Qin Yang didn't find anything. The only thing he found was the evidence left by Chen Luo. I don't know whether it is evidence or not. What a coincidence. Qin Yang just suspects Jon that foreigner. Chen Luo left him such a clue. It seems that God wants him to talk to the foreigner.

”Have you booked all the tickets for returning home? " In a depressing atmosphere, Qin Yang said to Qiao Yang, who was smoking a stuffy cigarette.

”Well, everything is ready. You can return home this afternoon. " Qiao Yang nodded and said.

”That's good, "Qin Yang seemed to put down a worry in his heart, then turned to several national security team members who were in sadness and said," bring your captain back to the organization. Qiao Yang has told you the truth. Don't let your captain die in vain. "

”Qin Yang, "Qiao Yang frowned and shouted.

”Don't report this matter to the organization. Chen Luo has a compelling reason. He should always be innocent. After all, he is dead. " Qin Yang raised his neck and breathed, "if it were you, I'm afraid it would be Chen Luo's choice. People are not plants, who can be ruthless."

It was only a moment of sadness, and then Qin Yang cheered up and said, "let's get ready. We'll go home this afternoon." His expression showed a kind of solemnity, "I'm sorry to tell you that we failed this mission." After that, Qin Yang bent down and bowed deeply to the national security team members and Luo Yi, "it's my captain who didn't lead you well." The tone is very light. It seems to be saying a very common thing.

”Captain Qin, the failure of this mission is not your fault at all. You have done well. " Lin Tao looked haggard and said sadly. Then he went out of the house, and several national security team members followed him out.

There were only the fourth team led by Qin Yang and Qiao Yang in the room.

”And you, all tidy up and go home this afternoon. " After Qin Yang said this to Luo Yi, Fang Shiren and Zhao Zhuo, he also walked out of the room. Once again, Qiao Yang, with a new cigarette in his mouth, kept up with Qin Yang and went out.

”Let's talk. " Qiao Yang suggested in the back.

Qin Yang nodded silently.

There was no language communication between them. They walked into the elevator with a tacit understanding, not down, but up. Qiao Yang points the number to the top.

”Would you like one? " Qiao Yang took out a box of cigarettes from his chest and handed it to Qin Yang. He never smoked a brand. As long as he had a cigarette, it was enough for him.

”I don't smoke. " Qin Yang refused, "help me delay my ticket for a few days."

Qiao Yang took back his hand and stayed in the air for a long time. "What are you doing?"

”Just help Chen Luo get justice. " Qin Yang said without salt.

”Qin Yang! " Qiao Yang stared at Qin Yang seriously. "Look at me."

Qin Yang looked at Qiao Yang obediently.

”You know what you're doing? " Qiao Yang is a little angry.

”I know. " Qin Yang stared at Qiao Yang's eyes and answered.

”You know, you still do it. Once the organization knows about it, you??? "

”Are you willing to see Chen Luo die like this? " Qin Yang interrupted Qiao Yang's persuasion.

This question immediately made Qiao Yang feel weak. He had a deep sense of remorse. "We didn't expect this to happen. We didn't expect them to do so unscrupulously."

”Yes, it's all your fault, "Qin Yang was unusually excited." if you hadn't protected Chen Luo's family, this wouldn't have happened. In the final analysis, it's all your so-called organizational fault. It is because of your assumption that Chen Luo's family died. " Qin Yang's eyes stared a little big, but he soon calmed down.

”If no one goes to help Chen Luo get justice, it's useless for you to stop me. Few people can persuade me about what I decide. " Qin Yang made his attitude clear.

There was a brief silence in the elevator.

”Have you figured out where to start? " Qiao Yang compromised with Qin Yang.

”Jon. " Qin Yang gave his name faintly, but Qiao Yang raised his drooping head suddenly.

”No, he's from the FBI. If you move him, once things fall, the consequences will be unimaginable. He is not comparable to ordinary FBI agents, which will cause contradictions between the two countries. " Qiao Yang frowned deeply.

”Did I say to expose my identity? " Qin Yang said, "in fact, what you are worried about is that my identity is exposed and brings trouble to the country."

Qiao Yang said weakly, "yes, I'm really worried about this. In my position, there are many things to consider. You can't ignore the interests of the country like you. "

”I went in my own name. Even if I was exposed, I wouldn't reveal my identity. You should believe me, and you must believe me. " Suddenly, Qin Yang's eyes flashed a fierce light, which was a strong self-confidence and more violent.

”Do you want me to prepare anything for you? " Qiao Yang thought for a while, put down his worry and planned to fully cooperate with Qin Yang.

”You will take all the team members who came to this mission back, leave me a ticket delayed for about five days, and prepare me a pistol and 20 cartridges filled with bullets. " Qin Yang didn't stop talking. He almost finished at one breath, which had to make Qiao Yang doubt that the boy might have had such a plan for a long time, and whether he could persuade or not could not stop the boy's crazy behavior.

