”Swallowing yuan and returning to life, as the name suggests, is swallowing yuan power and a trace of vitality! " Xiao Lin explained Swallow a bit of Yuan phagocytosis, but also a ray of vitality. Do you mean the power of elements? " Qin Yang asked.

”Yes. " Xiao Lin said,

”What a swallowing method! "

”Yes, two people together... That. " When she said this, Xiao Lin immediately Xiafei's cheeks and blushed like red Fuji's apples.

Qin Yang suddenly took a breath. He seemed to realize Xiao Lin's purpose of asking him out, "you mean..."

”Anthracene! " Xiao Lin's voice began to become very small, lowered her head, the bangs on her forehead covered her eyes, and the snow-white hair set off her cheeks very red.

”Then you mean let me that... Er... That save you! " Although Qin Yang is a little thick skinned, he won't say it directly,

”Originally, I only need to practice yuan power, but as I just said, I was cursed twice, so I asked to become a practitioner without yuan power. And there are few people in the world who have no strength in practice. They are saying, "don't you know me better?" Xiao Lin's head didn't dare to lift. She whispered.

”However, it's because it's cooked that it can't be like that. When I said, "I only have Yinxi in my heart. Don't you know?" Qin Yang hurriedly said that he was afraid that if he was not careful, he would say it in his heart. I only like Yinxi. Xiao Lin is not mine.

”Qin Yang, can I tell you a secret? " Xiao Lin said,

”Anthracene, say it! "

”Do you remember a fox saved in a forest fifteen years ago?

A few years ago, Yunhai forest.

That year, Qin Yang was just a hairy boy with the highest cultivation of gods and disciples. When he was a child, many boys had a martial arts dream, and so did Qin Yang. When his cultivation reaches the peak of the gods and disciples, he can fly in the air. That is the so-called lightness skill. He is full of blood. However, in today's peaceful world, his blood seems to have no place to play. He heard that there are many beasts that can eat people in the cloud forest. When he was young and frivolous, he entered the so-called cloud forest alone.

Cloud forest, as its name implies, is a forest with dense trees, just like an ocean composed of clouds. People can easily get lost when they go in.

When Qin Yang arrived at that place, he knew the meaning of the forest. The forest composed of many heavenly trees made him lose his direction. Although he had lightness skills, his jumping height seemed a little childish compared with the towering trees, so he got lost.

The small man of one meter five turned in the forest for three days and three nights without coming out. Although he was only ten years old at that time, he was so determined that he didn't cry.

Only at the level of a God, he has not reached the level that he can live a few days without eating. He sits on a stone to preserve his strength. He looks around as if he is looking for animals that can eat. No animals appear for a long time.

In the sky, a wild goose crossed, and it seemed to be lost. It circled high in the sky looking for a way out. Qin Yang picked up a stone on the ground. The weak and poor soul locked the wild goose, bent his fingers and shot the powerful stone to cut through the sky and go to the wild goose. The wild goose seemed to feel the danger approaching, flapping its wings to avoid the stone, Even if his soul is very weak, it is enough to beat a wild goose. Stones pass through its wings. Can birds without wings fly? The answer is No. So he had a big game dinner. He had to admit that the wild goose meat was very fresh and tender, which gave him endless aftertaste. Qin Yang wiped the oil stains on his mouth and looked around. "What kind of forest is this? I'm going around here. The damn fat man lied to me that there were wild animals and no ghosts. When you go back, you must beat him until you don't even know his mother. " Qin Yang muttered to himself.

Maybe children are like this! Occasionally say cruel words, joke and play cheeky, this may be an interesting childhood.

Once upon a time, we broke the glass window of lingju for fear that lingju would tell our parents and went out to play for a day;

Once upon a time, we took away the rest of mom's vegetables and bought an ice cream for our favorite little girl. We swallowed our saliva alone;

Once upon a time, we went to other people's orchards with iron poles to steal fruit. When we didn't get the fruit, we knocked down other people's fruit trees;

Once upon a time, once upon a time, how many once upon a time can we form our carefree childhood.

Qin Yang is the same. Even if his mind is mature, he is also a child. No one knows how many true words a fat man can spit out,

The fox people are as like as two peas in ordinary times, but when they do not reach the emperor level, every three years is the least energy in their body, just like a cycle, a rule. When the energy in their bodies is not enough, they will become foxes to absorb energy. When their cultivation reaches the divine emperor level, they will not be limited. Xiao Lin is ten years old this year. Just at the time of the three-year cycle, she returned to the arc tribe in order not to cause trouble.

The tribe of fox people is in the west of Yunhai forest, with its back against the mountain. They build many grass houses at the foot of the mountain. For generations.

