I remember seeing the authentic work of this painting in Europe before, so Qin Yang has a little understanding of this painting. That's why he feels weird! "What is the red at this point? Is this painting not an authentic work but a fake?" Qin Yang's psychology murmured. But this painting is as like as two peas of true painting, no matter the style or the color.

At this time, Qin Yang suddenly heard a trace of wind. He looked around, and then looked at the basin of Clivia in front of him. According to his keen hearing, it can be judged that the trace of wind should come from this plate of Clivia! Qin Yang smiled at the thought.

i see! I finally understand why there is disharmony on the fourth floor. I also understand why the fourth floor is so quiet, and the red eye of Pengzhan wanlitu can also explain! If I'm right. Qin Yang thought of this and looked at the picture behind his body. Sure enough, there was a little red on the picture. So Qin Yang took out something similar to a ring from the back of his body like magic. He gently touched the ruby above which ring with his finger. Then he quickly took the ring in again!

At this time, it is in the monitoring room on the second floor of the celebrity bath center. Three or four people in security uniforms are playing cards excitedly.

"Shake the cards, find out! OK ~ I won this game again! Take the money! Take the money!" one of the taller people was shouting excitedly!

The other three people were all sad and threw red bills on the table,

"Shit, is there a mistake! You won four today. How can you be so lucky!!" one of the older men complained.

"Yes, are you going against the sky? You've won four in a row!" another fat man also said

"Hei hei, you usually win. Today I won four. It's good for me!" the tall man smiled and put all the money into his pocket.

"I don't agree, come again ~ ~" said the fat man.

"That's not good. We've been playing for so long. And we have to watch surveillance here! What if something happens??" said the tall man.

"What can happen? Who doesn't know that the celebrity bath center is brother Hu's territory? And our monitoring here is on the fourth floor! And those VIPs who can go to the fourth floor are ordinary people. They are both non official and expensive. Even if something really happens, how can we afford it? Why don't we take advantage of this opportunity to make some extra money? Do you want to stop playing because you have won so much today? It's impossible. The labor and capital don't agree????????????????????????????? Said the fat man.

"Yes, the fat man is right. The celebrity has been driving for so long. When did something happen on the fourth floor? You'd better keep playing ~"

"Yes, son of a bitch, the three of us lost so badly today. You will never escape so soon

The other three began to shout.

"Well, let's take a look at the surveillance first!!" said the tall man.

"Do you still need to see?" the fat man said and looked back at the screen of the more than a dozen windows. Then he continued: "look, isn't it safe ~ ~ there's not even a mosquito in the corridor on the fourth floor!!"

The tall man also looked back. Sure enough, everything in the corridor on the fourth floor and the room displayed by the dozen windows was the same as usual. "Well, let's go on!!" the tall man has no choice but to continue playing cards with them. In fact, he can't stop playing cards with them. In the past, he always lost playing cards with three of them. Today, he won four in a row. He not only brought back the capital, but also made a lot more money. How can he give up today when the momentum is so good, But compared with money, he is more afraid of their boss's smiling face, so he will deal with it! Now there's nothing to do. Naturally, I start playing cards again!

But they didn't notice that the lines of small numbers at the bottom of the dozen screens had stopped moving, and which string of numbers was the time in the monitor screen!

The time stillness of the monitor means that the monitor corresponding to this window has stopped working. Naturally, the initiator of all this is Qin Yang, an uninvited guest on the fourth floor. Which ruby ring in his hand is a very advanced equipment, which can not only interfere with the operation of the monitor within 100 meters, And it will stop the screen of the monitor for a certain period of time. However, this ring jammer is only applicable to these wireless pinhole monitors. It intercepts the pictures of those pinhole cameras by emitting infrared on the ruby port. So the picture displayed in the control center is naturally the picture before interference!

This can't blame the four security guards. First of all, they have bet red eyes. In addition, the table around them is several meters away from the large screen surveillance TV, so it's impossible to see the static time!

Qin Yang sighed gently, and a smile hung from the corners of his mouth.

