was considered a rich second generation with some experience, he could not help but be shocked. The vegetables in front of him were actually all made from different kinds of vegetables. It could even be called a masterpiece.

This meal could be considered to have given Xu Hao a great deal of experience. In the past, he could be considered a frog in the well.

After eating, Tang Jing asked Xu Hao that question once again, "Xu Hao, how did you grow your vegetables? Is there any special way? "

"Why is President Tang so interested in my planting methods?" Xu Hao asked curiously. According to what Tang Jing had said before, she did not have the intention to enter the vegetable growing industry.

"I'm sorry, but this matter involves some personal matters of mine. It is indeed inconvenient to reveal." Looking towards Xu Hao, Tang Jing said: "However, this matter is very important to me, even to my Tang Family. "Therefore, I hope that you can tell me the truth."

The more Tang Jing spoke in such a serious manner, the stranger Xu Hao felt it to be. Other than the mysterious dirt, his Vegetable Base were no different from an ordinary Vegetable Base. Then, Tang Jing's question must be related to the mysterious soil!

Thinking about it, Xu Hao had no choice but to answer cautiously. That mysterious dirt was Xu Hao's greatest reliance. He would never let anyone know about it!

Looking towards Tang Jing, Xu Hao said, "President Tang, I really want to help you. However, I am very sorry, but there is nothing special about my Vegetable Base. Of course, if you don't believe me, you can arrange for people to take a look at my Vegetable Base! "

"Is there really nothing special about it?" Tang Jing tilted her head, looked at Xu Hao, and asked. In that moment, Tang Jing took off the clothes of a strong lady.

Nodding, Xu Hao said: "No! I still have to say, if President Tang doesn't believe me, you can send someone to my Vegetable Base to take a look.

Waving her hand, Tang Jing said: "There's no need. In the future, you will continue to do what you did before, delivering vegetables and vegetables to the Yimei Health Care Centre every day.

"Double?" Xu Hao was a little dazed. The amount of vegetables required for Yimei Health Care Centre was fixed, so suddenly, Tang Jing increased it by one fold, which was out of her expectations. Of course, with the sudden increase in demand for Yimei Health Care Centre, Xu Hao's desperate situation was solved. As his Vegetable Base slowly got on the right track, the number of vegetables that could be sold to others daily also suddenly increased. Originally, Xu Hao had planned to open up a market. But now, it seemed that he wouldn't have to think about it for the time being.

"What is it? Is there a problem? " Tang Jing looked at Xu Hao and said: "I remember that your Vegetable Base should be around a hundred mu or so. According to our estimation, you should be able to provide me with the amount that I requested."

"No problem, no problem." I'm just curious how you guys increased the number of purchases all of a sudden. " Xu Hao laughed awkwardly and said.

"The vegetables you sent were indeed much better than the ordinary vegetables, as you said before. Recently, many members have come to the clubhouse just for a meal. I'm going to turn into a restaurant soon. " Tang Jing said somewhat self-deprecatingly. Of course, this also meant that the quality of the vegetables that Xu Hao had provided were indeed high!

Xu Hao was naturally extremely excited to have his own vegetables approved.

After Liang Hongyu sent Xu Hao away, Tang Jing called Liang Hongyu back.

Sitting on the boss's chair, Tang Jing flipped through the photo that was sent over from the Vegetable Base. Liang Hongyu stood respectfully in front of the desk.

"Hongyu, what level of credibility do you think is with what Xu Hao has said today?" He raised his head, glanced at Liang Hongyu, and then, Tang Jing continued to flip through the picture that was sent back from the Vegetable Base.

"President Tang, this matter is temporarily difficult to determine. However, Xu Hao's Vegetable Base vegetables are definitely beneficial to your illness. This is good news for you, President Tang!" Liang Hongyu said as he glanced at Tang Jing. After seeing that Tang Jing was doing fine as usual, he continued: "So, I think, in this situation, we need to control this Xu Hao by our side even more. Maybe the secret on his body can completely cure your illness in President Tang … "

"Alright, Hongyu. For the time being, you don't have to talk about this matter. However, I need to go back to Beijing and bring these vegetables back. I need someone to study them. " Tang Jing had been troubled by this cold illness for more than twenty years. Now that there was finally a trace of hope, she would definitely not give up on this hope easily!

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