”Come, sit, sit. " Murong Shi politely invited some of you to sit down in the chair. The three people present knew that Murong Shi was so polite because of Qin Yang. What kind of person is Murong Shi? The Lord of the non desire world, the cultivation of the gods in the early stage. We should have identity, status and strength. There should be no one who can make such a person polite except the God King! This made Zhou Shuishui firm his idea. Qin Yang was supported by a divine king.

”Qin Yang, what are you doing here today? " Murong Shi looked at Qin Yang and smiled.

”Lord Murong, I really have one thing to ask for today. " With that, Qin Yang stood up and gave Murong a gift. Not that Qin Yang admired him very much, but that people had to bow their heads under the eaves! What's more, I have to ask him.

”Qin Yang, you'll see the outside. No, let's talk about it. Do you want me to assign you a better house? It's all right. It's a third of my acre in this lustless city. I has the final say, you want a better house, I will arrange it for you. Ha ha! " Murong Shi thought Qin Yang wanted to live in this lustless City, so he would be wrong. Of course, he can see that Qin Yang has no yuan power in cultivation, and he has reached the middle level of divine teacher at the age of 20. He is sure to reach a high level in the future, and it is not impossible to surpass himself. I don't know how much better than Casso. If you give him some benefits, it will be easier to win him over in the future. That's why he was so polite to Qin Yang.

At this time, the maid had come in with a teapot. He went to Qin Yang and put teacups in front of the four people, and then filled everyone's teacups with tea. Qin Yang looked at her. She smiled at Qin Yang after adding tea. Then immediately Xiafei's cheeks.

Murong Shi took the lead in taking a cup of tea and Qin Yang took a sip. CaSO and Zhou Shuishui looked at each other and also took tea as if they didn't drink it.

”Lord Murong, I'm here to imagine you asking about the location of a place. Please don't hesitate to give us your advice. " Qin Yang was also very skillful in speaking. He directly put on a look of humility and asked for advice, which gave Murong enough face.

Murong Shi was really happy and said with a smile, "Qin Yang, just ask! As long as it is on my territory, I will tell you everything. "

”I don't know the Lord of Murong. Do you know the place of Qianzhang Bingpeng peak? " Qin Yang asked.

”Thousand feet of ice soul peak? " Murong Shi's eyebrows suddenly Zou for a while. Then he sighed, "Alas! Qianzhang Bingpeng peak can be regarded as a holy land in the world of no desire. It is covered with snow all the year round. Whether it is midsummer or severe winter, whether it is scorching sun or storm, it is covered with snow for hundreds of miles around that place. I can't stand the temperature there! I wonder why Qin Yang mentioned this place? " Ginger was still old and spicy, so he asked the reason directly.

”Lord Murong doesn't know anything! " Qin Yang sighed. His face immediately sank. He was sad and rushed to his cheeks. His sad feelings immediately came out. I'm sure if his tears were so low, his acting skills would be better than those of movie emperors and empresses. Tony Leung, Chow Yun fat, these people are floating clouds.

”Qin Yang, do you have anything to hide. I won't ask if it's inconvenient. " Murong Shi was really fooled. Lao Jiang was fooled in front of the acting strength school.

”Lord Murong, I'm not making a show! Just when you say that, I think of my hairy wife who is still lying in bed. " What do you mean by opening your eyes and telling lies? What do you mean by acting strength? For example, our classmate Qin Yang is obviously black. He said it's not black.

”My hairy wife, in order to save me, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life to block a fatal sword for me. Now lying in bed, at the moment of approaching death, he asked me to keep her body just to solve my Acacia sorrow. The rosefinch holy beast said that only by relying on the dark ice cold in the thousand Zhang ice soul peak can I keep her body. I'm incompetent! I can't even protect my wife. What I can do now is to send her to Qianzhang Bingpeng peak to keep her beautiful body. This is also her last wish. So I must send her there, or how dare I go down to find her. So Lord Murong, do you have to tell me? " Qin Yang suddenly wiped his red eyes, and the maid next to him was also confused.

”Brother Qin Yang, you have to mourn! I'll tell you where the ice is. " Murong Shi said.

”Really. " Qin Yang asked excitedly. Unconsciously, his red eyes had returned to normal. There was no sign of his tears, and the maid was still in tears.

”I heard my grandfather say: the thousand feet ice soul peak is not natural. As the 13th God King has just ascended the throne, everyone fights for ranking and respects the strength within the four circles. This is an eternal law. Among them, the battle between the God of water and the God of fire is the most exciting. The exquisite creation skills, the incomparable yuan force collision and the fight across the void lasted for about decades, and still did not stop. Finally, the collision between the two artifact Chunyang Yanjie and the weak water dragon Yin seal still did not distinguish the victory or defeat, but the two artifact were lost in different corners by cutting through the space, The faint water dragon Yin seal fell on the world of no desire. After thousands of years, it has formed a thousand Zhang ice soul peak, but Chunyang Yanjie is missing. At this time, the first battle of the six realms broke out. Laurolens, the king of the nether world, led the troops to fight. The two gods shook hands and said to fight against the nether world. Later, they did not provoke a war. The world-renowned battle of water and fire has come to an end. "

”That is to say, the Qianzhang ice soul peak was formed by the weak water dragon Yin seal of the great God of Gonggong? " Everyone was surprised, and so was Qin Yang.

