”Ah. This ~ "Qin liuer hesitated in her heart. It's 12 o'clock in the morning! Grandpa must have fallen asleep. Would it be bad to call to wake him up so late! But now this weak girl has such a situation. If you don't stay in the hospital for observation, it's easy to have problems. And she's about her age, if she lives in the hospital. I can comfort myself. After all, it is impossible to say that girls will not leave any shadow in their hearts!!! But this matter should contact her relatives. Obviously, Qin Yang is not. The two were also discussing together.

”I don't think we should call the police! They will naturally have a way to find the girl's family! " Dr. Zhao suggested.

”No! If this incident is reported, how much damage will it do to the girl's reputation. I'm afraid no one will love her from now on! Her life will not be so complete from now on! " Qin liuer quickly objected

”By the way, I remember when Qin Yang brought her in just now. Isn't there another LV bag? What about the bag now? " Qin liuer suddenly remembered the scene just now, so she asked.

The bag Qin liuer said was lying peacefully in Qin Yang's co driver's seat. Qin Yang opened the bag. What's more, I found that there was nothing but cosmetics, perfume and a student card.

”Eh? How can this student card be so familiar? Isn't this the student card of your school? " Guo liuer pointed to a row of bold words on the student card. That bold character is "emperor Zun college student card", Qin Yang said in surprise.

And there's her name under the student card. Wei Xueqian. Class eight, grade two. Student No.: XXXX. The name Wei Xueqian sounds good!

”Wei Xueqian? How is this name so familiar? " Qin Yang murmured.

Qin Yang just recovered. He suddenly thought that he would appear in the city so late because he came out to help the eldest lady buy the broken wing angel! Good boy. The eldest lady said for an hour. Now, it's two thirty in the morning. Hurry back, or I'll probably bear the roar of the lion in the East!

When he returned to the villa, the eldest lady went to bed as expected! Qin Yang's heart also thought of a very bloody excuse. Ask the eldest lady tomorrow. Then I said I would have come back long ago. It's just that she can't wake up like a pig!

Early the next morning. Qin Yang heard the young lady's momentum like a rainbow. The invincible lion roaring skill! Pull him out of his dream. The next thing, as if it had been rehearsed long ago, the eldest lady angrily scolded Qin Yang. Qin Yang's powerful excuse has been exposed by the eldest lady without saying it. In desperation, he can only use such a bad move as getting lost, but it is obvious that Xiao Ruoshui still doesn't believe it. If it weren't for the sound of a Mercedes Benz engine outside. This battle is inevitable.

Qin Yang and Xiao Ruoshui have already sat in Uncle Guo's Mercedes. On the way to school, Qin Yang can see the expression of the eldest lady who wants to cut herself thousands of times through the rearview mirror. I thought to myself, this woman is really terrible! Just looking at me can make a top killer creepy. Mo Hui, is she a legendary Wulin expert? Or does she know something similar to eye attack.

Qin Yang shook his head and threw all these ideas out of his mind.

I don't know how Wei Xueqian is now. She's really pathetic. She doesn't know which bastard did such a thing. Why don't you go to the hospital at noon! By the way, look at her mental state. Speaking of Wei Xueqian, how do I feel that this name is very familiar? Class eight, grade two. Wei Xueqian. by the way. Isn't Yu Wei also a classmate of class 8, grade 2, senior high school? Yesterday he seemed to say that his girlfriend ran away with Ling Fengzhi. By the way, his girlfriend is Wei Xueqian! I forgot. Do not know let Yu Wei know Wei Xueqian's current situation, what will he look like? Perhaps only Yu Wei will give her a little warmth when the two children come out of the mountain. Qin Yang said with a long sigh.

The Mercedes Benz soon drove to dizun University. Qin Yang and Xiao Ruoshui walked into the school after saying goodbye to Uncle Guo. Xiao Ruoshui still ignored Qin Yang. Qin Yang is also worried at this time! So he had no sense of the eldest lady's attitude.

One morning, the course passed. Qin Yang went to the door of class 8, grade 2, and just met Yu Wei. Yu Wei said with a smile, "Qin Yang. Are you looking for me? "

”Um! I have something to do with you! " Qin Yang nodded and said.

”What is it, you say! " Yu Wei said.

”There are a lot of people here. You go to the hospital with me. On the way, I'm slowly telling you! "

”OK ~ "Yu Wei answered, so they went out of the school and took a taxi to the city hospital!

Two people took a taxi like the city hospital! Qin Yang looked at Yu Wei for a while and then said, "Yu Wei, your former girlfriend is called Wei Xueqian, right!"

