Huang Chen didn't say anything. The eldest lady said, "with me who accurately grasp the trend of the monster, do you still want to choose to fight? It seems that I'd better go to your room and catch up with you tonight! "

”Then go! " Huang Chen took the lead and went first. The weapon on his hand was switched to a long rope.

Although the eldest lady felt a little strange, she didn't care and kept up with Huang Chen. A group of people walked behind. It was unobstructed along the way. There was no barrier at all. She walked half the way at once. The eldest lady took a whole map and quickly surveyed it. Although she found a lot of rare plants, she didn't stop. In fact, Huang Chen also saw a lot, but they didn't make a sound and went straight on their way.

At last, the eldest lady issued an order to prepare for the battle, because the road ahead was not forked and the passage was narrow. There were five red dots in the middle, which could only meet the opponent.

Huang Chen, who was walking in front, first found several pairs of red eyes in the distance. The battle was arranged by the eldest lady. It's very reasonable. Throw out the shining skill in the channel to attract the monster's attention, and then the three shield players in the team use the shield defense skills together to form a defense line in situ. Behind them are two mages and archers who can remotely output and weaken the monster's blood gas. If they can rush to the defense line, they will rush forward with two melee outputs, Behind the shield array, there are two people who switch their scepters from time to time to heal the output hand in front. Huang Chen can be said to watch the performance behind. He didn't care about the five little earth dragons. Such a formation can definitely be solved easily.

After a while, the earth dragons fell down one by one, and their physical strength was only weakened a little. On the new road, Meimei, the main shield hand, was a little dissatisfied and said, "leader, why don't you do it? You must solve it faster!"

Huang Chen also expressed his opinion directly: "I can't do it, I'll break your formation, which is more troublesome."

The eldest lady said, "there is absolutely no such thing. I know you can make up when there are loopholes in the formation."

Huang Chen didn't say anything about it. Meimei was not happy. She whispered, "is there such a God?"

They didn't care about Meimei's nonsense, because they tried their best to avoid fighting, and one or two earth dragons stood in the way along the way. But it can be solved in a few seconds. Soon came to the last section of the cave. At this time, the eldest lady gave the order to prepare for battle again, and a group of people moved forward in formation. Soon he saw a big figure in front of him. Huang Chen had already seen it and said, "this big earth dragon is the boss monster of this cave. I saw him escape once. A very special skill is to hit the wall with your head, and then the broken stone pillar on your head will fall down and hit people. All terrain skills are difficult to predict, so it's best to interrupt his release. "

Huang Chen thought to himself: it seems that he has to kill this time, because not everyone has his own leg strength to escape quickly.

The eldest lady took a serious look at the surrounding terrain and said, "yellow dust, can you help limit its movement? I'm afraid our magic power is not enough to completely limit this boss. "

”Yes. " Huang Chen immediately agreed and then said, "I have a long rope skill that can wrap around its neck. Keep it from hitting the wall and leave the rest to you. "

”Hehe, if you don't fall off the stone pillar, it's not difficult to kill it. " The eldest lady smiled and said confidently.

Meimei came forward and shouted, provoking the boss. The big earth dragon immediately roared and attacked Meimei. This time, Meimei was put in front of her alone, and two treatments added blood to her. People in the back will output. People in close combat choose to fight and retreat. They can cause higher damage by playing the same place every time. Soon, the boss's blood gas was quickly weakened, and yellow dust kept waiting. Suddenly, the boss turned his head and no longer attacked Meimei's shield. He rushed to the rock wall on one side. Huang Chen immediately hit the target from the side with his own judgment. Pull the boss's head to one side, Huang Chen was dragged forward, and the rope in his hand broke in about 2 seconds. But the boss's impact has been almost completely offset. When he hit the wall, only some small stones fell down, and everyone didn't care.

The next thing is simple. Meimei continues to top, and the people behind continue to output. It can be said that they have exhausted their physical strength. Two times the boss wanted to launch the wall hitting skill again, but he was stopped by Huang Chen. Finally, the grass came forward and made up the last knife. The big earth dragon screamed and fell down. Suddenly, some equipment fell down.

The eldest lady asked with a smile, "Huang Chen, do you want to share one?"

Huang Chen didn't care. He said directly, "if I don't contribute, don't worry about me. I'm just leading the way. I'll fly alone when I get there. Blame yourself for all the trouble along the way. "

This is the choice of the general team leader, because others in the team are generally people who know or form a team for a long time. They meddle in the spoils of other teams indiscriminately, especially this family team, which is easy to be annoying.

”It seems that uncle is used to being a team leader ~! " Meimei said with a smile.

Huang Chen was a little speechless and said directly, "if you have a good sense of direction, you don't need a leader at all. However, the map of the game is really a pit father. Everyone doesn't want to get lost and wants to go straight to the destination. At this time, the team leader is valuable. As a team leader, I usually choose places I have never been to, and then fly alone to explore. "

”Wow, I went to places I've never been. Uncle, your map is not very big? " Meimei asked in surprise.

