They flew back and forth to the hillside. That's a little strange.

”Qin Yang, do you think this is the moving house sent by some expert in the world? " The wind dragon asked.

”It's possible! " Qin Yang looked at the square about two meters in front of him.

”Try to split this with the broken star you just learned! " Said the wind dragon.

”Then get out of the way! " Qin Yang said and offered Tianyin sword.

He saw his two hands holding Tianyin sword, and the yuan less power in his body was constantly output. Tianyin sword sent out a deafening dragon howling, and the light of the sword body became more and more prosperous. The wind dragon can feel the yuan force around him rushing towards Qin Yang. When the sword reached a certain extent, Qin Yang made the sword draw strange radians in the air with his trembling hands. When these crisscross radians were combined, we could feel that the sword had the power to destroy the sky and the earth. The clouds in the sky slowly closed, completely blocking the light of the sun, and the lake surface of Yueya Lake became not calm. The water surged towards Qin Yang's feet, giving him a place to borrow in the air. " The light of the sword began to quickly gather on the sword, and then the sword pulled a long line in the space in front of Qin Yang. The devastating sword went out. It tore the space in front of it and flew towards the square with the momentum and domineering spirit of who blocked and killed who. Qin Yang felt that the power of breaking stars was obviously stronger than last time. I don't know how many times. It should be enough to break the square stone.

I saw that the line marked a deep gully along the mountain, about Zhang long and 34 meters wide. The depth is unknown. But the fast square stone is still intact. If Feng long had looked at it carefully just now, he would have found that the energy of the square stone fluctuated slightly when the sword crossed. Then it's gone.

”Grass, the stone is so hard that there is no trace of a sword. " The wind dragon returned to the original place and looked at the square stone.

”White waves have wasted so much of my energy. " Qin Yang is also complaining.

”You said, "is there a mechanism?" Asked Feng long

”Does it look like there's a mechanism? There is light everywhere. " Qin Yang looked around. There are bright stones everywhere.

”Maybe there's a mechanism. It's impossible to break it. " Feng long said thoughtfully.

”Cut, don't tell me that the mechanism is to knock on this stone and the door will open. " Qin Yang knocked on the square stone, "or did you say that when you moved the stone over there, the door opened." Then he went and kicked a stone next to him. " Or do you think the stone gate will open when the waterfall above flows down? " Just finished, the water of the waterfall above the head tilted down like a flood breaking the dike. The two were rushed to the crescent lake below by the huge energy of the current. When the two of them came down with the water, they heard a strange sound, like a dusty door opened for a long time. That sound made people feel a kind of hair and bone counseling.

The two met at once and then smiled. Indeed, everything was as Qin Yang said.

The two men carried Yuan Li up against the waterfall. On the hillside, they saw a square and dark hole.

The two of them jumped over the waterfall flexibly and stood at the mouth of the cave, which had to be admired by Qin Yang. I don't know who had such great ability to leave such a cave on the mountain.

Qin Yang heard as if a voice was calling himself. The dull and gloomy voice was like a dialogue that had been separated for hundreds of centuries.

Fenglong and Qin Yang made a decision. One by one, they went to the depths of the cave. The depths of the cave may be a large box of treasures, a top martial arts secret script, a top martial arts expert, or a bridge to death. But all this seems not to shake the hearts of two people. This may be the reason why newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!

They walked forward slowly, and the light could not come in. The dark environment did not hinder them. When they reached such a level, they could move freely in the dark. When they walked into the depths, the voice of the call became clearer and clearer. When they reached the deepest place, they could only smell the gloomy smell of corpses rotting here. But when they saw the view in front of them, they were stunned.

It is an extremely large cave. To the extent that the interior of the whole Duanwu peak has almost been hollowed out. If this is only a painting completed by one person, then this person is an extremely cow B expert. Qin Yang asked himself that he can't reach this level.

The top of the cave is covered with dense stalactites like drops of water. It's still dripping with water. In the middle of Dongfu is a water ridge, and the water on the top of the cave may drip into it. In addition to such a large cave

Besides these things, there is an old man who has died for many years sitting next to the puddle. The old man must be the owner of the cave.

Qin Yang went down. Looking around at everything around, many words are engraved on the wall of the cave, roughly Guanyin Heart Sutra and Tao Te Ching.

