"You I also know this! Sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you!" Qin Yang looked at Ling Ya and said. But Lingya's eyes suddenly turned red again. They all said that girls were made of water. You can't stop crying! It seems that this is true. Qin Yang thinks Ling Ya is blaming herself for lying to her. That's why I cried, so I quickly comforted.

"Qin Yang, why do you really treat me so well!" Ling Ya asked with a cry. "If it weren't for you, I believe my father would have been sent out of the hospital that time. Although I know that my father's leg disease may not be cured, it's a waste of money to live in the hospital every day. But you know? Whenever I see my father's clenched root of teeth and cold sweat on my forehead because of his leg disease, my heart is like being grabbed by a rubber band. I can't wait Bear that torture instead of my father! That's why I will try my best to keep my father in the hospital! "

Seeing Ling Ya's red crying face, Qin Yang's heart was distressed, so he rubbed Ling Ya into his arms and comforted: "don't worry! I will help you! I will help Uncle cure his leg disease!"

"Really?" Ling Ya asked.

"Of course, don't you I forget what I said at your house last time? My old man is a master of traditional Chinese medicine! I believe he can cure the hidden disease on your father's leg!" when he helped Ling Yan to see him last time, he actually observed the condition of his leg a little, which is a disease left over from more than ten years. He really can't solve it! So I had to ask the old man out of the mountain! But recently, I have been busy with the affairs of the eldest lady. I can't do without myself! That's why he plans to go to the mountain and ask the old man to go out of the mountain and see him by the way after the boss behind the scenes has solved the problem!

"Hmm!" Ling Ya nodded and said.

"Well, don't cry! We have to take advantage of the little cat! We have to have class in the afternoon! People who don't know think I've insulted you!" Qin Yang said half jokingly. This made Lingya puff.

"Hum, where did you put your hand? If you're like this, I'll be angry!" Ling Yabai glanced at Qin Yang and said.

"Oh, just now it was clear that you came by yourself. I was just resisting appropriately!" Qin Yang looked very wronged. This is typical of being cheap and good! If you don't like it, you can push it away! Why pinch it!

"Look, I won't hit you!" Ling Ya said and waved another punch on Qin Yang's chest. She knew Qin Yang's skill and could be a bodyguard for others. How could she hurt with such a soft fist! In the afternoon, the golden eyes hit the two people through the glass of the library, which also gave Qin Yang an unspeakable comfort!

Sometimes, Qin Yang always thinks, what is life! What kind of killer life is it that dances in the hail of bullets all day, and then hides behind and gives the target a sharp look? In fact, it's not. Real life is like now. Every day in class, I listen to the teachers explain one problem after another, seriously ask one unknown question after another, and have dinner and chat with my good classmates and friends in the afternoon! Or under the book building, in the afternoon sun, follow your girlfriend to look at good-looking books and say their own whispers! This is a leisure life, this is a comfortable life. Ignore the prosperity of the outside world. Noisy! This is the life that an 18-year-old should have!

He thanked the old man for raising himself! If it weren't for him, what would he look like now. Like those ragged and dirty people lying under the corner overpass. Look at the passers-by with those poor eyes. The beggar who dropped a copper coin and thanked God! He didn't know. He really doesn't know!!

So although he had been scolding the old man at home, Qin Yang followed in his heart and thanked him very much! Sometimes they scold each other, which does not mean that the relationship between the two people is very bad. On the contrary, it proves that the relationship between the two people has reached a very extreme level. Only in this way can they quarrel and quarrel unscrupulously! If it weren't for the tense pace of life now. If the life safety of the eldest lady is not guaranteed, Qin Yang really wants to go back to the mountains and see if the old man is dead!

With Ling ya, Qin Yang felt that life had become much richer. Every afternoon, two people would always be filled with the afternoon sun like now, looking at one of the ancient, modern, Chinese and foreign masterpieces! Then tune each other!

But this just makes the eldest lady very unhappy with him as a bodyguard. When she is with Chen Yilin, she always scolds the man. Maybe it's more appropriate to use boys.

"Yes, Qin Yang, take my father's money and go to pick up girls again!"

"Sister Ruoshui, you're jealous again, aren't you! If brother dart is soaking you, maybe you won't say anything!"


