People who know No. 3 know his true level. Although they can't complete all the tasks of 18 bullets in three minutes, they can reach a state close to completion.

The prince's eyebrows frowned. No. 3 seemed to be at a loss for a short second, which may have disrupted his next rhythm. This test puts heavy pressure on every team member. If you care too much about completing the task of all bullets, it may affect your normal play.

Sure enough, at the end of three minutes, No. 3's body just reached the fourth target. At ordinary times, he should be the third shot of the fifth target.

These players are the elite among the soldiers, and their psychological quality is far better than that of ordinary people, but this does not mean that the soldiers will not be nervous. They are far from being compared with the special combat soldiers honed from the fighting atmosphere. As long as this matter can cause them to care enough, the soldiers will also be nervous.

One second of emotion control can show the psychological quality of these soldiers, but in this test, one second of mentality is extremely important to me.

No. 3 ended up biting his teeth. He seemed to hate his incompetence and his failure to put me in a normal state of mind.

Qin Yang has no mind to care whether others test well. He looks at all this as a bystander, neither warm nor hot, neither happy nor sad.

When the third came off, Qin Yang also began to move his body a little, turned his wrist and moved his neck.

”Are you next? " The prince asked curiously when he saw Qin Yang's ready appearance.

”The examiner of "No. 4" helped him answer this question. When the number was read out, Qin Yang's body had also stepped out of the crowd, stepped on the mat, dressed in a combat uniform, and stood upright in front of the first target.

”"Prepare" The examiner shouted out the password, but Qin Yang kept his hands down at this time, and his palms were not close to the table.

”Start! " The examiner's cry made Qin Yang's whole body start up like a crazy rotating motor.

The assembly of the whole pistol is divided into seven parts, not all parts are disassembled, of which the longest time-consuming is the insertion of three bullets into the magazine.

How did Qin Yang do it? When he shook it with one hand, the three bullets had already started, and were clamped by the gap between his four fingers. At the same time, his left hand had picked up the clip. The whole process is flowing. It can't be said to be unhappy, but a shocking speed.

Such an action is almost like an instinct. To outsiders, it is the expert of firearms.

It took a second to load the bomb, and then the spring into the box. It was almost unimpeded. It was a model. The people watching carefully in the rear couldn't help holding their breath. Qin Yang's expression was the same from beginning to end. The only change was the flashing eyes.

The last sleeve closed, pulled the bolt and gave a crisp "click", dragged a short "pop", and the pistol was assembled.

This scene immediately made the examiner who was counting next to him look down at the timer. The time displayed on it was seven seconds and four seconds.

At the moment of completing this series of actions, Qin Yang's arms stretched straight and fell down, almost without gap, and instantly completed the action of leveling with his shoulders. It is inconceivable that such a shooter would be a "novice" who has only practiced for two months.

The most surprising thing is that he didn't hold his other hand, which is only two possibilities for a gunman: either he has full confidence in his strength, or he doesn't care about the hit rate. How low is the hit rate of a person who has only assembled a gun in seven seconds?

Qin Yang is a gunman with great strength in the eyes of everyone.

From the second second he assembled the guns, the test field became a one-man performance show of Qin Yang. He acted silently, causing the heartbeat and breath of the whole audience to stand still.

This is a kind of spiritual impact. Some people feel that the three minutes are like a natural moat that can't be climbed, and Qin Yang tells them with the most practical action: since there is such a test, there will be a person with extraordinary skills to break the seemingly insurmountable threshold.

Can you finish three bullets of a pistol in a few seconds? Excluding the aiming action to ensure the hit rate, five seconds is the limit of ordinary people, while soldiers can complete the firing of three bullets in three seconds.

Qin Yang fired three bullets at a speed that exceeded almost everyone's expectations. Except that the "melancholy Prince" was relatively calm, the other team members showed an expression of surprise, but this expression had no excited exclamation, only a shocked expression.

It is not as unattainable for all the players present to buckle three bullets in a second. Such a means exists among some top special combat soldiers. If it is shooting aimlessly, three bullets a second is not an unreachable dream for soldiers. The difficulty lies in hitting the target three times a second. It's a round target with a radius of 25 cm and a distance of 40 meters away. It's not a target you can reach when you shoot. Without a certain accuracy, even the edge of the target can't be wiped. This is the fact. This is the real reason why Qin Yang's one second shooting caused the whole audience to shake.

What recoil? As long as you have strong enough strength, recoil can be ignored, but few soldiers can ignore recoil to this extent. What kind of grip strength and strength should you have, so that you can make three shots in one second!!

