So Qin Yang couldn't help admiring Wang Neng's plan! Obviously, Ling Ya's refusal just now broke his plan. That is, in such a short time, since he can use such a good idea to guide everyone to recommend Ling Ya one after another. Wang can name Ling ya to sing. Ling Ya may still not sell face to him. It'll embarrass him again! But if the whole class is recommending, Ling Ya naturally doesn't dare to offend the whole class! Plus she has some timidity in her character. Naturally, I don't know what to do!

This can be described as a step-by-step, and the mind is unfathomable. How can Qin Yang not admire it. But admiration belongs to admiration! Things still need to be solved! About Wang Neng's plan, Qin Yang is still willing to do a little damage. Fortunately, Qin Yang didn't know about the celebrity that night, because Wang could be called away by his father. Otherwise, I don't know if Wang Neng can still stand on the podium and talk!

"No, I can't???" Ling Ya quickly stood up and said.

"Lingya, why do you say that!" Wang Neng's face quickly showed displeasure.

"I have something at home!" Lingya said quickly.

"If you plan as a whole, maybe you can use such an excuse to refuse, because there are a lot of things to do as a whole, but singing takes a lot of time. At most, it's hard to drink and waste your time during rehearsal. There won't be such a difference in time at home!" Wang Neng said.

"Yes, phase II and singing can be practiced even at home!" Li Dagou shouted.

"Yes, Lingya, is it a little irresponsible for you to refuse by all means!"

The students in the class also cheered.

"Lingya, as a cadre of the class committee, it's impossible for you not to participate in anything! And this is the glory of class 27, senior high school, isn't it?" Wang Neng said.

"I, I, I really?????? Ling Ya was about to cry. If he changes to normal, he is really not afraid of this. She will also actively participate in the things in the class. But recently his father was hospitalized, and this hospitalization fee was posted by Qin Yang for them. That's a good astronomical figure. She said she would take care of her father, which was just an excuse! She still has to do tutoring every night. And in order to pay back the money earlier, she found two more, that is to say, she now has to do three tutors a day, so that she can return the money to Qin Yang earlier! If it's delayed because of the party, the two tutors I just found recently must be reluctant. Maybe someone else!

"Lingya, don't refuse! Who doesn't know you sing well! Does everyone agree?" Wang Neng looked up at the whole class.

Qin Yang looked at Wang Neng with a sneer, and Xiao Ruoshui also despised it. If it weren't for Qin Yang, she would have stood up and spoke. Although her relationship with Ling Ya is not very good, at least she is also I a girl. Now she didn't stand up because of the relationship between Qin Yang and Ling ya! She naturally knows that Qin Yang helped Ling Ya's father pay for medicine. You know, Dongfang Hospital is run by her family. And Liu Fang called her aunt. Liu Fang must have told her such a thing long ago! Did you say you would help a classmate pay tens of thousands of yuan for medicine? She wouldn't believe it if it was an ordinary relationship. The most unpleasant thing for Xiao Ruoshui is this sum of money, since it is still their family's money! Asshole, take my father's money!

"Sister Ruoshui, Ling Ya is so poor! Why don't we help her!" Chen Yilin whispered.

"Why? Do you like Xiao Ruoshui, too?" Xiao Ruoshui asked.

"No, I just don't like the way Wang Neng looks!" Chen Yilin said.

"Look, some people will not see it!" Xiao Ruoshui murmured.

The voices of the two of them were very low. Even Qin Yang sitting next to them didn't hear them, but Qin Yang stood up at this time. He sneered and said, "monitor Wang, you're a bit of a gentleman if you're so aggressive! Classmate Ling ya just said that there's something going on in her family. Since there's something, why insist on letting him participate in the performance?"

"Oh? What's your opinion, classmate Qin Yang?" Wang Neng's face is smiling, but his heart is itching with hate. Since he is this Qin Yang again, Qin Yang has been bad to me again and again. One day I will show you my power! We can't come openly, but no one will know if we come secretly!

"I don't deserve your opinion, but I don't think you're a man! There are twenty or thirty students in the class, and there's no worse than Lingya. Isn't our monitor Wang Neng a versatile person? And I heard that you dance ballet very well! I don't know if monitor Wang would mind showing us at the party!" Qin Yang said with a smile, He has made it clear. Is to let Wang take over this performance!

