”Hee hee! Yes, I found my opponent's figure at the beginning. I asked quicksand to guard Sha Dun and attack. If he hadn't been running away, I would have won the battle. It's shameless. But as soon as the man escaped, I used sand Dun to chase him. The man was killed without even looking at me. Give me a chance to praise me! " Wan Wan said confidently.

”Um! It's so powerful. It's really a good way to chase with sand Dun, but the cooling time is still very limited. If you are a person with high foot strength, you can get rid of it. This is really a problem. Quicksand guards are naturally slow, and all kinds of situations happen in this kind of battle. Your own defense is also poor. If you are led away from the quicksand guard and then come back to attack you, you will be in big trouble. " Huang Chen noticed an obvious problem from his euphemistic and simple expression, which he ignored before. Fortunately, I won this time. It's hard to guarantee that I will encounter such a thing next time.

Huang Chen deeply reviewed and reflected while considering the ways to deal with it.

”I remember which latent skill is stronger with high perception and concealment, right? " Huang Chen leaned back and stretched himself straight on the chair. Fortunately, the tension of the chair was good and made a sound like spring tension. Huang Chen sat on the chair again and spun slowly.

Wan Wan on the other side waited a little impatiently and said, "yes! Uncle, have you made up your mind? I'm impatient. "

”Well, when I first met you, I looked lazy all day. I didn't expect to become so impatient after only two days. " Huang Chen touched his nose and said.

Wan Wan said angrily, "hum! It's not because of you, and I don't like what I can't do. What I don't like more is to ask you to teach me. "

Huang Chen smiled at the speech and said, "Oh! I can be said to be a professional gamer to teach you, but you are still so impatient. "

”It is precisely because you are good, but I don't like to teach you, but because uncle is better than me, I have to learn from you. " Wan Wan spoke his argument loudly.

Hearing Wan Wan's words, Huang Chen almost fell off his chair. He was so angry that Huang Chen bit his teeth and said, "Wan girl, you're deliberately angry with me, aren't you? Talking to you is asking for trouble. I'm in no mood by what you said. Think for yourself! " I disconnected the voice link as soon as I finished speaking.

Take off your headphones and relax your ears. Huang Chen is in a bad mood and closes the game directly. Then make a move that can absolutely frighten people who know him to death - take the initiative to turn it off.

He stood up and did a few stretching movements, and then he felt very hungry. Huang Chen tried to recall it and was suddenly startled. It turned out that he had only eaten a few fruits and vegetables and a packet of biscuits in the past three days. No wonder it was so difficult to control his temper because he didn't eat well or sleep well. Huang Chen decided to have a good meal and choose to go out to eat in order to prevent himself from aging in advance.

When you want to go out, you have to bring the equipment to go out. Although Huang Chen's home is not chaotic in Qin Tian's house, it's not as good as there. Huang Chen opens the curtains and the spring sun shines in. He sees a pile of strange black substances in the room. Gently pull up a pair and take a look. It is estimated that it is worn, and then put it into the blackened pants. There was a strange smell on it. Huang Chen looked at it and threw it aside. Continue to dig expressionless. Huang Chen has long been used to this state. Huang Chen's hand looking for something suddenly stopped and said to himself with a little doubt, "when was the last time I took a bath?"

Huang Chen rubbed his arm with his hand and found a layer of black material. Huang Chen judged by experience. It's estimated to be a week's amount. He looked down and thought about it. Is it better to go out and take a bath! Take off the clothes you haven't changed for several days and throw it on the black material.

Just walk into the bathroom. Seeing a thick layer of dust in the bathtub, I sighed helplessly. Yellow dust won't come in except using the toilet. No matter how much you turn on the shower directly, a little cold water spurts out. Stir up a piece of dust in the bathtub, hold your breath and go straight in. Let the water wash your body hard. Bent down and looked, a piece of dry and cracked soap was in front of him. Because Huang Chen had always been a peacemaker, he didn't have shampoo. Huang Chen tried to recall how long the soap had been used, but there was no result because it had been too long.

Huang Chen picked up a melon bag like thing on the ground, scraped it on the soap, and then brushed it on his body. Some gray bubbles suddenly appeared in the bathtub. When you open the shower, you suddenly feel a lot better. In fact, Huang Chen doesn't like bathing, but always forgets, because everything comes to the back when you open the game, except for some emergencies.

Huang Chen opened the shower curtain and took a look in the mirror. His skin was obviously white for a while. After watching it for a long time, he suddenly did a bodybuilding action, and then changed several actions continuously. Narcissistic looked at the mirror and said, "your muscles are really a sin! I like it when I see it. Well, it seems that I'm a little relaxed. It seems that I need to connect it. "

Huang Chen walked into the room while pinching the muscles on his arm. There were drops of water on my body. I touched my head. My hair without a centimeter was all dry. After pondering for a while, I thought: it seems that I'm going to do it. I feel really bad after so long. But go out and eat first! Or you'll starve to death.