The wall behind the old man is engraved with many pictures of unknown things, as if full of some profound meanings.

Qin Yang took a serious look. There was a sudden severe pain in the soul of his mind. If he was not mentally strong, he would have become an idiot. The soul is the origin of a person. It is the difference between people and the dead. It is the thing that people control the body. It is an important thing for practitioners to control yuan power and lock the target. At the same time, it is also an essential thing for the running in of the spiritual contract between people and weapons.

”My grass, fortunately, my soul is a little stronger, otherwise it is estimated that it will be explained here today! " Qin Yang scolded.

Feng long also felt that although his strength was not as powerful as Qin Yang, he was a divine emperor level master after all, so his soul was a little stronger than Qin Yang. So when he looked at those pictures, the pain was not as strong as Qin Yang. " Qin Yang, I think these pictures are strange. He can penetrate the brain protected by our yuan force and attack the soul directly. Maybe it's not necessarily something to cultivate the soul! " Said the wind dragon.

”Just these broken pictures can cultivate the soul. Feng long, you won't be kidding! Although one glance can hurt people's soul, I think this may be the skill of soul attack! " Qin Yang said

”Although I have seen it, my soul attack is far less serious than you! Maybe it's because my cultivation is higher than you, and my soul may be higher than you! " Feng long looked at the pictures and said to Qin Yang lightly!

”Hey, I don't believe it. Just these broken pictures can help me! " Qin Yang said, crossing his legs and sitting on the ground. The glasses stared at the pictures. The wind dragon could feel a faint force of soul pouring out from the center of Qin Yang's eyebrows. Suddenly, a faint force of soul threatened all over the wind dragon's body. There was a sense of fear in the depths of the wind dragon's soul. How can it be that my soul level has entered the lower level of Xuan level. I thought my soul was higher than Qin Yang, but I didn't expect to feel fear under his crushing, In this way, his soul should be higher than me. It should be in the middle level of Xuan level. It seems that I have to practice at home. Qin Yang is only about 20 years old. But no, since his soul is higher than me, why does it feel that pain? I just saw his trembling body. If the soul level is not too low, what is it? The wind dragon felt full of doubts!

Fenglong really overestimated himself or underestimated Qin Yang. Qin Yang was able to use the "Tianyin sword" artifact, and the spirit deed level reached the powder level. Is it an ordinary generation? Although the spirit deed level is related to the length of time spent using weapons, the artifact also requires a high soul for the user, If the soul level can't meet the requirements, how can we talk about using weapons and how can we talk about the spirit deed level!

When Qin Yang's mysterious and medium-level soul poured out from the center of his eyebrows, a sense of emptiness suddenly hit his whole body. His eyes were originally full of vitality, but now they are dead and have no vitality. His eyes are empty, just like a puppet manipulated by a person. Qin Yang looked at the four pictures in front of him, and suddenly bursts of pain of dull knife pulling meat appeared in his mind. The brain is a very mysterious area. The brain controls hundreds or even thousands of nerves in the whole body, the five senses of the human body, and controls the human body. We can imagine that the brain sends the pain to the whole body along thousands of nerves, and the whole body puts the pain back to the brain. In this way, the pain to the brain increases hundreds or even thousands of times, if more than a few times. So what's the result! How does that feel?

Qin Yang felt that his was dead and about to collapse. "Why does it hurt so much?" Why is my whole body full of such heartrending pain? "Qin Yang was tortured like this. The only thing he relied on was his own consciousness." I'm dying. I can't stand it! " Let me die happily! " But he found that he had no way to control his body! How to control the body when the soul is no longer in the body! Now he can only manipulate his will to resist the pain

”Am I dying? " Why am I not dead? " God! Why is my will so strong? Why would I take it! Is the power of my soul only so? "

Qin Yang was hurt for nearly ten minutes, but he felt as if he had spent centuries. His soul was torn like this. Under this pain, his soul was being swallowed and disappeared bit by bit.

At this time, he saw Yinxi and himself chasing, playing, picking up conches, watching the sunset and kissing under the golden beach: three years after he left, Yinxi recalled the past of two people under the golden beach alone, and engraved "right and wrong" on the stone is the most cruel tenderness Such a cruel sentence;

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