"Ah, so it is!" Ling Ya said suddenly. As if she had forgotten what had just happened, she felt that if Qin Yang had been around her all the time, nothing would have happened. This is the third time. He has only known each other for a few days, and he has saved himself three times. Without him, what would it be like today! She doesn't know and doesn't want to know.

"Yes, what do you think? The division of labor of these organs is different!" Qin Yang said with a smile.

"Oh!! you know so much!" Ling Ya said.

"This is general basic knowledge!"

"Hehe, you two should be boyfriend and girlfriend. It looks like love!" at this time, the taxi driver also happened to see the two people sitting in the back through the rearview mirror, laughing and saying.

"We're not?????????? the two men said in unison at the same time.

"Oh? No? I shouldn't. I usually look at people very accurately!!" the taxi brother said with a smile.

"But we are really not!! brother taxi, you'd better take a good look at the road." Qin Yang said with a bitter smile. Hearing Qin Yang say this, I don't know why Ling Ya's face suddenly darkened. Her hands also gently pulled the corners of her clothes. Yes, what qualifications do I have to be his boyfriend? Qin Yang is handsome, knows a lot, and is very kind. He is the favorite of many girls in the school. What advantages can I have. Xiao Ruoshui is worthy of him! Of course, Ling Ya has heard about some things that spread on campus some time ago.

What girls like most is gossip. So once a group of girls are together, their topic is always inseparable from the word gossip, so after a group of girls come together every so often, what news can't come out on the campus. For example, when Qin Yang just came to school, he waited for Xiao Ruoshui in front of the girls' toilet. Three meters incident, and so on, a lot of gossip, Ling Ya also heard in her ears, although she didn't say anything on the surface. But we can know that her expression is indeed a little dim. I'm afraid even she can't say why! Girls, that's it. Don't be surprised!

Seeing Ling Ya's suddenly gloomy expression, Qin Yang asked, "what's the matter? Is it physical discomfort?"

"No, no!" Ling Ya was called by Qin Yang, and then she reacted. So he answered. She can't directly tell Qin Yang that it's because of you, so I've become a little absent-minded! In fact, even she doesn't know what it is for. Her mother used to tell herself that her main purpose now is to study, but she doesn't know oh, why, suddenly it's like this! Maybe it's what happened recently, or maybe it's destiny! Ling Ya shook her head and threw away these wishful thinking. Then lean back in the back chair.

Today, she was busy running here and there all day, and she was worried because of her mother, so suddenly there was such a sense of fatigue in her heart. She just leaned there and fell asleep. Qin Yang's eyes always looked out of the window and couldn't help sighing at the flowing street. Then he slowly turned around and just saw Ling Ya sleeping where she leaned. For a moment, he was a little stunned? On that face without any makeup, a pair of eyes closed tightly and looked lazy. His unique temperament made him lose his mind! This is so beautiful!!

There are more than 600 students in dizun University, among which there are about 200 female students, and seven school flowers are selected from the more than 200 female students. Then the gold content is unimaginable! Ling Ya is also a civilian goddess that many boys have had extravagant hopes. There is no rich background, no high shelf, approachable, and her little face turns red from time to time. If she is more popular, maybe she won't lose to Xiao Ruoshui!

At this time, the taxi brother of the taxi smiled and said, "classmate, aren't you really a couple? The more I see you, the more like you!"

"Oh, really not!!" Qin Yang said with a bitter smile. Of course, who doesn't like having such a beautiful girlfriend! Although Xiao Ruoshui is also very beautiful, Qin Yang likes her very much. But recently, she began to make a cold war again, coupled with her temper, although there have been some changes recently. But she still hasn't put down her shelf! As a super sex wolf, Qin Yang's ultimate dream is to live among thousands of flowers without touching his body! Of course, if you can hold left and right, it is naturally the best!

It was only a few months from the deep mountains to minhai, a strange city, and his life had changed greatly. His life is no longer so monotonous. In addition to completing tasks, he basically spends every day in a dark cabin. Sometimes when you dare to go to Africa, there are basically one passenger ship for smuggling for several days! That was the darkest day of his life.

