After getting Qin Tian's reply, Ji Mingyue said that she had learned the piano at her grandfather's request. Just yesterday, when she went to a competition, she lost the election and escaped directly from the venue. I ran there and somehow got lost. I hid in the alley and cried there alone.

”Qin Tian, am I so stupid! Ming Ming has studied piano for so long, but he will lose the competition. You really don't want me? I'm so stupid... "Ji Mingyue suddenly asked Qin Tian with a cry, which made Qin Tian's reaction a little difficult.

Qin Tian immediately expressed his feelings directly in another way and kissed Ji Mingyue's small mouth. Qin Tian's kiss is full of overbearing breath. Let Ji Mingyue, like a little sheep, fall into the mouth of the big gray wolf. Qin Tian didn't give up. After the two people were intertwined, he looked at Ji Mingyue seriously and said, "don't talk about your stupidity in the future. It's only me who can say you're stupid. In addition, the game doesn't decide everything. You also like the piano to care about winning or losing in the game, don't you? Just like me, I like racing, so I care about winning or losing in this race. In order to win the race and for what I like, I will work harder to exercise my skills. Aren't you the same? "

Ji Mingyue was told by Qin Tian's words. In her heart, she replied, "Well! Although I learned the piano because of my grandfather's request, I fell in love with the piano later, so I have been practicing my piano skills. "

”If you are not as good as others, what you should do is not to be sad, but to exercise your skills harder until others recognize your efforts. Mine, right? The bright moon. " Qin Tian continues to enlighten Ji Mingyue.

”Um! I decided to spend more time practicing the piano every day. Thank you! Qin Tian. " Ji Mingyue said her decision to Qin Tian gratefully.

Qin Tian looked at Ji Mingyue who was different and said, "fool, I told you not to say thank you again! Forget! "

Qin Tian didn't know when he came to the laughter park often visited by Qin Yang. Now it's more than one o'clock in the morning. There was no one in the small park. Qin Tian went to the park bench and put Ji Mingyue down. I've been walking with people for almost an hour. Even Qin Tian's physical strength freak can't stand it. But he was not willing to let her go and hoped to hold her all his life. It was all Qin Tian wanted at present.

Qin Tian bought two cans of drinks at the nearby beverage vending machine, sat down next to Ji Mingyue and asked her, "don't you have to go back?"? It's already twelve in the morning. "

Ji Mingyue gazed at Qin Tian and was a little embarrassed. Then he said, "I want to spend this evening with you. Can't I?"

”Eh! This... Is it right here? " Qin Tian was a little thirsty and said with a drink.

”Um! Not far from here is my home, right here! " Ji Mingyue looked at Qin Tian calmly.

Qin Tian thought it was a little fast, or did he misunderstand something? I decided to ask, "Mingyue, do you mean to chat here with me until tomorrow?"

”Um! Yes! Or... Ah! Bastard lust! " Ji Mingyue only thought so, but as soon as Qin Tian asked, she changed her taste. When she found out, she didn't know what was going on for a while.

”Um! don't worry! It's cold here. Why don't you go to my place. I misunderstood myself and promised to just sleep with you. " Qin Tian frankly admitted that he had misunderstood.

Ji Mingyue looked at Qin Tian shyly and said in his ear, "will it be too fast! I'm a little scared. It's my first time. "

”I'll never do it. I'll wait until you say you want to. " Qin Tian answered seriously. Then he pulled up Ji Mingyue and walked to his apartment.

But when Qin Tianyi opened the door of his house, he immediately regretted it. His eyes were in a mess. He tried to clear the bed with a ashamed face. Looking at the smile in Ji Mingyue's eyes, Qin Tian almost wanted to dig a hole and bury himself. He said directly, "single men are like this! It's more normal for me. My neighbors are freaks. " Qin Tian didn't realize that he was also a member.

Ji Mingyue finally just smiled and said to him, "why don't I take care of you later?"

Qin Tian gently hugged her in bed and said, "no, I will change. I will let you see my changed side." Qin Tian thought to himself: I haven't slept at night for a long time, but I must hold this girl to make myself fall asleep

In the dark room, the thick curtains completely isolate the inside and outside of the house, without a trace of light. The flickering light of the screen is reflected on the yellow dust face sitting in front of the computer. Huang Chen seriously stared at his role on the screen. Because it was a newly opened game, when his general ability was not high, he ranked among the top ten in the server by virtue of his continuous task brushing ability day and night.

Today just opened a fighting field, which is a place to give players PK. Is it definitely a good opportunity to prove yourself! So he decided to come in and try his hand. Because of the point system, the ranking was only the top 10000. Huang Chen looked at his ranking. He actually had no ranking beyond 10000. Huang Chen was a little unacceptable at once. His ability went up, but there was no PK ranking. He would definitely be ridiculed by others. He was a slag number who could only practice level.

”I'm afraid of being laughed at if I don't roll you down today. Your Uncle Wu came to abuse you tonight! " Huang Chen touched his long Heshang head and whispered to the screen. Glancing at the time at the bottom right, it was more than half past eight, and it had to be brushed to at least 100 before going to bed.