So the days passed day by day! The new year's party is also approaching. Because it is a three-day party, the party began on December 29! The first day's program is now the party organized by class 7, grade 2 of senior high school. At that time, teachers and students of all colleges and universities in minhai will come to watch. Only these days are the only days when Emperor Zun's colleges and universities are open to the outside world every year! For a school with strict rules. On the second day of the party, the headmaster of minhai city will invite teachers and students from other schools to perform! It can also be regarded as mutual communication between colleges and universities! The third night was the busiest. Because there will be all kinds of programs, magic crosstalk, on this playground of nearly 50 or 60 mu. Double reed duet, acrobatic skills and so on! But some programs are invited by the school to perform by professionals!

It is said that Niu Qian, a master of magic, was invited to perform at last year's new year's party, which shows the strong strength of emperor Zun University! The co-ordination group of class 7, grade 2 of senior high school and the people in charge of the performance of the whole school also began to experience rehearsal again and again. But one of them is another! That's Qin Xiaoyang who stopped performing piano for Ling ya!

At noon, Wang Neng would look for Qin Xiaoyang, but unfortunately. He searched the whole campus and couldn't find Qin Yang! This day is already the 29th! A three hour party will begin in the evening! Wang Neng can't bear it at last! So as soon as the school bell rang in the morning, Wang Neng was already blocked at the door of the classroom. In order to stop this man of the situation who has seen the dragon head but not the tail!

The students came out of the classroom one after another and went through his inventory one after another. Finally let him catch classmate Qin Yang! But the next thing made him more angry, because he watched Qin Yang and Ling ya come together, talking and laughing, and envied others! Let his lesson surge up in his heart! Because the relationship between Qin Yang and Ling Ya is only known to several friends of Qin Yang, and Wang Neng has been busy coordinating things. How can he manage these. So he naturally didn't know the news! His eyes seemed to have burst into flames! This decisive can't bear it! I've been busy for a long time, but I've made wedding clothes for your boy! But he is a deeply submissive figure. He doesn't fight Qin Yang like an Quantao, so he doesn't dare to show it directly even if he is very upset!

"I said, classmate Qin Yang, do you have a sense of responsibility?" Wang Neng said with a smile, but his smiling face is even more ugly than crying!

Qin Yang was chatting with Ling ya when he suddenly heard someone shouting at him, so he raised his head and looked at Wang Neng's sad face. Although he was very upset, he interrupted the dialogue between the two people, but there was a saying that was good, it was called reaching out without smiling! So he also smiled and asked, "Oh, monitor Wang, don't you know what you want from me?"

"Classmate Qin Yang, do you still know what day it is today?" Wang Neng asked.

"What day is it today? Is it monitor Wang's birthday? If so h, I'll buy you a present later!" Qin Yang replied.

Wang Neng collapsed instantly, but he still restrained the impulse to beat people in his heart and said, "classmate Qin Yang, tonight is the first day of the new year's party held by our school. At that time, all the programs of our school will be shown to the high school students in the whole city. I wonder if you can excuse classmate Qin Yang to cooperate with our work and rehearse with us?"

"Rehearsal? What is rehearsal? Oh, it's just a party! It's only a matter of a few minutes! Don't care too much! In the evening, monitor Wang just tells the Liucheng schedule of the program. After the party, I'll invite monitor Wang to have a snack. How about it! Xiaoya, let's go!" Qin Yang said with a smile!

Xiaoya? Hearing Qin Yang's intimate address, Wang Neng burst into anger in an instant! When his name was Xiaoya, he was rejected by her immediately! When Qin Yang called her Xiaoya, she didn't resist at all, and her cheeks were a little red! Well, how can he not be angry! Now Wang can only want to put himself into the refrigerator with the temperature of the north pole, because only the temperature of minus tens of degrees Celsius can calm the raging flame in his heart!

"The program flow chart will naturally be given to everyone participating in the program at that time! This is also what the coordinating group should do, but classmate Qin Yang, I haven't heard of your piano! I don't know if I can trust you? After all, the deviation in the program performance is a huge loss to the reputation of our school for ten years!" he said with a smile on his mouth. But also in the school and reputation increased the pronunciation!

"Oh? That's it. By the way, I remember Qin Tian in your coordination group, right? This guy has heard me play the piano, you can ask him! Oh. Here he is! Monitor Wang, if there's nothing to do, would you please step aside a little? I'm going to have lunch!" Then he did not care about Wang Neng's body, but walked past him one after another with Ling ya!

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