Huang Chen didn't care, and slowly said, "my map is probably from the seven fortresses outside the territory of the seven countries. I've basically been to places within 4 hours, except for the newly painted map and hidden caves."

Huang Chen's words fell, there was a silence over the earphone, and then a wow burst out.

”Uncle, how did you spend so much time exploring? "

”Uncle, can you give me a discussion and copy a map? "

”Brother ~ copy a map to your sister! "

”No integrity, brother Wu, I want it too! "

”Cut, neither of them is promising. Here's the map. Can you go? Brother Wu, take us to collect materials and tasks! Except for the eldest lady, our ability value is very low. "

”Yes, Xiaocao said well, brother Wu ~ take us! "


As a person who has been fighting day and night since opening his service, Huang Chen is really exciting to finish walking such a large area in two weeks. The territory of the seven countries is surrounded by the king's land, which is the so-called novice village. Generally, there are only some small beasts. Outward is the territory of the seven countries, with the king capital as the center, scattered with some medium-sized towns. Nearby are small and medium-sized beasts that will not destroy the sky and the earth. Unless there is an animal tide, people who come out of the novice village with a total ability value of less than 80 will not cause a destructive blow. Moreover, large and medium-sized animal tides are issued with systematic announcements. As long as they are reasonably avoided, they are still very safe. There is a fortress in each of the seven countries, with one side of each town guarding the king's land. Once out of the fortress, there will be many large monsters, and the animal tide is unpredictable, so it is difficult to wander outside, and Huang Chen's map is a proof of strength.

Finally, everyone stopped. Huang Chen smiled and said, "are you still low in ability? According to my estimation, the average total capacity value is more than 120 points. If it is not serious, it is absolutely safe to fly alone within an hour from the fortress. What's more, you are an 8-person group. You have reasonable tactical cooperation and the detective power of the eldest lady. You don't need others to take you in advance. "

Huang Chen's words made a group of people speechless. In fact, their whole women's team is very famous in this country. But Huang Chen is used to flying alone, so there is little information in this regard. When the girls heard Huang Chen say so, they just don't want to take them. Unexpectedly, the eldest lady suddenly made a request and said, "why don't you join us ~!"

”Oh ~! What do you say? " Huang Chen is a little interested in the team where a group of girls get together to play games, but he just means to ask, because the team is all women, and he will never add himself as a man so simply.

”What else do you want to do with a pile of beautiful women coming to play with you ~! " The eldest lady expressed her pride.

Huang Chen smiled bitterly and said slowly, "eat all the bread to recover your strength and run." He said he had left first. After leaving the cave, he found a supply point in a big tree cave. After returning to good condition, Huang Chen took the lead.

The people behind kept up and kept talking about all kinds of meat confusion. Huang Chen was still indifferent. Meimei once again broke out that Huang Chen is a fag, which was unanimously agreed by all the women this time.

In order to protect his reputation, Huang Chen had to say, "I'm not uninterested, but I don't care about things other than games. It's OK for you to play games with me. Don't say anything else! First of all, I am definitely straight, and whether you are beautiful or not remains to be explored. "

Huang Chen's words immediately offended the public anger. All roared together: "what is to be further studied!" Huang Chen had a headache and almost walked into the alert range of a wild monster. Huang Chen did not expect that women would care about their appearance at any time.

”Hum! Uncle, I'm not afraid to tell you. Although we are all beautiful women, I'm the most beautiful one. "

”Uh huh ~ I almost threw up. Meimei, don't pretend. "

”Yes, we didn't talk. It's your turn. "

”You are jealous, short oil ~ talk and don't move your hands. Ah ~ "

Some voices suddenly became far away, and then Huang Chen found that all the people except the eldest lady stopped. And there were some charming smiles and screams in my ears.

Meimei's cry kept rising and falling: "ah ~ no, there... Ah! Don't... don't do it... Ah! "

Hearing this, Huang Chen had a big head and said, "Miss, do you care about it? It's only half gone? "

However, the eldest lady was powerless about the current situation and said lazily, "I don't want to care. In fact, both of us can complete the task. Now they are just incidental."

”Huh? " Huang Chen thought for a while. I really think it's wrong. Suddenly woke up: "when did I say I wanted to help you with your task?"

The eldest lady said frankly, "I just asked you, what else do you want after a pile of beauties play with you. Then if you don't answer, I'll take it as your default. No problem, just join us. You've been my person from the beginning! Of course you have to help me with my task. And wait, don't ask me for money. You're my pawn now. "

Huang Chen almost bit off his tongue. He has never seen such a bully. So the scoundrel said, "eh, is there? I haven't heard you ask me. Ask me again! I will definitely give a good answer. "

”Hum, no, I've always had a recording. I'll just send you a paragraph. If you dare to ignore my problem, this is the punishment. Don't try to escape. " The eldest lady said disdainfully.

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