Ah, he asked a little strangely, "brother Tian, why do you use only one machine every time, and there are many empty machines?"

Qin Tian sat back in his original position and heard ah Xun's question as soon as he sat down. After thinking about it, he replied, "Well! I'm not in a hurry and don't like to occupy everything. If others wait, they can only wait for all my clothes to be washed! Then maybe someone else is with someone who needs it more than I am? "

Ah, he looked at Qin Tian with a little surprise. It was all because Qin Tian was such a fierce and exposed person. It felt that he was still very domineering. He thought he would hear a very strange reason. I didn't expect such a simple reason, but most people don't pile up so many clothes to wash together! Ah, he smiled helplessly.

Qin Tian saw Ah's surprise in the blink of an eye and smiled helplessly. Then he opened his mouth and said, "what reason do you think I am?"

Ah, I answered naturally, "well, maybe I like the color of this machine? Or I think this one is clean... Ah! No ~! Hey!? Hee hee! Brother Tian, don't laugh. Don't ordinary people think so? "

Qin Tian couldn't help laughing when he heard ah instantaneous's answer. He patted ah instantaneous on the shoulder and smiled happily. Qin Tian thought it might be his own reason. It's strange! But there was one thing that made Qin Tian very curious, so he asked ah instantaneous, "ah instantaneous, who are the guests on your own side? Hearing what you say, I think that ordinary people will not occupy all the machines? "

Ah, I looked down for a moment and said, "in fact, it's usually single people like brother Tian, or some small and many hotel cleaning tablecloths, ah! But brother Tian, you can rest assured that the machines here have good degreasing, so there will be no residue in the machine. The rest is like wet clothes in rainy days or suddenly dirty clothes, they will come here to dry or wash clothes. We have rented cotton robes here, so there are many of them. That's basically all. "

Qin Tian nodded his head and said, "Oh! So it is. That's why it separates a female guest rest area there! "

”Um! Yes! What did you think was the reason? " Ah, he nodded and asked Qin Tian instead.

Qin Tian scratched his red short hair and said, "ah! I always thought it was because of smoking and non-smoking! " Ah, when he heard Qin Tian's idea, he thought it was very reasonable and said, "that's right. Generally, women don't smoke much, so it's right to separate. Maybe the landlady also considered it when she designed it before! "

”Eh! The aunt? I remember that Aunt smokes herself? " Qin Tian said angrily as he recalled.

”Um... This? I can't tell, but I guess I'm thinking about it? " Ah, looking at Qin Tian with an embarrassed face, he didn't know what to say about his boss.

”Ha ha! Don't worry, I just ask, don't answer? " Qin Tian laughed and said to ah instantaneous, patting ah instantaneous on the shoulder.

They talked and laughed all the time and spent nearly a morning. Ah, I admire such a person who can practice hard for his dream. Although the result is very unsatisfactory, it feels that he is not afraid of things. Let ah instantaneous feel that Qin Nai is very handsome. Finally, Qin Tian didn't say anything. Ah instantaneous was embarrassed to ask again until Qin Tian tied ah instantaneous's neat clothes to the car at noon. Qin Tian turned back and said, "thank you! I can't pack so many clothes so quickly alone. "

Ah, I was a little shy and said, "there's nothing like that. I'm so happy if you can chat with me."

Qin Tian nodded his head, put on his helmet and said, "ha ha! I'm complaining alone. It's hard for you to listen. So goodbye! " Then he drove away.

Ah, standing at the door of the store, he looked up at the sky and said, "can I have that dream?" Then he turned back and entered the store.

Qin Tian room——

Qin Tian cleaned up the dusty lockers and put his clothes in. Looking at the tidy room, there were few pieces of furniture. Now pack up all the clothes, and the room is much bigger all at once. Suddenly I felt a sense of accomplishment, "well, it's OK! I haven't wasted time all morning. I won't get dirty if I walk barefoot. It doesn't feel bad. " Qin Tian's satisfied self-evaluation.

”Let's eat first. I'll see if I can find a job there in the afternoon. " While planning his afternoon, Qin Tian took out a few compressed biscuits and two cans of beer from the refrigerator. Go to the balcony, turn over and sit on the railing of the balcony.

With his legs hanging in mid air, he opened a packet of compressed biscuits and chewed them in his mouth. Looking at the balcony facing the empty street, I suddenly feel bored. I don't know what to do. I stretched out my head and looked at the direction on the right hand side. Qin Tian whispered to himself, "hmm?! Waste man Yang and Xiaotao have gone out and haven't come back yet. Huang Chen doesn't know whether to live or die. " Looking down at the downstairs, I found that the doors and windows were closed. I knew sister Qin was not there, and I immediately felt more bored.

