The change in his hands immediately brought about the change in his feet. Qin Yang's bow step was inch by inch. With the rapid change of his legs, he took a step away. It was clearly a posture of withdrawal, but it gave people a feeling of attack. It was a step back and a step further. It seemed to be a step back, but it was actually a step of change in the battle.

A palm "caresses" the fist, and the withdrawal step at the foot seems to have been calculated. Follow Zhao Zhuo's fist and retreat step by step. In the face, Qin Yang was defeated, but Chu Yan's eyes showed a light of horror.

”Difficult! " To achieve such a natural connection, it is also to use the changes of moves so smoothly. As far as she knows, apart from Qin Yang at this time, she can count the fingers of both hands.

This is obviously a manifestation of talent. Qin Yang's martial arts talent is incredible.

Zhao Zhuo's magnificent punch, like entering the clear water and dotted with water spray, did no substantive harm. He suddenly everything, "Tai Chi!"

Unexpectedly, Qin Yang could Tai Chi and developed this martial arts to such an advanced level.

Among the hundred boxing skills, it happened that Qin Yang was most familiar with the skill of Tai Chi. From the day he followed Han Tieyi to practice martial arts, he never stopped a set of Tai Chi body forging every day. Tai Chi is the way to cultivate health, but there is no lack of attack and cutting.

Yin Yang communication, one yuan and two instruments, with hardness and softness, is Taiji, not what ordinary people understand: Taiji is only the martial arts of Yin.

Qin Yang touched his fist with his palm, while the other hand spread his arm and stepped back, which made the hearts of the people watching rise like a spring breeze. There is no fierce offensive, no smell of beacon fire, only the seemingly simple step by step.

Tai Chi is extremely slow in defense, but this slow state is matched with extremely rigorous defense. It makes the most perfect defensive action with the smallest amplitude, which leads to its slow defensive effect is much greater than those in the fast move.

The most annoying thing is not the slowness of Tai Chi, but the calm appearance of people who use Tai Chi.

Who can stand that when you desperately move, your opponent does not hesitate to block your attack, showing a complete control. Therefore, people who play taijiquan should not be confused. Once they are confused, they will be brought into the opponent's rhythm.

Zhao Zhuo moved his hand, so he was a hot Lord. He believed in the absolute strength. Looking at Qinyang's calm appearance, his heart fire increased a bit. The strength in his hand suddenly increased, suddenly accelerated the speed of a punch, and roared through the air.

Turning the palms and side blocks, Qin Yang was familiar with tai chi moves. His close training clothes gave him a taste of waving his sleeves. The dust was scattered by his majestic palm cutting and hitting his sleeve, and the light smoke was diffuse.

A "unloading" way has exhausted the essence of Tai Chi. Except that Zhao Zhuo, who is in it, did not see exactly Qin Yang's moves, the rest of the bystanders saw what it was like to "pull a thousand pounds in four or two".

When Qin Yang turned his palm with one hand, the next hand met Zhao Zhuo's fist again without giving him the slightest reaction time. Then there was a close leaning. The "leaning against the mountain" in Zhao Zhuo's eight pole boxing was not used, but it was displayed by Qin Yang in another form.

His steps were very steady, but he was no longer slow, but flashed quickly, and his body was pasted on Zhao Zhuo's right. It could be said that the position was occupied very skillfully, which just caught Zhao Zhuo's next hand and put it under his armpit.

Then he took Zhao Zhuo's fist into his arms.

Then he moved half a step, which made Zhao Zhuo very uncomfortable, and made his body appear in front of everyone with a strange curve. Just the move of this half step is seamlessly matched with the action of the upper body. Everyone stared at the scene in disbelief.

Zhao Zhuo's body is off the ground!! However, he was not completely off the ground, and his toes were still supporting him. It seemed that he was unwilling to leave the ground, but the huge "shelf force" made his body have to deviate from the floor.

Not to mention Baji boxing, even ordinary boxing, experts will know where the real power is. waist! Using the arm to exert force is the lower move, and using the body strength is the upper move. The waist is the middle hub connecting the lower body and the upper body. The twisting of the waist connects the upper and lower bodies, resulting in terrible huge fist power.

Qin Yang understood, so his ultimate goal was at his waist. When he got Zhao Zhuo's hand into his arms and hung Zhao Zhuo's body in the air, he took a step hard. This step completely took Zhao Zhuo off the ground.

Tai Chi's defense is slow, but Tai Chi's attack is faster than many martial arts. It does not advocate the rush attack of killing, but takes defense as the attack. In the blink of an eye, it will change from a docile kitten to a fierce tiger.

Qin Yang finished the attack, and then his body flashed. He didn't leave Zhao Zhuo's body at all. It was like a python winding Zhao Zhuo's body. He didn't leave his body and wound to Zhao Zhuo's side position. At this time, Zhao Zhuo was slightly bounced up.

