"Of course, but the brand is like that. How can we tell if it is stolen? But some can be distinguished, such as the color of the license plate! Large civil cars use black boxes with black characters on a yellow background; small civil cars such as taxis use white boxes with white characters on a blue background; special vehicles for armed police: white background Red "WJ" and black characters; other foreign cars: white characters on black background; foreign cars of embassies and consulates: white characters on black background and hollow "envoy" signs; test license plate: red characters on white background with "test" sign in front of the number; temporary license plate: red characters on white background with "temporary" sign in front of the number Two words; car replacement license plate: black words on a white background. It's common sense that we should all know! "Ling Yan explained.

"Dad, you know so much!" Ling Ya said with a smile.

"He likes to study these useless things when he is free. How can he know? It seems that he has the same culture!!" Ling mother snorted coldly and said.

"These are all related to our life, aren't they? If you look at the vehicles coming and going on the street, won't you pay attention to the license plates? Over time, you will naturally know that it's not!" Ling Yan said.

At this time, Ling Ya's memory suddenly returned to the picture just at her door. When Qin Yang got into the taxi, the taxi drove away slowly. The brake red light at the back of the car just shines on the license plate behind the taxi, which is a license plate with yellow black words and black frame. A bad feeling suddenly came to Ling Ya's mind. She slowly said, "Dad, have you noticed that the taxi parked at our door just now has a license plate with black characters on a yellow background!!"

Hearing Ling Ya's words, Ling's mother suddenly said, "yes. When he braked just now, the red light just shone on the license plate. It seems that the license plate is really black on a yellow background!"

Ling Yan frowned and murmured, "can you say that the taxi just now is the criminal gang reported in the news?" according to the news, the criminal gang stole the license in order to hide people's ears and eyes and leave no evidence! As he said just now, the license plates with black characters on a yellow background are only used by cars, passenger and freight cars. It is absolutely impossible for a taxi to hang the license plates with black characters on a yellow background! Think about it like this. It's really a big chance.

"What to do now? Qin Yang seems to be a little drunk, and there is a gang opposite. I don't know how many people there are. Isn't Qin Yang very dangerous alone?" Ling Ya said anxiously.

"Well, that's it! Xiaoya, do you have Qin Yang's phone number?" Ling Yan asked.

"Well, I have!! He just gave it to me this afternoon! " Ling Yaliang said with the note in her hand.

"Now, you should call Qin Yang first to wake him up, and then determine his current situation. Now we call the police. Although we are not sure whether they are the criminal gangs mentioned in the news, there is an 80-90% chance! If it is not true, then stealing the license plate is also a criminal act! Xiaoya, do you remember Do you have the license plate number of the taxi just now? "Ling Yan asked.

"I remember, it seems to be Hai b3273!" Lingya replied.

"Well, I'll call the police now! What about you? Call Qin Yang! Be sure to wake him up!" Ling Yan said. Ling mother has a mobile phone, and there is also a phone at home! Ling Fu picked up the phone and called the police. Ling Ya called Qin Yang with Ling's mother's mobile phone!

"Hello, is this the police station? I just saw the news today and found out about the criminal gangs who recently committed crimes in our city!"

"Well, yes! Sir, do you know any clues?"

"I'm not sure if they are criminal gangs. But it's a dark blue taxi. But he does have a license plate with black characters on a yellow background! I think it should also be a crime!"

"Really? Then please tell us where you saw this taxi and the license plate number?"

"The license plate number is Hai b3273. They drove out from the welfare area

"Thank you for providing us with such a clue!"

"By the way, there is a friend of mine in that car. Now he seems to be drunk! So please put his life first!" Ling Yan didn't intend to say such a sentence. After all, there is no way to determine whether that group of people is the so-called criminal gang reported on TV. Of course, he still hopes not. Now Qin Yang is drunk. If he is such a person, Qin Yang has no consciousness!

"Well, thank you!" after that, the phone had hung up. As soon as the phone hung up, the police station in the city began to act. Through the online information and the registration of some victims, they also found a record with the license plate "Hai b3273". From this record, it can be explained that the people reported by Ling Yan just now are likely that the information of this criminal gang is correct, and the next thing to do is to go out. The police station soon got in touch with the city traffic center and began to chase a car through surveillance videos at all intersections in the city.