Continue to look at the street outside bored, eating tasteless compressed biscuits. He poured a mouthful of bitter beer and gave a long sigh. Raise your head, support the railing with both hands, and look at the cloudless sky. The sun shines directly from high above, warm and bright, but not dazzling. Slowly, Huang Chen's body fell back and turned back to the ground with his arms. The biscuits in his mouth didn't fall down. He sat down cross legged slowly and continued to chew the biscuits boring.

”Ah! " He sighed softly. Continue to look at the outside through the gap of the railing. The posture slowly changes from sitting to lying, lying on the cleaned ground, watching several birds chasing and playing on the wire. Jump and fly from time to time. From time to time, they all disperse and gather again. The chirp of birds can't be heard. I feel a little upset after listening to it for a long time. Gulu Gulu drank up a can of beer, flattened the empty can with a click of his hand, looked at the trash can near the street corner outside, and threw the empty can out with one hand.

The empty can directly hit the edge of the trash can, made a loud bang, then bounced up high and slowly fell into the trash can. The birds that had been chasing on the wire were scared by the sound and fled everywhere. Qin Tian smiled bitterly and thought he was really bored.

Suddenly, a white light came down from the sky and covered Qin Tian's whole body. Qin Tian found that he couldn't move. As the white light slowly recovered, Qin Tian's body rose. Finally, he entered a cave floating in the sky. After the dazzling white light disappeared, Qin Tian saw that he was tied to a bed like an operating table, and his hands and feet were fixed. He struggled to get rid of the shackles on his hands and feet.

”It's no use. Although you have more power than ordinary humans, you can't break free from this shackle with your power. Don't waste your energy. " Suddenly there was a familiar voice above his head.

Qin Tian looked up and found Qin Yang standing there in a strange tights with something like a tablet in his hand. Qin Tian immediately shouted angrily, "Qin Yang, you bastard, what are you doing there? I depend on you! Let go of me! "

Qin Yang touched his face curiously and said, "this man is called Qin Yang. In fact, this is not my original appearance. It's just a template extracted from your memory and covered on us. You can't see our original appearance. Be careful. "

”We? " Qin Tian thought everything was strange and asked directly.

”Look over there. " Qin Yang pointed a direction with his chin to show Qin Tian to look at it. Qin Tian turned his head and saw a group of familiar people standing there discussing something. They all wear strange tights, but they are all familiar people, Huang Chen, sister Qin, Xiao Ruoshui and Ji Mingyue.

Qin Tian immediately shouted, "what are you doing? Let go of me! "

Several people came over after hearing Qin Tian's cry. Huang CHENXIAN said, "Oh, is the experimental body awake?"

Sister Qin then said, "well, let's start the experiment! Time is precious. We are researchers, not invaders. This experimental body needs to be sent back. The less it will affect the existing time series, the better, so hurry up. "

Several people next to them nodded "well", and then dispersed to operate in front of all kinds of strange instruments. Qin Tian immediately said angrily, "fuck Mao! Are you all stupid? Let go of me! "

”Oh, really energetic. The choice of the experimental body is good. Hello, experimental body 18. In principle, we can't disclose too much information. But it's best if you can cooperate with our experiment. Explain the system! " Sister Qin looked down at Qin Tian's face and said that sister Qin also disappeared in Qin Tian's sight, and then a brilliance fell on her head. The light quickly intertwined in the air above Qin Tian's head and became a light mass. Suddenly the light scattered, and a lovely little guy jumped out of it. It was the figure of Xiaotao, with a pair of small wings floating in the air behind it.

As soon as Xiaotao appeared, he smiled and said, "Hello! Experiment 18, I'm the airborne system of this aircraft. Code sxe8876, welcome to participate in the "balanced world intelligent biology exploration experiment" held by our Latin American Clara star research group. You are lucky to be selected as the experimental body by us. Now you see that our images are the light and shadow effects covered by several people with the most violent reactions in your cerebral cortex. It's used to shield our original appearance, huh! i see! Captain, human eyes really can't distinguish the false image we made! " Peach excitedly vibrated her little wings in circles.

”Um! This can be confirmed, "sister Qin's voice promised in the distance, and then said," continue to explain! "

Qin Tian's face was numb and looked at the peach floating in front of him without expression. Even the selection of appearance is distributed according to age! Qin Tian suddenly felt such a sigh in his heart.

”Oh! " Xiaotao happily agreed, turned back and continued, "then you can understand that what we say is the same, just through me to translate it quickly. In principle, this allows us to communicate well with you. If you feel bad, in fact, we can make you unable to understand anything. What is your opinion? "

”... "Qin Tiangang wanted to say something. Sister Qin's voice came again from the top of his head:" it's explained. Let's start the experiment! Let's do a simple temperature experiment first! "

As soon as sister Qin's words fell, Qin Tian was put on a mask by the machine, and his clothes were broken down by some light. Then the whole experimental bed began to sink into a cylindrical room below. All around the room are some curved metal pipes.

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