If you don't blink, you'll even feel in a trance, "when did he get there? Before, Mingming was like snuggling in Zhao Zhuo's arms. How could he suddenly change to that position? "

Everyone saw that while Qin Yang moved his body, an arm was still in his arms. Zhao Zhuo's fun is great. His body is suspended in the air and he is pulled by someone. He is completely "man-made knife and I am fish".

That pulling force became the smell of "you can go wherever I want you to go". Zhao Zhuo was turned around by this area. At that moment, he turned 90 degrees in the air, which surprised Fang Shiren and others.

Is this a juggling? No, it looks like a string puppet.

Chu Yan quickly combed Qin Yang's previous moves in his mind, playing back quickly like a movie, and his eyes flickered constantly. With her eyes shocked, a loud voice rang through the training ground.

”Bang! " The voice was dull, but it was very shocking, and it shook people's hearts.

With the help of Qin Yang, Zhao Zhuo completed a perfect 90 degree air side body. This may not be a big deal for a gymnast, but don't forget that Zhao Zhuo's height from the ground is not even a foot. Then he fell on the ground cleanly, like a toad who was directly thrown to the ground. He grinned as if he wanted to shout, but his tenacious nerve made him not shout out, but do a kind of almost tangled expression and action. His eyes narrowed into cracks and wanted to endure great pain.

”Accept. " Qin Yang stretched out his palm and opened, and then made a fist hugging action, which made Chu Yan five people who acted as the audience messy in the wind again.

”If you really have the style of a master. " Fang Shiren couldn't help smacking his mouth and whispered.

Zhao Zhuo covered his abdomen with pain, but he quickly stood up. When he looked at Qin Yang, he was convinced. He is not the kind of person who can't afford to lose. The only regret is that he underestimated Qin Yang and overestimated himself.

”You are better than me. "Zhao Zhuo bowed his head and said such a sentence to Qin Yang calmly.

”Team leader, I lost. " Zhao Zhuo turned around and shouted to Chu Yan, but his palm didn't touch his stomach anymore, but he still walked towards Fang Shiren a little decadent.

”Next, you go. " Chu Yan smiled and then said to Luo Yi standing beside him.

The latter had already stepped out and walked towards Qin Yang before Chu Yan said this sentence.

Qin Yang raised his breath and exhaled. He was adjusting his breathing rate. Obviously, the battle with Zhao Zhuo was not as simple as it seems.

When Luo Yi came towards Qin Yang, he kept his eyes on Qin Yang without moving. It seemed that Qin Yang was the only one in his world at this time.

The so-called "lover's meeting is particularly hot", oh, no, the so-called "opponent's meeting is particularly jealous". At this time, Luo Yi completely regards Qin Yang as his enemy. There is a sense of war in his eyes, and there are even signs of fire. Qin Yang knows what that smell is, which is a faint killing intention. This feeling made Qin Yang's eyes burst out.

Unexpectedly, this silent teammate would kill him. Are they enemies?

On the other hand, Luo Yi's fighting and winning heart is also too strong. Even Zhao Zhuo before, some are only fighting, but not killing. Unexpectedly, Luo Yi, who is a little smaller in the back, has a strong hostility.

”What kind of fist would you use to me? " Luo Yi walks into Qinyang and stops at a distance of two meters. This distance is extremely dangerous. Before, Zhao Zhuo only walked three meters to Qinyang, but Luo Yi directly approached a distance of two meters. The shortening of this meter is different in nature.

”I haven't seen you do it. " After Qin Yang said this, he felt a shadow approaching quickly. Unexpectedly, Luo Yi took the lead.

”"Boo!" Except Chu Yan, the others took a breath and looked at Qin Yang who was kicked back three meters. There was a deep and shallow trace ploughed under his feet, which was the reason why everyone took a breath. What a terrible force. And the ferocity in it makes people palpitate.

The footprints of a pair of military leather boots can be clearly seen on Qin Yang's shield arms. His face is not dignified, but replaced by a calmer temperament. Through the gap between his arms, he took a look at Luo Yi and slowly dropped his arm.

I don't know whether to be happy or sad. After Luo Yi accidentally kicked this foot, he didn't pursue the victory, but left Qin Yang a chance to breathe. This behavior is naked contempt. Do you think you should laugh or cry?

”Are you ready? " Luo Yi's eyes showed a sharp light, but his face remained unchanged, still the face of the coffin.

”You come. " After Qin Yang said this, Luo Yi started his body, and he started his body at the same time. The two hit each other like two heavy mecha.

”Click! " The sound symphony of bones completely ignited the beginning of the battle.

”Qin Yang. " Chu Yan held a timer in his hand and then shouted Qin Yang's name.

”Come! " Qin Yang stepped out and stood in front of Chu Yan, at the starting white line. He kept his body bent and was ready for the sprint.

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