"I'm responsible for the overall planning. How can I have time to participate in the performance when there are so many things? Classmate Qin is really joking!" Wang Neng said with a smile, asshole, ballet! Who made this rumor. When can I dance ballet! Still jumping in front of the whole school, where is my image? You dare say. But when I was a child, my mother did let me go to ballet! There are still photos at home at that time, but when I was a child, after all, can I compare with when I was a child now?

"It's beautiful. I thought you were so busy! Forget it!" Qin Yang said.

"That classmate Qin just said that Ling Ya's family was very busy and couldn't participate in the program! Then I don't know if classmate Qin has anyone to recommend!" Wang Neng said with a smile.

This move can be said to be very poisonous. Let Qin Yang recommend it! And in front of so many people, no matter who he said, it can be said that he offended who! Aren't you good at it? So if the whole class doesn't want to see you, what else can you do? This is naturally what Wang Neng did! Even if I don't die, I'll make you famous.

How could Qin Yang not know what Wang Neng did. At this time, whoever is recommended will offend a group of people. Qin Yang will not be foolish enough to do so. So he smiled and said: "I'm not talented. I learned some ways of rhythm when I was a child. If you don't mind, I'll give the rest of the program to me! Although I'm not a beauty and can't sing, I believe my piano solo will also let the teachers and students of the whole school see that the students of class 7, grade 2, are versatile! I don't know if you mind!"

This sentence is like a drop of water falling into a hot oil pot. It has a very subtle physical reaction at once, and the whole class has caused a big wave again. The students began to discuss what in a few words? If they were in class, I believe the teachers would like to crush Qin Yang!

"Piano solo. Did you hear that? Just now Qin Yang said he could play the piano!"

"If you are handsome, forget it! And if you can play basketball, forget it. Since you can also play the piano. Wow ~"

"Yes! Such a handsome guy, sitting in such a large and spacious venue, wearing a black dress and playing the piano gently and elegantly, think about the picture. Wow, it's exciting!"

The female students in the class closed their eyes one by one, as if thinking of such a picture first.

"Sleeping trough, this product is not human!" I believe it is the idea of the male students in the class! This is really more angry than others! They have never seen Qin Yang play the piano, but they seem to believe it when they hear Qin Yang speak! There is no guess.

"Classmate Qin, I don't know if you're kidding! You know, Yuandan party is a tradition of our emperor's high gratitude and pride school. At this time of year, many people from other schools will come to our school. At that time, we lost not only the face of our class, but also the face of our school!" Wang Neng asked with a smile.

"Do you think I'm joking? Although I just transferred to this class this year, I also want to do my part for the class. I believe the monitor won't stop me!" Qin Yang asked with a smile.

"Of course..." Wang Neng said. After Qin Yang arrived at class 7, grade 2 of senior high school, he cleaned up an Quantao and made an Quantao look like he was bitten by a snake and afraid of the well rope for ten years! So Wang Neng mobilized his own forces to investigate such a person. Finally, he came to the conclusion that he was just an ordinary rural child! He came out of the mountain ditch! What is the mountain ditch It's a place where every family uses dim yellow light bulbs and power is off from time to time!

What is the piano? Every famous pianist in the world is not born in a famous family and noble. A piano costs tens of thousands of money. It is estimated that children in rural areas will never touch it in their life. Since Qin Yang came out of rural areas, he can play the piano. Isn't that the biggest joke in the 21st century? Although Wang Neng keeps saying that he is a pianist He is a good monitor for the sake of the class, but he has long been married with Liang Zi of Qin Yang. I don't know how long! Such a good opportunity can humiliate Qin Yang. How could he miss it!

Think about it. Every year, many students from other schools and Lao Shi come to the new year's party. Qin Yang, representing class 7, grade 2 of senior high school, plays those piano songs that are very uncomfortable to listen to. At that time, his face must have been thrown in. It's funny to think about the picture at that time. What qualifications does Qin Yang have to stay in minhai city at that time?

Thinking of this, Wang Neng was filled with joy, but his heart was hot and his mouth could not be said. He adjusted his mind a little and said: "Well, I'm a very democratic monitor. I usually let the class vote together when I do things. And I'll give everyone a chance to show myself. Since Qin Yang wants to replace our class, I naturally won't intervene! Then the second program will be handed over to Qin Yang. Please! Qin Yang!" When he said this, Wang Neng gave Qin Yang a meaningful look.

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