According to Ling Yan, this car left the welfare area about half an hour ago, that is, around 8 o'clock! After the surveillance video, they also successfully determined the escape direction of the taxi and began a large-scale operation.

At this time, in Ling's house, the three people were also anxious! Ling Yan asked, "how's it going? Is there still no one answering the phone?"

"Yes. I don't know why. It's been called three times. But the phone still doesn't seem to be answered!" Ling Ya sighed.

"After all, Qin Yang is in a drunken dream. After people get drunk, alcohol will affect people's nerves, so it will cause people's slow reaction. He estimates that he has fallen asleep in the car. It's normal not to receive a phone call. Just call more and make him wake up!" Ling Yan said. Lingya also nodded, and then continued to call! At this time, Ling's mother also stared at Ling Yan, and then scolded: "you see, let you drink less and drink less every day. Something's wrong! What a good young man Xiaoyang is so hard drunk by you! If there's anything else, it's estimated that my noodle shop will not be located!"

"This is my fault? I'm not happy too? Besides, if I were sober, I would have found the strange thing about the car! Look, there are poor people in the welfare area. Few people can afford to take a taxi, but the taxi seems to be parked not far from our door! Isn't this a strange phenomenon? You two are sober I didn't even think of that. Now I'm to blame! "Said Ling Yan.

"No one can afford to take a taxi. Why don't you allow others to take a taxi? How do I know if it's because I took a taxi outside, and then I happened to lie there! If Lingya had taken him back together just now, the two people would have taken care of him. Now Qin Yang didn't hear his phone, and he seemed to be isolated Ah! "Said Ling's mother with a sigh.

Now she also has some regrets. If she hadn't left Qin Yang for dinner, maybe he wouldn't have met such a thing, but she didn't expect to meet such a thing since she was eating. Of course, it's impossible to blame her. She also wants to thank Qin Yang for bringing his daughter out for a long time! Such a thing is as difficult to prevent as it is said on TV. Taxi, which is basically a means of transportation used by everyone, how many people will consider whether he is safe or not and whether he will commit any criminal acts? If it weren't for reading this news today, Ling Mu would never know!

Ling Ya was anxious about where she had been dialing the phone, but Qin Yang didn't answer it. At the beginning, she didn't answer it. After five or six times, it became a busy tone! This seems to be one of the bad signs! But Lingya has nothing to do now. Qin Yang has saved himself so many times, but now Qin Yang meets such a thing, but he can't do anything. When she thought of this, Ling Ya was a little lost. She was talking on the phone and talking about Qin Yang. Answer the phone quickly! Answer the phone and wake up! Quickly discover your danger and defeat the bad guys. You must come back well!

When the police station confirmed that the car really belonged to the criminal gang, it also called the Ling family and promised to let Qin Yang come back intact. But for their promise, Ling Fu just smiled gently. Can it really be intact? He suddenly sounded the extraordinary speed of Qin Yang at noon, and naturally knew that Qin Yang was not an ordinary person. Qin Yang always said that he grew up with the old man, but which old man is a person who is proficient in medical skills and has extraordinary strength. Then Qin Yang naturally won't be much worse. Ling Yan felt that if Qin Yang was under normal circumstances, he wouldn't worry about Qin Yang so much!

Wine is really not a good thing. Although it is a topic that men will put down, it is really harmful! When thinking of this, Ling Yan also sighed deeply.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night for minhai city. In view of the huge impact of this criminal gang on the stability of the city and society, when they learned this clue, they mobilized most of the police force to take arrest action overnight. The municipal traffic center, traffic police brigade, criminal police brigade and armed police force all began to dispatch! After the traffic center began to lock the direction of the car through the surveillance cameras at each intersection, the police had chased it along the way. At the same time, they also carried out certain interception actions at the place where the taxi passed along, such as changing the time of traffic lights. It also effectively delayed the speed of a taxi, which also brought a certain time to the pursuit of the police. However, the sound of sirens all over the street seemed to make the driver ask about the dangerous smell, so he didn't care about the green light after a few days, and passed it directly. Anyway, it wasn't his own license plate. Of course, he didn't care!

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