It seems that the smiling tiger's ambition is really big. I almost didn't find such a monitor, let alone the so-called VIP with no head! He not only installed these pin cameras in the corridor, but also in these rooms. The distinguished guests who can come to the fourth floor are those who are powerful in shopping malls or officialdom. With some things, he can control these people. No wonder the smiling tiger will get up in minhai City, which is better than his former boss Du Qidu. This method is really good! But it's a pity, because I'll end your life tonight. Well, now that the monitor has failed to work, all we have to do now is find out where the smiling tiger is! There is only such a room on the fourth floor. It should be easy to find his location.

If I were a smiling tiger, I should use the largest room here. And the biggest rooms on the fourth floor are the two at the end of the corridors on both sides! Qin Yang's eyes fell on the corridor less than ten meters in front of him, with double doors! So he walked to the door. He looked up and hung a sign "young girl's home" on the door frame above the half white door!

"Young girl's house? How does the name feel so evil? Young girl???????????? Qin Yang's head can't help but emerge one girl Ru's sister! Bah, Qin Yang, how can you do this? I'm here to perform the task today, not to see my sister. This should not be the smiling tiger's room. Qin Yang shook his head and wanted to turn around to leave, but his body seemed stiff. He couldn't turn back, and the gloved hands under his black cloak couldn't help moving towards the open door handles!

The temptation of Laurie is really so huge. Just a name makes people so eager to stop. It's no wonder those officialdom shopping malls can't control it. Forget it, it's OK to go in and have a look. Who makes me a big sex wolf! Qin Yang gently pushed open the door. Because his strength was well controlled, he didn't make any sound, and then his body quickly flashed in. In front of him was a small room of less than ten square meters, and there was an iron door on the right side of the wall in front of him. The wall on the left of the iron gate is a huge TV. What is shown above is a luxurious room of about thirty or forty square meters. But there is no furniture in the room. There are only 20 girls under the age of 15 or 16 naked. Through the HD TV, you can see every part of them and some trembling bodies!!!!

God, what kind of place is this? How can there be so many underage girls? If these people were voluntary, Qin Yang would not believe it! There are no less than thirty girls in such a room. That's what the young girl's house means!! Although Qin Yang sometimes feels that he is not a person, he also has his own basic principles. He is also a black-and-white character who hates evil as hatred! Within a few years of his killer career, most of his tasks were international. Most of the characters in China are unscrupulous businessmen who are rich but unkind.

With the light from the high-definition TV, Qin Yang can clearly see that there is an obscene man in his twenties and thirties lying on the table dozing. He can vaguely hear what he is whispering. Qin Yang walked in front of him a few steps. Maybe the footsteps were too light, or maybe he slept too hard. Anyway, he still didn't respond. Qin Yang lowered his head and just saw something similar to a table under the man's two hands. Qin Yang gently pulled the form out of his hands. There were a lot of things registered on it. The records on it were naturally the data of dozens of girls on TV, including their height, physical condition and how long they came here! The shortest one is just came in today, and the longest one is only a month!

The celebrity bath center has been opened in minhai city for several years. According to the information Qin Yang got from scar, the fourth floor of the people's complaint bath center has existed since its opening. Among these people, it is only a month at most, so how will those girls be dealt with in the past! Qin Yang gently patted some of the obscene middle-aged man's head.

The man quickly stood up and scolded: "Damn, which guy with no eyes dares to pat me. And his hands were easily limited by Qin Yang!

What does this celebrity center represent? With the status of their boss, what has happened here? In addition, the smiling tiger is his cousin. As a pivotal position in the fourth floor (of course, he feels it himself), he naturally becomes confident. Taking care of these girls, everyone has to pass through his hand when he comes to pick up people. After a long time, he will naturally become numb. Usually, the distinguished guests on the fourth floor of dignitaries smile at him when they come here. I don't know why he was a little sleepy tonight, so he roared out unconsciously, but what he didn't think of was the cold touch that brought him tonight, and he couldn't even see this person's face.

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