The handsome pony in the film and television play has a shot in hand. What is the interval between one shot and another? That seems to be the epitome of slow motion scenes. Don't the two guns have a second interval?

”Boom! Boom! Bang! " How compact the flame erupted. When people were still remembering the experience of the three guns, Qin Yang had reached the second target.

The same action as before, whether the speed of assembling the gun or the frequency of shooting, is extremely accurate. You will ignore that Qin Yang is testing at this time. They have no doubt that Qin Yang can complete the task of six targets. Now people are more concerned about whether his ring number is as divine as he shows.

If your opponent is a person equal to you, perhaps you still have the confidence to compete with it, but if your opponent is a person who can completely surpass you, all you have left is to look up, and the direction you are moving forward is him, and the driving force for continuous progress is him. In any field, there will always be a few "people" who can be called demons. Such people are called genius.

Qin Yang never thinks he is a genius. The only genius he recognizes is "hard-working genius". Just as there is always a hard struggle history behind every successful person, Qin Yang's achievements today are completely practiced in the extreme squeeze of CAI Zheng.

Have you ever tried to train for eight hours with a gun with a backward force of 100 kg every day? Qin Yang has, so his performance is normal in CAI Zheng's opinion.

Among the three chief executives of the wild Army Corps, Cai Zheng is the kindest in terms of face. This is relatively speaking, but when it comes to the ruthlessness of training, Cai Zheng is absolutely symmetrical and iron blood. He has always believed that since you come to my hands to accept my arrangement, I want you to train until you don't stop breathing. You just need to keep breathing.

In those days, Qin Yang couldn't even afford to eat with chopsticks. He ate "grabbing rice with his hands".

”Bang! " The last bullet ejected gorgeous fireworks, which shocked everyone's heart in an instant.

”Over! " The moment Qin Yang put down his gun, he shouted. Only his voice sounded in the room, which was particularly harsh. Out of the habit of reporting to Cai Zheng after every training, he couldn't help shouting. Cai Zheng's request for his report is to be sure to shout out the momentum of soldiers. Therefore, his voice is full of confidence and loud. Unconsciously, it has become his habit.

Until this moment stopped and terminated, Qin Yang's forehead was covered with sweat without a drop of sweat during the test, but his expression was still so numb. He was like a machine and had forgotten the joys and sorrows that too many people should have.

In addition to becoming stronger or stronger in his world, he can't put too many feelings in his heart, and can't afford to waste superfluous expressions.

All the people present looked at Qin Yang standing upright and felt a surge of respect in their hearts. This is not only a respect for the strong, but also an affirmation of Qin Yang's superb skills. They are not as good as them. This is a person who carries out the soldier's faith to the end.

The always relaxed "melancholy Prince" looked at Qin Yang thoughtfully. He seemed to read something. In Qin Yang's eyes, he could not see a trace of sadness and joy that normal people should have, and some were just endless peace. Even on the edge of death, he believed that Qin Yang would not have a trace of change in his eyes, perhaps??? What's he doing??? It's numb.

”The examiner didn't read out how loud "51 seconds", but it was this seemingly bland counting that made the whole audience quiet again for a long time, and even the other examiner forgot to call the number of the next contestant.

The man, one of the first three examiners, held the timer in his hand, but his eyes stayed on Qin Yang's straight body for a long time.

”The fastest record in four years, 51 seconds. " He repressed the excitement in his heart and whispered that only one person knew how high the gold content of this time was.

The most unnoticed third examiner quietly withdrew from the training room when everyone was distracted.

”Come on, call up the shooting replay of number four. " In a dark room illuminated only by computer light, a soldier in a cloak said, holding a telephone, with a smell of shouting.

After that, the staff of the whole darkroom ran to the screen that recorded the video of Qin Yang's shooting. They heard a series of shots without interval. Three shots were a unit, silent. They all unconsciously put down their work at hand and were distracted by the figure little by little.

”Special permission No. 4 directly entered the list of ten people. " The middle-aged major general picked up the microphone, said such a sentence, and then hung up. At this time, the whole video had been shown.

”Special combat power, maybe??? This session is a little hopeful. " The major general who stabilized his mood thought so.

”All of them. " Qin Yang heard the voice of a mature middle-aged man, and then the black cloth in front of him was taken off. At this time, he was able to see everything in front of him.

Standing in the same line are nine players dressed in the same clothes as him, one of whom is the "melancholy Prince" who scored "58" seconds in this test. After they had a test of assembling guns and shooting, they were led out of the test room by an examiner. Then he blindfolded at the examiner's sign and was taken to this place.

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