Huang Chen quickly set a goal for himself. After putting on the headset, he immediately talked to the NPC in front of him and directly entered the pairing time. Tonight is a new ranking, so many people are brushing combat points. After a while, it will prompt that the random pairing is successful and enter the fighting field immediately.

The system will prompt: the player [the wind blows PP cool] will fight to the death with you.

The picture immediately jumps quickly. In front of us is a small forest map of 100 * 100 yards. Huang Chen couldn't help laughing because the main weapon he used was a bow and the auxiliary weapon was a long rope, which could give full play to his greatest strength in this place. But his consistent style is: when the enemy's strength is unknown, let him stand on the edge of victory first. In popular words, it is obscene.

The system starts reading seconds and starts fighting ten seconds later. Huang Chen immediately switched the secondary weapon. The skill bar quickly changed to the long rope skill. He picked a big tree and quickly used the rope trap skill. Then the man stepped back to the back of a nearby tree trunk, switched back to the main weapon, and gently rolled the mouse wheel to enter the unique sniping mode of long-range weapons. The scene in front of him zoomed in rapidly, yellow dust steadily moved the mouse, and the vision also looked around. Looking for your opponent should be on the other side of the map.

After Huang Chen scanned the whole audience, he immediately felt very strange. He didn't find a figure. Huang Chen is confident that his character's eyesight and practice is absolutely no problem. Even if he can see more clearly, but now he didn't find his opponent's figure after scanning again. He can't help feeling very unlucky. It seems that his opponent is good at concealment.

But Huang Chen is very patient. The specified time for a game in 1v1 is 5 minutes. As soon as the opponent appears, he guarantees that he can definitely snipe the opponent. Without moving a step at all, continue to scan the whole audience in sniper mode. Waiting for less than 30 seconds, the pile of trees in front of me shook abnormally. Huang Chen's slightly masculine face immediately showed a trace of evil smile. Thought: can't you wait so soon. So close, it seems that it's someone who uses close combat weapons. Look, I let you know how painful an arrow in a chrysanthemum is!

Skillfully press the skill key of the ice arrow, and the arrow in front of you will immediately cover a layer of white cold skill effect. Then move the mouse and aim at the hidden trees with the cross center in the center of the field of vision. Quickly click the left mouse button to release, and the ice arrow quickly flew out and disappeared into the trees. A damage value immediately jumped out of the trees, and I immediately got the battle prompt: you cause 100 damage to the player [the wind blows PP cool], and the movement speed is reduced by 20% for 3 seconds.

One hit is good. Quickly press the left mouse button to connect with an ordinary attack. Continue to hit and hit 80 points of damage. Suddenly, a handsome male figure rushed out of the trees. The wind was cool. It seemed that he couldn't accept the fact that his whereabouts were exposed. He rushed directly in the direction of yellow dust. Huang Chen immediately felt funny. He thought he was a good opponent. Unexpectedly, he was a big s X. Huang Chen said with a smile, "there's no way. If you find abuse, I have to end it."

Slowly scroll the mouse wheel. While recovering the field of vision, skillfully press the skill key to release the skill output damage. Huang Chen knows that with his strength cultivation and his bow, he can hit beyond 80 yards, but the effective range of maximum damage is within 50 yards. The wind in front of him is cool. At present, the distance from him is about 60 yards, which can be completely abused.

Because the health bar is not displayed in the fighting field, you can only output it until the opponent falls. Yellow dust estimates from the appearance that the amount of blood cooled by the wind is about three times that of itself. He seldom exercises himself, so he is thin and weak. The wind blows PP cool. It is obvious that those with strong physical cultivation appear to be very large. Unfortunately, it is estimated that there is no leg strength exercise, and the speed is very slow. When they rush over, they are constantly slowed down, beaten back and dizzy.

Huang Chen's arrow hit. It took nearly a minute for the wind to cool down before it entered within 30 yards of Huang Chen. Huang Chen glanced at his physical strength bar, leaving about three fifths. He couldn't help but sigh that the game of primitive is too real. He has to consume his physical strength even if he takes one step. If his physical cultivation is not enough, he can consume his physical strength by fighting for five minutes in a row. Looking at the opponent in front of him, while estimating how long his physical strength can last, he pressed the keyboard and moved back at a uniform speed. Keep the distance between the two at about 30 yards.

The barrier between the trees did not block Huang Chen's vision at all. Finally, the figure filled with arrows rushed to the trap position of Huang Chen and was hung upside down on the tree. Huang Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He really made a good start. I like this kind of sb like mad dog best. I was lured into a trap at once. As long as you fall into the upside down trap, you will be lifted for 30 seconds, which is basically the death penalty. With one-third of his physical strength, Huang Chen walked out of the shade of the tree, stopped within 10 yards, and blew PP cool against the wind caught in the trap. Huang Chen knows that an ordinary attack is enough to knock out the rest of the man's blood.

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