”I can promise to do it for you. " Qiao Yang gritted his teeth and ruthlessly supported Qin Yang completely and unconditionally.

”If you can, help me prepare a set of clothes to cover up. " Qin Yang added.

”Yes. " Qiao Yang never refuses to come. He promises anything.

”Ding! " When the door of the elevator opened, a middle-aged woman entered the elevator with a bag, and Qin Yang and Qiao Yang walked out of the elevator synchronously. This makes the old woman who thinks she is still charming very depressed.

”You return home today and leave everything else to me. " Qin Yang was a little ahead and said to Qiao Yang behind him.

”What else can I worry about when things come to this point? " Qiao Yang couldn't help smiling bitterly. "I'll try my best to hide what I can help you hide. As for whether things can succeed, it's up to you." Qiao Yang took a deep look at Qin Yang.

”Even if I fail, I'm just a person, which I know better than you. " Qin Yang smiled, but Qiao Yang thought it had changed.

He said he was helpless. Qin Yang's words were what he wanted to hear most, but there was more remorse in his heart, "I have far more to consider than you."

”Yes, "Qin Yang said," in ancient times, there were military generals on the battlefield, and Wen generals settled the country and secure the country. Without your support in the rear, the country would not matter. "

Qiao Yang was very pleased with Qin Yang's words. Few people could have such an understanding of them. The soldiers in front of the charge only think that their literati have no backbone and blood, but who knows how many factors are considered in diplomacy with various countries. You soldiers only know to fight when you are reasonable and fight to death. Why did you ever think that this country is a big country now, involving not only military but also politics. At this time, Qiao Yang's mouth only turned into a sentence, "I wish you success soon."

”As you wish. " Qin Yang replied with a smile, revealing a row of neat and white teeth, which made people seem to see a pure teenager in a trance.

”Joe translator? Why hasn't the captain arrived yet? " Zhao Zhuo's body took up half of his position, so that Luo Yi and Fang Shiren sitting around him had to shrink their bodies and try to make room for themselves.

”Your captain can't get on the plane. It may be delayed for a few days. " Qiao Yang said with a smile.

”What's up? " Luo Yi looks into Qiao Yang's eyes and asks.

For this situation, Qiao Yang has long been prepared, "it has temporarily assigned a new task to Qin Yang to complete, so he still needs to stay in the United States for a few days and can't return home with us."

”Oh, "Zhao Zhuo suddenly realized," no wonder I saw the captain before I got on the plane today. By the way, Joe translated, why did the captain complete it alone instead of giving it to our overall fourth team? " This is not only what Zhao Zhuo cares about, but also what Luo Yi and Fang Shiren want to know. Therefore, they all stretched their necks slightly to listen to Qiao Yang's answer.

”Er, well, "Qiao Yang really didn't expect this silly man to ask so carefully, so he said half mysteriously," if I know, I'm not a translator but a commander, ha ha. " Qiao Yang took a bottle of pure water and drank it.

”Hoo ~ ~ ~ whew ~ ~ whew ~ ~ "in a roar, Qiao Yang and his party's returning passenger plane soared into the air and flew towards the sky.

A man in a huge black windbreaker and a jazz hat stood and watched the plane disappear completely before turning away. It seems that outsiders will only think that the man dressed like this is a middle-aged man. It is hard to imagine that he is a young man who is still a few months away from adulthood, and this is Qin Yang who has been fully disguised.

Jon finally settled a worry and sent back the "plague gods" in China. The accidental death of international criminal Fisher is not his management scope. Naturally, the Bureau will arrange relevant personnel to deal with it.

People who have settled their minds will have a special taste of life. For those above, Jon has explained to them that his future will be bright. In such a state, Jon is naturally relaxed and happy every day.

As an old man in his forties, Jon has no family and always lives a single life. Perhaps he knows that people who are black and white like him have a family but a burden. Therefore, he does not settle down and work, but lives alone. One day, if you really have an uncontrollable desire, go to some advanced red light districts. Anyway, money can't be a problem for him. Sometimes Jon likes this kind of life. He doesn't have the shackles of his wife and family. He wants to do everything alone. How fast.

Although his daily life is monotonous and repetitive, as long as there is passion in his heart, life is full of fun everywhere.

This day is the third day that Jon sent off the pedestrian in China. As usual, after washing in the morning, he drove his little Mercedes to the FBI headquarters to work. In the United States, as long as the family conditions are not very poor, it is not a problem for everyone to borrow a car. Naturally, Jon can't be a small citizen who buys a car with a loan. How can such a shabby thing happen to a senior director of the FBI? The most important thing is that he is working for a big family. He won't lack money.

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