I opened a carton in the corner. There were a box of the same clothes. They were all the same and new. I didn't even take down the brand. Take out one and put it on your body. Continue to open several boxes next to you. They are all the same things. Except for the difference in quantity, pants, underwear, socks and coats are all the same things.

After Huang Chen wears a new one, he looks back at the pile of black material behind him and suddenly feels a little troublesome. Because he had changed his clothes, he didn't want to touch that pile of things anymore. He said to himself, "please, it's a little troublesome not to take out the room key! Forget it, come back and come in from the balcony. Um! Is Guo mingluo in the room with Xiao Tao? OK! Go! "

Open the floor to ceiling window of the balcony, open the shoe cabinet next to the door, put the same shoes inside, take out a pair of shoes that seem to be worn out and put them on. Just lock the door and walk to the street.

There was a piece of pudding falling on the ground. Next to it stood two tearful peaches, holding a small plate that was supposed to be used to hold pudding. Qin Yang stood in front of the water table and looked back at Xiaotao. He was immediately frightened. He quickly took Xiaotao to the bathroom and helped Xiaotao clean the pudding on his feet. He may have been stimulated by a little cold water and immediately cried.

Xiaotao's cry startled Qin Yang who was seriously cleaning. Hurriedly asked, "is Xiaotao okay? Did you fall there? Does anything hurt? "

While holding the small plate tightly with both hands and wiping tears with his arms, Xiaotao said intermittently, "Dad... Dad... Ah... Xiaotao's... Pudding is gone."

”No, no! Don't cry? " Qin Yang said strangely.

”Mom said, you can only eat one a day! Now the pudding is gone, peach, no! " The little peach, panting slightly, stared at the small plate on his hand and said the reason with a crying cavity. At last, he cried loudly again.

Xiaotao cried until he coughed. Qin Yang was distressed. While patting Xiaotao on the back, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Xiaotao, does mom say that?"

Xiaotao, who was crying bitterly, stopped crying when she heard Qin Yang's words. Standing in the bathtub, he looked up at his father kneeling in front of him and nodded. Qin Yang carefully wiped the tears off Xiaotao's face with his fingers, and then asked her, "did you eat pudding today?"

”No... yes... "Xiaotao shook her head around. She thought she had no more to ask for today when her pudding fell to the ground, so she wanted to cry again.

Qin Yang said before Xiaotao cried again, "that's OK. Mom just said that she can only eat one pudding a day, but she didn't say that she can only give Xiaotao one pudding!"

Xiaotao was obviously hoodwinked by his father's words and tilted his head. If he didn't understand other things, Xiaotao probably heard it, but this time it was his favorite pudding, he wrinkled his small eyebrows and thought seriously. Qin Yang thought it was rare to look at Xiaotao who thought so seriously. He immediately felt very interesting, so he continued to quietly guide Xiaotao's thinking: "you can only eat one pudding a day, but not only one pudding a day, and today..."

Xiaotao raised the small plate in her hand and said excitedly, "Xiaotao hasn't eaten pudding today, so you can have another one, right? dad! Hee hee! "

Qin Yang looked at the smile blooming on Xiaotao's lovely face again, and sighed again. Sigh or smile is more appropriate, peach. When Xiaotao was excited because he could eat pudding, Qin Yang suddenly looked at Xiaotao with a straight face.

Xiaotao noticed Qin Yang's face and stopped dancing because he was happy. Looking at Qin Yang quietly, he didn't dare to make a sound. At this time, Qin Yang asked, "can I have pudding, but!"! Xiaotao, dad wants to ask you why you fell to the ground first? "

”Eh!? Er... That... Is... "Xiaotao hesitated to answer Qin Yang's question, lowered his head and glanced at Qin Yang from time to time.

”Huh? What is it? " Qin Yang's face remained unchanged. Although it was not severe, it could make people feel terrible.

Xiaotao was asked again. He lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Qin Yang. Clenching the small plate in his hand, he whispered, "because he can eat pudding, he jumped up excitedly, and the pudding fell to the ground."

”Xiaotao looked up, "Qin Yang ordered. After Xiaotao looked up and looked at Qin Yang in fear, Guo Ming continued:" now dad doesn't want to teach you a lesson. I want you to know that you don't get complacent because you get what you like. In the end, everything you get will disappear. Do you understand? "

This time, Xiaotao didn't understand what his father said. He didn't want to hear it as before, but thought it over again. Qin Yang quietly looked at the expression on Xiaotao's face and took Xiaotao out of the bathtub with one hand. Pick up the rag on one side and help Xiaotao wipe the water off his feet. After wiping the water dry, Xiaotao said, "Dad, Xiaotao understands that if Xiaotao doesn't jump up because she gets the pudding, she doesn't have to cry."

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