And when he stayed in this city. Like normal high school students, I go to and from school every day, laughing with my classmates, listening to those people talking about life, teaching class bullies and flirting with school flowers. Don't be tired of wandering around and don't bother to complete the task. Isn't this his favorite and yearning life. It's just a few months. Since he has been involved with several beauties, I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing!!!

"Not now, but it looks like it should be soon!!" at this time, the street lights turn red to green. The taxi brother smiled and started the car. Keep going.

oh Is that so? Then I hope!! Qin Yang murmured in his heart.

About ten minutes later, the taxi finally drove to the welfare area. After a rugged and winding stone road, the taxi also stopped in front of Lingya's house. It was bumped up and down. Lingya also came from her sleep. Looking at the familiar place outside the window, Lingya said, "ah! Are we home already!"

"Yes. I didn't mean to wake you up when you slept so tired!!" Qin Yang smiled and handed the driver a hundred yuan note. Then he took Lingya out of the taxi. The front door of Ling's house was hidden. Qin Yang took a step forward and pushed open the door. He saw that Ling's mother had returned from the police station. I'm walking around the yard at this time! Ling Fu said, "don't go around, it makes my head dizzy!!"

"You're not in a hurry. You don't know what kind of bastard Wang Tiezhu is. Why don't you stop Xiao Ling? What do you think you should do except for something?" Ling's mother snorted coldly.

"I don't know which bastard she's looking for. I thought he took the money to the police station! But isn't it all right? Qin Yang has passed! The child is really good, has a good heart, and has good facial features! He's also very interested in Xiaoya!" Ling Yan said with a smile.

"Xiao Yang is not bad! But he should also be a rich second generation! How can people look at our family like this!" said Ling mother. She never dreamed like others that her daughter could fly to the branches and become a Phoenix, and she also enjoyed happiness! On the contrary, she still hopes that her daughter can be happy as long as she finds a man who loves her!

At this time, the open door had been pushed open. When Ling's mother and father saw the two people coming back, they all showed a sincere smile???????

At this time, the open door had been pushed open. Ling's mother and father saw the two people who came back, and their faces showed a sincere smile!

"Mom??????? Ling Ya saw her mother in the courtyard intact. Tears also stayed, and then ran away. In the past, the two mother and daughter snuggled together for a long time. Half an orange sunset hung on the horizon in the distance. The extremely gorgeous sunset was covered with the sapphire blue sky. The red also rolled up from the horizon and crowded the blue sky. No words, no sound, the picture is very quiet. Tears seem to have become the only deficiency in this picture, but the tears are also a kind of joy, a kind of intentional joy.

"Silly daughter. How can you see that bastard's landlord? You don't know, mom, I pay the rent every month by direct bank card remittance!!" Ling mother said angrily.

"Did you tell me that I thought you would go to the bank to remit money because you thought it was too troublesome in the past." Ling Ya whispered, but maybe after this time, she won't be so naive! Of course, it's impossible to blame her for all this. It can only be said that she was eager to save her mother, but fortunately at that time, she still overcame that irrational practice. Otherwise, maybe now she will really regret it!

"Well, this time it's like a rut in front of the car. It's impossible to make it in the future! Look, mom, isn't it all right?" Ling mother said with a smile. Ling Fu didn't know when he had come to Qin Yang from there, and then said with a smile: "young man, you really didn't disappoint me! You brought my daughter back intact!! I'll thank you here first!!" judging from the intact clothes on Ling ya, this explains everything, Qin Yang really lived up to his trust and brought his daughter back! How could he not be excited!

"Hehe, uncle Ling, don't say that. I should do all this!!" Qin Yang scratched his head and said. Is it really what we should do? What's the reason? No, it's just casual!!

At this time, Ling's mother also came over. She looked at Qin Yang and said, "Xiao Yang, I'm sorry to bother you again. You solved the matter in xiangyangfang the day before yesterday. It didn't take long. You helped my daughter again!! I really don't know how to thank you!!"

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