Xiao Lin's grandfather Xiao Chenglin is the patriarch of the contemporary fox people. It is said that he is an expert at the peak level of divine respect. You can imagine how difficult it is for the fox people to reach the divine respect level. However, there are dozens of fox people at the divine respect level, but most of them are at the lower level of divine respect, and their accomplishments reach the divine respect level, Yuan Li reached the limitless state. Therefore, the gap between each level is very huge. The difference between the lower level of God and the peak of God is like the difference between the emperor and the divine, which is infinitely huge! Therefore, Xiao Chenglin is the first master of the fox people.

Although Xiao Lin is only Xiao Chenglin's granddaughter, he loves her very much. This kind of continuous blood relationship and family affection.

Xiao Lin is a very obedient child. At the age of only ten, she has learned to cook and wash clothes. On that day, she would go to the Yunhai forest to pick a kind of macaque mushroom for grandpa to eat. It is reasonable to say that Yunhai forest is the territory of fox people, but nothing is absolute.

She met a lion who had no food for several days. Originally, the fox people were the natural enemies of the lion people, but now Xiao Lin didn't have much energy. She was not the opponent of the lion. She was defeated in a few rounds and fled.

The lion is the king in the forest, and the lion must be the same. How could the thin Xiao Lin run past the lion? He pressed her to the ground in two or three breaths. The lion waved its sharp claws.

”Am I going to die here? " Xiao Lin closed her eyes in despair. Waiting for the verdict of death.

At this time, in the other corner of the forest, a vigorous figure came here quickly??????

His speed was so fast that two or three breaths came. His sword Qi gently pushed away Xiao Lin who couldn't move-

”It turns out that there are really wild animals. Although they are not cannibals, they can't bully such a lovely fox. Such a big lion should be locked up in the zoo, not in the wild. " Qin Yang held Tianyin sword and looked at the huge lion in front of him-

Xiao Lin first touched her stomach with her claws. She didn't touch the so-called five internal organs, and her belly didn't have the skin and flesh cracks she imagined. So she opened her eyes in surprise and wanted to see who saved herself-

It was a child, holding a sword with blue light, and from time to time there were bursts of wind singing. From his low body and his young face, we can see that he should be young. But her deep eyes showed a lot of perseverance and tenacity beyond her peers, which made her unable to understand what kind of child this was and how he could be in such a place. Did he save me? At this time, the lion roared, "stay there, little boy, be careful I'll eat you!"-

”It turns out that it's still a talking lion. It seems that it should be refined. It seems that the fat man didn't deceive me, but it's not an ordinary beast. It should be a monster. Little lion, today I'm going to eliminate harm for the people and look at the sword! " The Tianyin sword in Qin Yang's hand was suddenly full of blue light. The colorless energy between heaven and earth gathered on the sword body. Qin Yang pushed the sword and came straight to the lion. It was fast,

”Joke, this energy can also hurt me. I'm a master level cultivation. " I saw the lion's front paw waving in the air, and a tired energy like a crescent moon came towards the sword. When they collided, the blue light of the sword body broke away immediately, and the energy disappeared. The speed of the sword slowed down for about half a second and continued to go towards the lion-

The lion doesn't think his sword can pierce himself. There is no energy on the sword-

Indeed, the defense of the lion Terran is really abnormal, and the strength of the body has exceeded imagination. But don't forget that Tianyin sword is an artifact. It can be called an artifact. Indeed, its aura is very important, but can any great God forge an artifact with ordinary metal? Who has such a cow break? Even if he has such a cow break, he will be bored to forge artifact with rotten iron, and then take it out to show off the artifact I forged. As a result, others took it to cut down the stone, and there were many gaps in the sword. Didn't you hit yourself in the face-

So the 2-foot-8 Sword Pierced close to the lion's heart. His eyes widened. Now he doesn't believe that the sword can pierce his body-

Qin Yang was paralyzed on the ground, and the challenge of leaping over the level was not so easy. He was just a spiritual practitioner and had just stepped into the ranks of practitioners. If the lion hadn't underestimated the enemy, he would have explained it here today-

Qin Yang didn't know how long he had been unconscious. He just felt as if something was licking his face. He slowly opened his eyes. A fox came into his eyes. From time to time, he stretched out his tongue and licked his face. Qin Yang stretched out his hand to touch his face and said with a smile, "thank you, little guy!"-

The fox understood him and nodded. The expression on his face seemed to be smiling-

Qin Yang struggled to sit up and looked around, "it's still in the damn forest. How can I get out!"-

At this time, the fox bit his sleeve with his mouth as if to take her somewhere-

”Do you know how to get out? "-

The fox nodded-

”Great. Then take me away! " Qin Yang stood up. The fox took the lead. Qin Yang followed him. They walked through the vast forest. After about three hours-

”This seems to be the entrance where I came in last time. Did I really come out? ha-ha! I'm so lucky! Thank you, little thing. Give me a kiss. " "Qin Yang picked up the fox and kissed him hard on the face-

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