”Yes, so no one can go to qianzhangbing and come out alive, except the thirteen gods. " Murong Shi said.

”Then later, why didn't the great God of Gonggong take back the weak water dragon Yin seal? " Qin Yang asked.

”It is said that the artifact weak water dragon Yin seal fell on the corner of the earth in the non desire world. After the war of the six worlds, the weak water dragon Yin seal has been connected with the corner of the earth. If it is taken out, it will affect the space in the non desire world. Therefore, the great God of Gonggong dare not take it back. After thousands of years of accumulation, the present thousand feet of ice has been formed. " Murong explained.

”The power of an artifact cannot be ignored. Therefore, no one can reach Qianzhang ice, which is located at the corner of the earth. Therefore, it is respected as a holy land by people in the world of no desire. There are five directions in the East, West, North and south. The North belongs to water, also because the weak water dragon Yin seal is located at the corner of the earth in the northernmost part of the world of no desire. "

”That is to say, Qianzhang ice soul peak is located in the northernmost part of the world of no desire? " Qin Yang asked.

”Yes, you can't get to the center with your current cultivation. "

”I don't care. I must take lin'er there. Even if we can't get there, we will die together. We will enjoy life and die together. " Qin Yang clenched his fist. Said firmly.

The unswerving determination made the people present have a sense of admiration at the same time, and the determination to love made the whole audience unshakable. The maid in the Lord's house has a heart of love. The maid is also a woman. Women like handsome, strong and responsible men. When these three points are met, they have a determination to love. This man will undoubtedly rise to a higher level in the eyes of women. But such an excellent man is certainly not what she can win, so she can only love.

Qin Yang's move undoubtedly impressed everyone present. What Zhou Shuishui admires is his acting skills. He learned a little about Xiao Lin in his conversation yesterday. Casso and Murong Shi admire his love and righteousness. Now it is a popular saying that husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately before a great difficulty. As an excellent man, he certainly does not lack women, but he is really different. He still sticks to his wife when she dies, which they think they can't do.

”How about Qin Yang staying here for lunch? " Murong Shi said.

This made CaSO and Zhou Shuishui stunned. People in the non desire world all know the rules of the Lord of Murong release world. They can only see guests at noon in a day, and they also need to pass CaSO. No one doesn't know that he is a person who likes to put on airs. However, today Murong release wants to stay Qin Yang for dinner in the house. This is the first time for an old girl to get into a sedan chair.

”Since the Lord Murong is so polite to me, if someone Yang doesn't stay, he must also spoil the Lord Murong's happiness. So I'd better obey orders than respect. " Qin Yang said with a smile. It's really different from the sad and crying expression just now, which makes Zhou Shuishui admire Qin Yang's acting skills that surpass the film emperors.

”Xiaocui gave a banquet. Brother Qin Yang must have a few drinks with me later. " Murong Shi smiled,. Xiaocui also went back to the inner hall to prepare lunch.

After an hour, many exquisite and delicious dishes have been put on the table. Murong Shi took out the old wine that had been treasured for decades. This made Casso sigh. He has coveted this wine for a long time, but today he is stained with the light of Qin Yang.

Qin Yang didn't pay much attention to the dishes. He could just fill his stomach, so he began to eat. But Lei fell down on many people who were cooking, like a starving ghost who hadn't eaten for a long time. Even the maid who stood behind Murong Shi pouring wine covered her mouth and smiled.

After three rounds of wine, Murong Shi and Qin Yang were more open. Murong Shi talked about many things in the family, the process of his cultivation, and some childhood love affairs. At the same time, he also said that he admired Qin Yang's talent and could reach the level of divine teacher in just more than ten years. Qin Yang also told many interesting stories in the world. A lunch brought the two people closer. Qin Yang changed the Lord of Murong community to brother Murong, and Murong Shi also changed Qin Yang to brother Qin Yang, the same as Zhou Shuishui.

”Brother Qin Yang, brother, I'd like to advise you that the Qianzhang Bingpeng peak is really not as simple as expected. Brother, the first level of our Shenzong can only reach within ten miles of the Qianzhang ice. The power of the artifact is not what you and I can compete with, and the body can be saved in the place with the heaviest cold of xuanbing above the Qianzhang Bingpeng peak. " Murong Shi took a sip of wine and said.

”Brother Murong, there's no need to persuade me. I've made up my mind. Weak water dragon Yin Yin can't stop my way forward. I must send lin'er there. " Qin Yang also took a sip of wine, shook his head and said. Qin Yang was a little drunk. After drinking a little, his face turned ruddy.

CaSO raised his glass and signaled to have a drink with Qin Yang. Qin Yang didn't pretend. He picked up the glass and touched CaSO. " Qin Yang, I'll have a drink with you without saying anything else. If Qin Yang doesn't care, Ka wants to make a friend with you. " CaSO said and drank the wine in the cup.

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