”Brothers, press her on the wall and let me play with her first. "After that, the three people standing next to me dragged the girl to the wall impolitely, pressed her hands and slapped her. At the moment, the girl seemed more powerless, but she didn't want to suffer this inhuman insult and struggled hard, But how can a girl's strength withstand three young people? When they saw the girl struggling, they pressed the girl's hand on the wall harder and couldn't move

At this time, red hair is walking towards the girl with a dirty smile, reaching out and gently sliding down the girl's face and rubbing it back and forth on her face. The girl's eyes are like a burning fire. No one has treated her like this

”It's so slippery ~ feels really good ~ anthracene ~ ha ha, I've pulled so many cars and haven't met them. Let me kiss you. "

”"Well," said red hair, putting his mouth close to the girl

”Bah ~ ~ Kasi "angrily, she spit deeply on Hongmao's face. At the same time, she took advantage of the situation to lift her feet, severely lifted her Yin legs against Hongmao, and came heavily under Hongmao. For a moment, it seemed that she could hear the cry of a 'bird'

”Ah! " Red hair couldn't help but take a hit. He quickly covered his lower part with his hands and made a painful sound like killing a pig privately

The three people beside him saw Hongmao squatting down. One of them put down his work and quickly ran over, holding Hongmao to ask

”Brother Mao, are you okay? "

”Nothing ~ milk milk ~ you try try? " The intermittent weak voice came from Hongmao's mouth, which seemed so weak. Looking at the appearance of Hongmao, the girl's heart was a little more comfortable, while the little brother next to Hongmao couldn't help laughing when he saw the appearance of Hongmao

”Smile ~ ~ no, come on, give her to me, catch her, come on, mom, dare to move me, brother, brother, come on, give me her clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes. I'm going to have fun, huh, ~ it hurts me. "

Three people have been holding the girl down. Now there are only two people left. The strength of natural control of the arm will decline. When the girl heard the red hair decree, she wanted to escape here quickly and struggled harder

When they heard red hair's words, they looked at each other. From the eyes of both sides, they could clearly see the greedy animal desire, and quickly and effectively stretched out their hands to pull the girl's clothes

”Hiss ~ ~: there was a crack in the cloth. The girl's short and thin coat was torn open, revealing the snow-white skin inside. The two people stared at the exposed spring Guang. Instant intoxication, paralysis, especially seeing the waves in front of my chest, suddenly a desire in my heart was ignited. At this moment, I have only a few words in my heart

”I want to fuck her ~ ~ I want to fuck her "

When the girl saw that most of her coat had been torn open, Chun Guang, who was wrapped and exposed, was ashamed to die. At the same time, she struggled more in her hand. She was really afraid. She didn't want to be touched by these people with the word 'hooligan' on her face. At this moment, a powerful spiritual force broke out and dragged away. When the girl saw that the pressure that bound her disappeared in an instant, she had no time to think more, so she ran forward and wanted to rush out of here and escape here quickly

The two of them suddenly woke up. It turned out that they just looked at their breasts, but forgot the 'work' at hand. They didn't pay attention and let the girl break free. The fat in their mouth was going to disappear. They were anxious to catch up with each other

”Shit, you two eat shit and let that bitch run away. Is that cool? "

”Don't be angry, brother Mao "

”Mao, I want to fuck her. I want to fuck her. I'm not so fragile. Hurry up and catch her for me. I must repay my humiliation. "

The little brother next to me was scolded and chased forward. The little brother thought: can you, OK? Wait, I don't want to see my brother's performance! However, the action in his heart was not revealed

”Help! Help! "The frightened and anxious cry for help rang in the alley. Such a beautiful thing is really moving. A girl dressed in fashion and beautiful is performing the real play of "semi naked" at the moment. Anyone who sees it will not be excited and will not be tempted by this fatal temptation

”Bitch ~ stop yelling. It's too late to yell every day. It's useless for you to break your throat. You'd better obey your brothers ~ ha ha ~ ~ The three people who kept chasing behind burst into obscene laughter, and the little brother who was just beside Hongmao caught up. The distance between the three people and the girl was getting closer and closer

The chasing three could vaguely see the girl's exposed snow-white skin and transparent and fashionable underwear, all reflected in the eyes of the three

The girl also clearly felt the situation behind. The breath of heavy sipping could be obviously felt, but she couldn't turn back, and she didn't dare to turn back. Her heart was only looking forward to running out of the place quickly. The originally not very long alley seemed so long at this moment

