"Aunt Ling has always been a monk to others. How can she attract the calculation of her enemies? Who did it!" passer-by C asked.

"Hum, do you still need to think about it? It must be the envy of peers. Look at the popularity of xiangyangfang's business. They can only drink the West and north wind where, so they can only find a way to break xiangyangfang down. Didn't they cause the 'bread poison' incident last time? People are separated from each other! These people will be punished sooner or later!" passer-by B Leng hum, Then he said.

"Shit, you have a good point. I was going to go to another bakery to sell something to deal with it. It's a fart and let them close the door!" some students scolded and then went back. So many people left one after another. Those businessmen are really unlucky for eight generations. Things that were not related for eight generations will be associated with each other. This time, they are facing collapse directly. Originally, some businesses wanted to take advantage of the recent inspection by the Health Bureau, but they gave up because they thought of such consequences. But this time they didn't do anything. They even encountered such a thing. Isn't it more unjust than Dou E? This can only say that xiangyangfang's position in the hearts of customers is unshakable!

Qin Yang looked up at the ruined store and sighed: "it seems that the Ling family is really going to fall this time!" Qin Yang knows the Ling family better. Such a thing will definitely put the Ling family in trouble. And may never get up again!

"Boss, what shall we do now?" Huang Chen asked Qin Yang standing beside him.

"It's small that the house was burned. We can stand up again, but we must first find out what caused the house to burn and why someone made trouble on purpose. If it's just Ling's negligence, we can buy a new store again, but if someone set fire on purpose, if we don't catch them, we'll open a new store Zhang, it's estimated that it will be burned soon! "Qin Yang said. Indeed, his consideration is not unreasonable. First of all, he must understand the cause of the fire. If it is man-made, he must first understand who burned xiangyangfang for what reason. As those people say, other businesses set fire because their peers are jealous. Qin Yang does not agree.

First of all, setting fire is illegal. In ancient times, killing and setting fire together, that is to say, setting fire is second only to the crime of killing. How serious is conceivable. Secondly, most of the people support xiangyangfang. Because of the last bread poisoning incident, people take it for granted that they will point the spearhead at other bakeries and businesses. Therefore, if they do so, they will not achieve any good results, but will make their business more indifferent. From this, it can be determined that they didn't do it, but Ling's mother is kind and doesn't look like she will get angry with others, and Ling's father has always lived in the hospital. Can Wang send someone to do this?

Qin Yang thought that if Wang can still do it, according to his recent understanding with her, his next step should be to continue to take action. Even if he did it, there is no evidence! Also can't do anything.

"Well, what the boss said is very reasonable. The bread in xiangyangfang is good and cheap. There are still a large number of customers! It's a pity that it was burned like this! Do you know where their mother and daughter should be at this time?" Huang Chen asked.

"The xiangyangfang store is not theirs after all. It's burned like this. Although there are no injured people, aunt Ling should also be regarded as the relevant responsible person to ask questions in the police station! I really don't know what classmate Ling Ya said. Either raise money everywhere or find a way to sell it!" Qin Yang said.

At this time, in a community less than three kilometers away from dizun University, a girl wearing dizun University uniform was holding a note in her hand and looked at the sign in front of the gate of the community. Murmured: "Dongyang community. It should be here!"

Dongyang community is one of the more famous communities in minhai city. Both the environment and decoration here are absolutely superior. In today's era of extremely rapid rise in house prices, the house here has risen to 20000 per square meter, even in Huhai City, a leading city in China. Even if each suite is 100 square meters and decorated, no two million don't want to live in it.

In the past, every time Ling ya got up, she always found the ready breakfast, but she didn't find the breakfast when she got up today. Even the gas stove was cold. She thought her mother hadn't got up today, so she went to the inner room to have a look. She only saw the messy quilt and the bedside lamp that hadn't been turned off. Ling Ya's first thought was that something must have happened at home. Ling Mu has always been an orderly person. Even if she is busy getting up, she will fold quilts. There are only two things that can make my mother so anxious. One is what's wrong with my father over there, and the other is what's wrong with xiangyangfang. She can't care about suspicion. So I hurriedly called him in the hospital. After confirming that his father had nothing to do, I hurried to school by car.

