During breakfast, Xu Hao wanted to explain the things that happened in the morning, but every time Xu Hao brought up a topic, he would change the topic. It was as if Bai Yan had completely forgotten about what happened that morning.

Bai Yan had selectively forgotten about what happened in the morning, so naturally, Xu Hao would not mention such a thing out of the blue. This matter would only make the two of them more embarrassed!

After breakfast, Bai Yan went to the vegetable fields to busy herself. While Xu Hao was alone in her room, bored, he recalled the matter of him agreeing to Wang Yumin's fish food. Xu Hao was prepared to return to her Jiangcheng first, and then, begin to formulate a plan to eat the fish.

After greeting Bai Yan, Xu Hao left the Vegetable Base. Looking at Xu Hao's back figure that was walking far away, Bai Yan's hanging heart, was finally at ease. Originally, she had planned to continue pretending to be asleep this morning, but Xu Hao's movements were getting more and more excessive, so she had no choice but to wake up!

In order to avoid embarrassment, she had to pretend that the events of the morning did not exist. But even so, when facing Xu Hao, she would still feel flustered. Who told her to covet the feeling of being in Xu Hao's arms the day before, and that would cause her to feel so awkward in the morning?


At the same time, in the large conference room of Wangjiang Mansion, an intense argument was currently erupting. The issue that they were arguing over was the report that had been sent to the authority early in the morning regarding the detection of pesticide residues and the use of soil fertilizers in the vegetable samples that had been sent for inspection yesterday.

To everyone's surprise, the residue of the pesticide and vegetable sent for inspection yesterday was 0. This meant that these vegetables had never used pesticides before. Even more infuriating was the fact that only a small amount of fertilizer remained in the soil. This residue meant that the land had not used fertilizer for at least a year!

This examination report was like a heavy slap to the faces of Jiang Tao and the rest. Yesterday, they had even promised that Xu Hao's Vegetable Base would use pesticides and fertilizers, and the result of their investigations was unqualified! However, today, the situation had reversed!

"Director Jiang, I'm not satisfied with the results of this test, I request for a new sample to be selected for testing." Looking at Jiang Tao angrily, Zhou Xinyu spoke out.

Looking at the young miss in front of him, Jiang Tao felt a headache coming. Zhou Xinyu was the only daughter of the Wangjiang Mansion President, and would be the master of the Wangjiang Mansion in the future.

After Zhou Xinyu graduated, she did not immediately take over the management of the hotel, but instead joined the purchasing team. Using Zhou Xinyu's words, the quality of the ingredients used would directly determine the restaurant's reputation, so the first thing she needed to be familiar with was the purchasing process.

"Little Zhou, if you think there's something wrong with this report, then we can only send the sample to Beijing for testing." Jiang Tao looked at Zhou Xinyu helplessly, and said: "I think it's very likely that we were mistaken!"

"Impossible!" Of course Zhou Xinyu wouldn't admit that she was wrong. As a proud daughter of heaven, ever since she joined the procurement team, the quality of the Wangjiang Mansion had skyrocketed. This had also gradually fostered Zhou Xinyu's arrogant personality, she would definitely not admit that she had misjudged him!

"Alright, you guys go out first." Letting the others in the purchase department go first, Jiang Tao poured a cup of water for Zhou Xinyu and then sat beside her. He said calmly: "Little Zhou, it's not shameful to see you make a mistake. After all, the naked eye and experience cannot compare with a machine. "

"I don't believe it!" Looking angrily at Jiang Tao, Zhou Xinyu said: "Uncle Jiang Tao, you saw it yesterday as well. There were all sorts of indications that Xu Hao's Vegetable Base was using pesticides and fertilizers! On this point, all of us who participated in the investigation have the same opinion! "

"Little Zhou, I know how you feel, but am I not?" Jiang Tao said with a wry smile. Compared to Zhou Xinyu, he, Jiang Tao, was in even more trouble. Because, his actions yesterday, might have already reached the Yimei Health Care Centre! If they offended Yimei Health Care Centre, then their Wangjiang Mansion would be in big trouble.

Seeing that Zhou Xinyu still had something she wanted to say, Jiang Tao interrupted her and said, "About this matter, you don't need to say anymore, I will handle it myself. "You should first follow up on the other projects!"

"Uncle Jiang Tao, I …" Zhou Xinyu was unwilling, he wanted to continue on with the project.

However, at this time, how could Jiang Tao let a little granny like Zhou Xinyu continue to follow up on this project. If this little granny had a bit more of a temper, then this matter would be even more irresolvable.

Jiang Tao's attitude was firm, and Zhou Xinyu had no choice. After all, in name, Jiang Tao was her leader! Furthermore, before coming to the purchase department, Zhou Xinyu had told her father that she was going to come here as an ordinary employee. And it was precisely because of this that only Jiang Tao knew of Zhou Xinyu's true identity in the entire procurement department!

After pacifying Zhou Xinyu, Jiang Tao immediately went to see, the CEO of Wangjiang Mansion. This matter was extremely likely to involve Yimei Health Care Centre, so he had to be extremely careful!

After reporting everything to Zhou Jiahao, Jiang Tao said, "This time, it's my fault. Who would have thought it would turn out like this? However, it's not strange. Since Yimei Health Care Centre has chosen to cooperate with Xu Hao, then Xu Hao's Vegetable Base is definitely not as simple as it seems to be on the surface! "

Zhou Jiahao's hands rhythmically knocked on the table. His mind was rapidly deducing the various results of this matter. Once the worst case scenario occurred, then Wangjiang Mansion would have to take measures in advance.

"Director Zhou …" Looking towards Zhou Jiahao, Jiang Tao asked softly.

"How about this, you first come in contact with Xu Hao. Talk to him, apologize, compensate. to minimize the impact of this. " Zhou Jiahao knew that now that something was wrong, he had to solve it. This was not the time to be afraid of spending money. As long as he could solve this problem, it didn't matter how much money he spent!

"Yes, Director Zhou. I will contact Xu Hao and Bai Yan right now. " Looking towards Zhou Jiahao, Jiang Tao said. From the situation yesterday, Xu Hao did not seem to be as easy to deal with as Bai Yan, so he decided to start from Bai Yan first.

"In addition, tell the PR Department to be prepared and to be on standby." Zhou Jiahao had been in the business world for so many years, he naturally knew that a little more preparation meant a little more insurance! Can't put all the eggs in one basket!

"Yes, Director Zhou." Jiang Tao said as he turned and walked out of Zhou Jiahao's office.

Jiang Tao arranged for the PR Department to prepare, and at the same time, prepared to personally bring people to Xu Hao's Vegetable Base to apologize to him! In this matter, they were wrong. They had to bear the consequences of this mistake.

Hearing that Jiang Tao wanted to lead the team to Vegetable Base to apologize, Zhou Xinyu also said that she wanted to go. Yesterday, it was precisely because of her impulsiveness that the matter had reached such a state. According to the normal course of events, if they were to present the results of the investigation when they returned, even if both sides had misunderstood each other, it wouldn't have caused such a huge ruckus!

Hearing Zhou Xinyu's resolute attitude, Jiang Tao could only nod his head and agree. Looking towards Zhou Xinyu, Jiang Tao said: "However, there is one thing that I must tell you! Once you get to the Vegetable Base, you can no longer act willfully, you must do as I tell you to! "

"Alright, I understand." Zhou Xinyu said as she followed Jiang Tao's team and got on the carriage, straight towards Xu Hao's Vegetable Base...

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