"Oh? Then how do you know that man is my man!" Nangong long asked.

"In fact, Xiao Yang told me this!" Although your subordinates pretend to be in place. No matter what they wear or what they say, there is always a gas field between everyone. It is not difficult to see from the photos that the 'boss' doesn't put Yu Guang on you between the stalls, and Du Qi, the former boss of the underworld, pays attention to the person behind you, that is, you. This is a bit robbing The pig's feet. And the leather shoes you wear on your feet. It's not the same word as the 'boss' at all. How can a man wear better than his evil boss! But when Xiao Yang took out the photos, I already recognized you! "Xiao Jing said with a smile.

"Good... Really good. I've recognized me just by this point! It's really powerful! It seems that I underestimated the boy at the beginning!" Nangong long said.

"You underestimated him a little. You've made a move, so I naturally have my own countermeasures!" Xiao Jing drank tea quietly and said with a smile.

"However, I'm not surprised that you guessed my identity, but the victory of this game still belongs to me! It's estimated that you already know my purpose of 'inviting' you here today!" Nangong long said slowly. Also began to drink the Longjing tea brought back from the West Lake.

"This golden stone building is the hard work of my whole life. Do you think it's really possible for me to hand it over to you?" Xiao Jing said slowly.

"But it seems that it's not up to you to decide! The only way in front of you is obedience! There are all my people in this building, and you can't escape from my palm!"

"I'm dead. What's the matter? When I'm dead, according to the law, the right of inheritance still falls to Ruoshui, not your brother-in-law. Isn't it!" said Xiao Jing.

"Really? I forgot to tell you. Although I won't let your daughter die. But I didn't say he can be safe and sound! The people who kidnapped Xiao Ruoshui are men in their twenties and thirties. I don't know if they will play any games with your I daughter!" Nangong long said with a smile

Hearing his words, Xiao Jing immediately raised his eyebrows. I almost jumped up. "You bastard!!!"

"I'm an asshole. I said, I only want your hard work for half of your life. Don't force me! If Xiaodie knows that it's your choice to make his daughter curse, how can you go down to see her! When you took Xiaodie away from me, why didn't you expect to receive my revenge today!!" Nangong long laughed.

"But Xiaodie is your cousin! In her eyes, she just regards you as her brother!!" until today, he can understand why he invited Xiaodie in every way when he married her, but he didn't come. It turned out that as like as two peas in his mind, he would not come... When he saw the water, what kind of surprise would he show, which kind of expression was like pity? Because if water is exactly the same as the young butterfly!

"You're talking nonsense. Xiaodie loves me! When she was a child, she always played with me, and at that time she said that she would marry me when she grew up." this sentence was basically roared out of his mouth, together with the feelings that have been buried for more than 20 years!

"When I was a child, I didn't know what happened, but when I grew up, she gradually understood! This kind of feeling shouldn't exist!" Xiao Jing scolded.

"Can the value of love be involved by those worldly fetters? If so, what is the use of love! All these are your excuses! Now Xiaodie is dead, there is no proof of death!" Nangong long said.


It was already quiet at 13 p.m. The new year's Party of dizun university has finally come to an end. The dilapidated venue left can only be cleaned up by the cleaner aunt tomorrow! At this time, it was in a building of emperor Zun University. A man in a security suit was patrolling back and forth. Eight or nine men followed him.

"Brother Wang, nothing will happen today! My eyebrows are always jumping..."

"I'm afraid of farting and don't look at who's behind us. Boss Gong, who dares to provoke us in minhai city!!" Wang Feiyang scolded.

"Brother Wang said yes. But in the middle of the night. Looking at this smelly girl here. Won't it be a little boring?" man a said.

"Yes, brother Wang, let's have fun with that smelly girl! It seems that this smelly girl is still the school flower of your school. Although her chest is stunted, she is really beautiful!" gangster B glanced at the girl lying on the ground in the room.

"Hum ~ don't even think about it! Although I said we followed boss Gong. But if boss Gong gets angry, no one can save you! Think it over for yourself. Is it good to be happy or dead?" Wang Feiyang glared at him.

Gangster B felt a cold sweat coming from behind. Although he hasn't seen the so-called boss Gong, he can eat all over the three northeastern provinces with only one name. We can see his strength!

"Then we'd better go to the corridor and smoke for a while???????? several people said and walked away

In fact, Xiao Ruoshui woke up about two hours ago! When she entered the so-called prop box, she smelled the fragrance of jasmine like a breeze. When she woke up, she had been thrown in such a place.

Now she is hungry and cold. In winter, how can you resist the cold on the ground only by relying on a thin coat. Originally, there was the moon, but at this time, the moon has also been shy to hide in the dark clouds. She was the only one in the cold room. Occasionally, she heard some frivolous words blaspheming her in the corridor outside.

At this moment, this scene reminds her of the picture of Qin Yang rubbing himself to keep warm with each other in the waste warehouse that night. But now there is no one around me. She closed her eyes and saw a boy in a plaid shirt. He was smiling at himself. Just when the two people were close to each other, the teenager passed by. He hugged a girl not far behind him. That girl is Ling ya! That smiling face!

"Qin Yang, where are you? You don't know how much I miss you??????" silent words came out of her mouth bound with cloth strips. Two or three crystal tears dropped from her eyes on the floor!

In the corridor, several men were smoking at the entrance of the stairs. It's the clouds overhead that have been idle for half a day!

Just when several people were laughing about what they had done with several women, a very discordant voice followed: "Hey ~ friend, can you borrow a fire

Several people turned around and saw a smiling face looking at several people!

In the corridor, several men were smoking at the entrance of the stairs. It's the clouds overhead that have been idle for half a day!

Just when several people were laughing about what they had done with several women, a very discordant voice followed: "Hey ~ friend, can you borrow a fire

Several people turned around and saw a smiling face looking at several people!

"Qin, Qin Yang! Why are you here?????? Wang Feiyang said carelessly for a moment!

"Oh. Well, I put my right sword in the classroom, so I wanted to come and have a look. I didn't expect brother Wang to check his post here so late! It's really dedicated!" Qin Yang said with a smile.

"Oh, hehe! It's nothing. Isn't it that I've been busy dealing with the public security problem in the school these two days? Someone complained that something was lost in the school recently, so I let me pay more attention!" Wang Feiyang said with a smile.

"I see! I thought these people were thieves. I'm very happy to see brother Wang talking to them! It should be your friend! It seems that I think too much!" Qin Yang sneered.

"That Xiaoqing, what are you looking for? Why don't you look for it together in our classes! There are many people and fast!" Wang Feiyang said with a smile. At the same time, when Qin Yang turned his back to them, six people quietly pulled out something from behind. With the help of the hazy moonlight, you can just see the cold light on it. After coming and going, several people have also walked back to the middle of the corridor. Qin Yang stood at the door of class 7, grade 2, senior high school.

"Thank you, brother Wang. What I'm looking for is something very important to me!"

"Something very important to me!" this sentence just slipped into the classroom through the window. Into the psychology of the girl lying on the ground!

This, this is Qin Yang's voice. Sure enough, did he still attract it? Is he coming to save me? I don't know why the psychological unhappiness just now, the kind of heart splitting pain uploaded from the wrist, suddenly disappeared at this moment! Asshole, you're here at last! But why do you say I'm something, asshole? I'm your eldest lady?????

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