When she got to the alley at the back door of the school, she found that the front of her bakery was full of people. A group of people in fire suits sprayed water from the bakery with big water pipes. There was nothing left except the dark ruins and the rising smoke. Ling Ya's body was almost done. For them, the bakery is not only a source of income, but also a memorial of the family. This xiangyangfang has been opened here since Ling Ya was seven years old. More than ten years of feelings have been lost because of a fire, which is difficult to describe.

Ling Ya didn't see her mother in the surrounding crowd, so she asked a fire uncle. Only then did she know that her mother had been taken away by the police station. Such a big house was burned down. As a shopkeeper, I have a great responsibility. The police will certainly investigate the origin of the fire. If her mother's negligence led to the fire, she will bear most of the responsibility. If someone else set fire, if it is investigated, the arsonist will bear most of the responsibility, and her mother will also bear the responsibility. Whatever it is, they have to compensate the landlord for the loss. When she thought of this, Ling Ya made a decisive call to ask the head teacher for leave. Because of her family, the head teacher would agree to every time Ling Ya asked for leave.

Then she went home and found the address of the landlord of xiangyangfang. Lingya remembers that her mother once registered her address in the notebook at the head of the bed. This address was when Ling's mother rented the store in xiangyangfang. The landlord just left her home address. Ling's mother came to pay the rent every month.

After copying the address and phone number, she came to the Dongyang community by bus alone. After the guard asked Ling Ya who she was looking for, she told her name and let Ling Ya in. Walk to building D of the community, make an elevator and go to the seventh floor.

The landlord is a bachelor named Wang Tiezhu. He is nearly 50 years old and has not married or had children. No one knows the specific reason. That alley is basically the landlord. For the rent of nearly eight or nine thousand a month for each store, he is sure to be rich. When I bought a house in Dongyang community, it was several years ago. At that time, the house price was only three or four thousand one square meters. The price doubled several times, which also made Wang Tiezhu laugh. In addition, it seems that a big enterprise plans to buy the land of that alley recently. Wang Tiezhu is planning to make a good sum of money for the elderly!

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu was sitting in the living room wearing a loose vest and knee up underpants to make a phone call: "Beautiful policeman, just tell that Shen. If you don't prepare 300000 yuan, I'll let her go like this. Look at that lot. Now the monthly rent is about 10000 yuan. The 300000 yuan will come out in three or four years. Isn't that much!"

"Today's house price of 300000 is not too much, but after our investigation, we found traces of burning gasoline and a charred plastic bucket outside the xiangyangfang store. Therefore, it should be arson. It seems inappropriate for Shen Feng to bear the money alone! If you have time, give us some time, I will We will find out the arsonists and give you a satisfactory explanation! "Su Ling explained carefully.

"Then your police will arrest people? Call me if you have any leisure?" Wang Tiezhu scolded.

"But it always takes time for Mr. Wang to solve the case, and there was no one at that time. It was difficult for us to solve the case!" Su Ling explained.

"Hum, I knew you cops were a loser. I don't care. Anyway, the 300000 can't be less. You can do it yourself!" Wang Tiezhu said and hung up the phone.

"Hello, hello?" said Su Ling at the other end of the phone, but she heard a beep, so she hung up the phone angrily. "Shit, what quality! Don't you despise our police?" Su Ling, as the captain of minhai criminal police team, rushed to the scene immediately after receiving the alarm call and determined that it was not the fire caused by Shen Feng's negligence, so she called to win some time for solving the case, but she didn't expect Wang Tiezhu's lack of cooperation. Can she not be angry? Because of her grandfather, she was a jealous child If you are a hostile policeman, her motto is "never let a bad person go, never wronged a good person". From the conversation with Wang Tiezhu just now, we can know that Wang Tiezhu is determined to let Shen Feng bear the 300000 compensation. How could she accept it.

Of course, she wouldn't know that Wang Tiezhu was grabbing a photo in front of the table and stroking it constantly. The owner of the photo was Shen Feng, Ling Ya's mother, and the part he touched was her chest. I don't know if it was the light. I could see this trace of crystal liquid at the corner of his mouth. And his eyes were so obscene. "Hehe, Shen Feng! Shen Feng. I think you don't kneel in front of me and beg me this time! Such a good figure, it's fucking 40 years old. It's still such a great figure. It doesn't look like having a child at all!"

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