"Why not?" Xu Hao was very confident in the effects of the mysterious mud. This point had already been verified from the fish food given to Wang Yumin previously. Right now, what Xu Hao needed to do was to add the mysterious soil into the fish food during the production process.

Under Xu Hao's gentle persuasion, Su Jing finally managed to accept Xu Hao's theory. Of course, the most important part was that Xu Hao told her that she could earn money!

"Do you really make a lot of money?" Tilting his head, he looked at Xu Hao, who asked with some anticipation.

Nodding solemnly, Xu Hao said: "Silly girl, are you worried that I would lie to you?"

"Not at all." Su Jing laughed slyly, then said: "Then when are we going to tell my mother about this?"

Pointing at his own tongue, Xu Hao said: "Tell me, with my appearance, can I come to your house?" Xu Hao was not the least bit afraid, but he was afraid that Huang Mei would question him, and then, Su Jing would be in deep trouble.

"Damn, you're so bad." Gently patting Xu Hao on the chest, Su Jing said bashfully.

Xu Hao smiled and hugged Su Jing. Xu Hao gently stroked Su Jing's pink back and whispered into her ear: "Saliva can really be used to disinfect people, and I heard that the effects will be even better if someone else's saliva was used. Do you want to try it?"

"You … "You scoundrel." Looking at Xu Hao with a blushing face, Su Jing's heart almost jumped out. Su Jing couldn't help but cover his chest, as if this could slow down his heartbeat.

Seeing Su Jing like this, Xu Hao could no longer continue to bully her. Pulling Su Jing down, Xu Hao said: "Wait for two days, when my tongue is ready, I'll go to your house. These two days, I'll take the chance to take a look at the fish food preparation method and the steps, and we'll tell your mother about it at the same time. "

Raising his head, he looked at Xu Hao, who said solemnly: "Xu Hao, thank you!"

"What's this?" Moved? You want to devote your life to me? " Seeing Su Jing's serious look, Xu Hao was really not used to it. Since he was young, he had always been one of the young masters of debauchery. Seeing Su Jing's serious look, he was not used to it.

"You don't like it." As Su Jing said this, she couldn't help but burst out laughing, "I've discovered that you're the lucky star of my life."

"I like that." As Xu Hao spoke, he gently embraced Su Jing, and then, he placed his lips just inches away from Su Jing's, preparing to kiss her …

Only, when it neared Su Jing's cherry lips, Xu Hao seemed to have reacted like a conditioned reflex as he quickly dodged. He was a little afraid that Su Jing would bite him again. Xu Hao clearly remembered the feeling of being bitten previously.

Originally, Su Jing was already prepared, but in the end, she dodged. With a slightly angry and embarrassed look at Xu Hao, Su Jing stomped his feet in anger, then turned and hid behind them!

Just now, she finally mustered up the courage to satisfy Xu Hao, but she didn't expect that Xu Hao actually dodged it! This made Su Jing feel very embarrassed, and he also felt lost in his heart.

Seeing that Su Jing was angry, Xu Hao immediately went over and said: "How about we do it again!"

"No!" Su Jing shook her head like a rattle drum. Without the increase in courage, how could Su Jing agree to kiss Xu Hao again?

"Yo, the couple are still here?" Zhang Yue who went back to the shop, saw that Xu Hao and Su Jing were still together, she could not help but tease them.

Hearing Zhang Yue's words, Su Jing acted like a frightened rabbit, and hurriedly pulled away from him and hid behind him.

Seeing Su Jing's blushing face, which could drip blood, Zhang Yue covered her mouth and laughed non-stop. As she laughed, she moved closer to Su Jing's ear, talking about something unknown. However, from Su Jing's blushing face, it was obvious that it was not a good thing to say.

"Cough, cough …" Sister Zhang Yue, you are not to bully Su Jing. " Xu Hao intentionally looked at Zhang Yue and said. He had no choice, but to see Su Jing hiding behind Zhang Yue, if she was allowed to continue speaking, who knew how embarrassed Su Jing would be.

"Got it, big boss." Zhang Yue laughed as she spoke, she walked to Xu Hao's side and shot a flirtatious glance at him, then asked: "Then should I stay in the store now, or move out of the way for you guys?"

"Cousin sister …" Su Jing was so embarrassed that she could not show her face anymore, as she hugged onto Zhang Yue's arm and said like a spoiled child.

Seeing Su Jing like that, Zhang Yue did not continue to make fun of him. She patted Su Jing's arm and said: "Alright, alright, I won't say anymore, okay?"

"Um, I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first." Even if Xu Hao was thick-skinned, he still wouldn't be able to stand Zhang Yue's gaze. It was as if Su Jing and him had done something shameful in the store!

Escaping Su Jing's Little Store, Xu Hao heaved a sigh of relief. Xu Hao didn't go straight home. Instead, he went around the nearby fish food stores. He roughly understood the market price of fish food.

Other than buying finished fish food, the shop also sold the algae, small fish, shrimp, starch and other ingredients needed to make the fish food.

There were different recipes for each type of fish food. However, when it was truly produced, it would vary from person to person and not be immutable. Of course, if you find it troublesome to make your own fish food, you can also buy ready-made fish food, the formula is basically the same.

After seeing Xu Hao ask for so long, the boss could not help but ask curiously: "Sir, do you plan to do it yourself, or do you want to buy from us? The fish food in our restaurant is definitely the best. "

"I'll buy some materials and make them myself when I get back." As Xu Hao said this, he had the shopkeeper prepare all kinds of ingredients for him according to the amount of one hundred Jin.

Stunned, the shop owner looked at Xu Hao and asked: "Sir, are you sure that you want to prepare according to the one hundred kilogram quantity?" 100 jin, just how many fish would it take to finish them all! Only a breeding ground would have so many fish, right? However, the people in the breeding base were unwilling to spend so much money to buy fish food!

"Yes, one hundred pounds." Glancing at the boss, Xu Hao asked: "Is there a problem?"

"No problem, no problem." As the boss spoke, he picked up the bag and swiftly filled it with all kinds of ingredients. At the same time, he could not help but ask curiously, "Excuse me, sir, how many fish do you have in your family?"

"Several hundred." Xu Hao casually made up a story, but it caught the attention of the shop owner. People who were able to raise several hundred fish in one go were basically tied to the word "tycoon". Since the tycoon still had time to make his own fish food, it basically meant that he was a rich second-generation with nothing to do. The money of such a person was naturally the easiest to earn.

Very quickly, the shopkeeper had prepared all the materials needed to make a hundred kilograms of fish food for Xu Hao. As a gift, the shopkeeper even gave Xu Hao different ways of watching the fish food. Xu Hao only needed to follow the proportions of the recipe to make it!

"Thank you." He accidentally obtained a recipe which saved Xu Hao a lot of trouble.

"Come here often if you're free. I'm definitely the most kind-hearted fish restaurant in Jiangcheng." Before leaving, the shopkeeper had not forgotten to liaise with Xu Hao, trying to rope in a long-term customer.

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