”Yes, why did you suddenly ask this question? "

”Did she go to class recently? " Qin Yang did not answer, but continued to ask.

”Since she followed that bastard Ling Fengzhi, she skipped class every day! Some people say that they seem to have followed Ling Fengzhi to the hotel! " When Yu Wei said this, his eyes were obviously dimmed. If a man and a woman went to the hotel, if Yu Wei didn't know what they were doing, it was certainly impossible.

Qin Yang looked at Yu Wei's sad expression and hesitated in his heart. From Yu Wei's expression, Qin Yang knew that the boy in front of him really liked Wei Xueqian! Even now, his psychology is still concerned about her. Does he really want to say it? Will this affect the image of girls in his mind? No, you have to try first.

”Yu Wei. Tell me the truth, if Wei Xueqian comes back now. Will you still love her? " Qin Yang looked at Yu Wei and asked.

”Of course! My heart for her has never changed. Whether she is complete or not, I don't care! As long as I can be with her, I will be very happy! " Yu Wei said firmly.

The eyes will not deceive people. Qin Yang can see from his eyes that Yu Wei's sentence is completely from his heart. Now Wei Xueqian. The mental state must be bad. Perhaps only Yu Wei's love can pull her out of the shadow!

”Actually, Wei Xueqian, she's in hospital! I pulled you out today just to let you see her! " Qin Yang said slowly.

”She. What happened to her? Why was he suddenly hospitalized? Is Ling Fengzhi by her side, and how do you know? " Yu Wei nervously asked a lot of questions at once, and kept hitting Qin Yang like sugar coated shells.

”Don't worry about this. Listen to me slowly! That was last night Qin Yang said and said everything about Wei Xueqian last night!

After listening to Yu Wei, the whole person was completely stupid! Lun rape, this is a sensitive and unreachable word, but he never thought that such a thing would appear around him, and that girl is still his favorite in his heart!

”Which bastard did this! Nine times out of ten, Ling Fengzhi, a son of a bitch, did it. In the evening, I will chop his meat with a kitchen knife and feed it to the dog! " When Yu Wei said this, a strong murderous spirit came out of him.

As a senior killer, he is very sensitive to murderous gas! Qin Yang said, "don't worry about this first! Now all you have to do is stabilize her. What a weak girl needs most is a warm embrace after encountering such a thing. I know you can do it! Right! "

”Don't worry. I will comfort Xueqian. But I will not let Ling Fengzhi go! " Yu Wei said.

”You are still a student. How can you be impulsive? If you cut him with a knife, you'll have to shoot yourself. Is it worth it? You are also a cultured person. Have you ever thought about your parents and her? If you are shot, what should your parents do? If I knew you were so impatient. I shouldn't have brought you! And I shouldn't tell you about it! " Qin Yang shouted.

Yu Wei was so yelled by Qin Yang that the whole person was much quieter. After a while. He continued, "Qin Yang, what do you say to do? I listen to you! "

”Leave it alone! let nature take its course. Turn big things into small ones. Think about how much it will affect a girl's reputation if it gets out. " Qin Yang said, it seems that it is necessary for me, Qin Yang, to carry out a clean-up of minhai city! How can such scum survive in the world. Ling Fengzhi, so what? Shura told you to die in the third watch. How can I keep you until five o'clock?

”But animals like that. Even ten thousand deaths can't make up for his sins! " Yu Wei shouted.

”People are doing, the sky is watching! People like him will be punished one day! It's just not the time yet! Brother Xinyang, have eternal life! " Qin Yang nodded and said.

Yu Wei ordered a little.

The distance between the municipal hospital and dizun University was very close. During the time they spoke, the car had stopped at the door of the hospital. Qin Yangfu the fare, and the two hurried to the hospital building.

Wei Xueqian woke up in the morning. Despite Guo liuer's persuasion, her mental state is really not very good. Having just drunk the medicine sent by Guo liuer, she stood on the window. The window of this room is just facing the door of the hospital below. From the crowd passing below, she saw the last person she wanted to see.

”Xiao Wei, Xiao Wei, he's here. What should I do? He must not know about it! I can't make him sad, "Wei Xueqian suddenly rushed out of the ward like crazy, and then ran into Guo liuer when she crossed a long corridor. But Wei Xueqian just tilted her body and continued to climb up like a staircase!

”Xueqian, what's the matter with you? " Guo liuer looked at Wei Xueqian's Beiying and shouted. " Why is she suddenly going upstairs? Is she going to Guo liuer seemed to suddenly think of something, so she hurried to catch up. At the same time, Qin Yang and Yu Wei have come up.

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