5 meters, 2 meters, a little brother's hand has reached out to the girl. He wants to tear off the girl's underwear and have a look at the whole beautiful scenery under the transparent

Suddenly, a figure gradually appeared from the corner. The girl couldn't care about anything and shouted:

”Husband ~ husband, help

The three people who chased after Qin Yang were startled by the figure of Qin Yang around the corner, especially when they heard the girl call him "husband". They thought, shit, it won't be so unlucky. The meat is really going to fly, but when they saw Qin Yang's completely exposed figure, several people who were dazzled by lust suddenly lit up Yu hope fire and didn't pay any attention to him, Still chasing down, it seems that he has the kind of 'meeting God and killing God'. Buddha blocks the momentum of "killing Buddha"

Yes, anyone with a little strength will have this idea when he sees Qin Yang's thin body, especially Qin Yang with loose clothes on his body. When the wind blows, the flying corners of his clothes seem to be blown away by the wind

After hearing the girl's voice, Qin Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, but then bent down and got up. A stone belt broke the air and hit the outstretched arm heavily

The running little brother fell down one by one. This one suddenly fell down, leaving the two behind unprepared. They were mixed and fell to the ground together, and the three fell into a ball.

Dust is rising

Qin Yue's figure flew past Qin Yang and ran to the distance. When passing by Qin Yang, there was a gust of wind, and Qin Yang's loose clothes fluctuated with the wind. Qin Yue didn't care about her temporary 'husband' and continued her own gallop, but she suddenly heard a sound that seemed to pierce the space, Then he heard the sound of "Peng ~" in the back, and Qin Yue subconsciously glanced back. His bright and big eyes revealed an expression of surprise. The pace at his feet slowed down uncontrollably until he stopped there and looked at Qin Yang's not tall figure

Originally, in Qin Yue's heart, she just wanted to scare the 'orcs' who were chasing after her with the help of this strange man in front of her

Those brave enough to rob themselves of this beautiful girl under the light of heaven and night. Unexpectedly, 'people can't judge by appearance', they ran back from the front and ran behind Qin Yang. They just ran quickly from Qin Yang. Now they run back obediently. I have to say, this girl is amazing. If it wasn't Qin Yang today, It's someone else. She really 'escaped from the wolf's nest and entered the tiger's mouth' really 'this woman should only exist in the sky. I'll see you in the world ~'

”The husband is great, the husband is great ~ ~ "the happy voice came out of Qin Yue's mouth. But Qin Yang walked forward without looking back, ignoring the girl behind him, and passed by the three people who formed a group on the ground. Qin Yue stopped talking and looked at Qin Yang's indifferent back. For a moment, she was stunned there, But after a short stagnation, he followed Qin Yang's thin body shadow closely

”Do I really have no temptation? Am I not beautiful? He didn't even look at it. Hum ~ ~ "the eldest lady's temper suddenly grew in her heart. Qin Yue followed her. She thought angrily that she didn't put what had just happened on her. It seemed as if it hadn't happened. The thin and light breeze flew through the alley and landed on Qin Yue's body and on the exposed ice and snow skin. The cool feeling spread to the bottom of her heart, The torn clothes on her body and the reddish marks on her face remind her that this is true. The person in front of her really doesn't look at him

At this time, the three people who had been superimposed on the ground had climbed up and restored their original appearance, but everyone's face was covered with a little yellowish dirt. One of them was putting his right hand on his left hand and constantly poking and rubbing

”Boy!, Stop, shit, plot whether we are men or not ~ ~ "the three men spit in the back, angrily said to Qin Yang's figure, and surrounded Qin Yang. They wanted to teach Qin Yang a lesson while Qin Yang turned his back to several people, but they didn't dare to get too close, I just stared at Qin Yang fiercely. I don't know how many times I have used this trick of bullying and beating people.

In today's world, there are always people who think they are powerful. They think they can dye their hair and get some tattoos. A few iron brothers can be tyrannical. You know, there are people outside people and there are days outside. Gangsters also have their own set of principles. They don't bully people, fight people, and go to animals when they see women. The so-called experts don't mean that they must be the most powerful. Powerful people will never do so. They have martial virtue. Moving their hands is the final result that they can't force.

However, Qin Yang didn't eat them. He would never take the initiative before the other party started. After all, he himself once had similarities with them. He also had his own good brothers, pride and enthusiasm. Without looking back, he continued to walk forward.

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