The old man moved very quickly, but he mastered the strength very well. The pain was not very severe.

After cleaning the wound, aunt he picked up the military knife and baked it in the alcohol lamp. The tip of the knife was blackened instantly, but it was still some time before use.

After baking for about three minutes, aunt he held the knife in front of her chest. With the other hand, she picked up a mass of coarse cloth that had already been prepared and said to Qin Yang, "bite it."

Qin Yang did as he was told. He knew the pain of taking the bullet. He bit the coarse cloth on his mouth. Sweat came out of his forehead and said faintly, "come on."

Aunt he was not wordy. The tip of the knife was aimed at the wound and inserted into the edge of the bullet tail very accurately. As soon as the high temperature on the tip of the knife came into contact with the flesh, there was a slight "Ho Ho" sound, just like raw pork suddenly barbecued on the fire rack.

Qin Yang didn't hum, but his forehead was instantly covered with sweat, flowing from the root of his hair to his neck. The arc of frowning was extremely exaggerated, as if he had been forced to squeeze two eyebrows together.

Aunt he stared at the path cut by the knife. The newly released blood coagulated instantly because of the high temperature on the tip of the knife, and there was no large outflow. She removed the necrotic skin and flesh around her, changed an angle, and entered again with a bayonet, which led to the extreme tension of her spirit. Qin Yang, whose nerve was on the verge of collapse, was more and more worse than death. But this pain must be endured. Sometimes he even has to deliberately stir up his muscles to cooperate with aunt he's knife, so that the tip of the knife can penetrate more smoothly and reach the deeper part of the bullet.

Repeated operation requires highly focused attention and extremely careful eyesight. Aunt he is nearly 80 years old. It is no less difficult than a chief surgeon to perform a time-consuming major operation.

After half an hour of continuous suffering, the bullet was finally taken out, and the necrotic skin and flesh at the wound had been cleaned up. The rest of the procedure was cleaning and bandaging.

Aunt he poured a whole bottle of medicinal wine on the wound, and the gurgling liquor covered half of Qin Yang's back. Where the liquor passed, aunt he would wipe it with a clean white cloth, maintaining a moderate strength and trying to alleviate the pain of Qin Yang.

After five minutes of cleaning, the disinfection was finally completed. Aunt he took the gauze beside her and began winding.

Two minutes later, aunt he relaxed after Qin Yang. She was very satisfied with her achievements. She smiled and said to Qin Yang, "OK, now go into the room and have a rest." After saying this, I will help Qin Yang.

But Qin Yang refused. He reached out and said, "I'll just sit here and go soon."

Aunt he was unhappy when she heard this. She said angrily, "you have suffered such a heavy injury. Where are you going? At least you should rest for a day or two. Otherwise, what should you do if you pull the wound and get a secondary infection?"

Qin Yang was helpless, "aunt he, I'm not as fragile as you said. I appreciate your kindness. My task is over and I have to rush back to my own country." His heart has been deeply engraved with the mark of aunt he. He sincerely appreciates the old man who takes care of himself. It's too kind of an old man who has only met one side to help himself so wholeheartedly.

”That won't work? " Aunt he did not allow Qin Yang to leave so easily. "You must keep it, even for Andy Li." aunt he was quick to say a secret that surprised Qin Yang, and then covered it up: "hum, cough??? Well???, You know what??? Your injury is very serious. You must stay for a few days before you leave, otherwise??? " Aunt he couldn't find any reason to punish Qin Yang for a while, so she said, "otherwise I won't know you in the future."

Qin Yang thought the punishment of aunt he was very lethal. He smiled bitterly again and nodded helplessly, "well, I'll stay here for two more days."

”Well, that's right, "aunt he was very satisfied with Qin Yang's answer and looked forward to Andy's happy smile when she saw Qin Yang.

”Aunt he, I'm back. " The clock pointed to 3:40. Andy opened the door with her key. She hardly stayed outside after school. She was on time as usual. Especially after the incident, she became more and more careful in making friends and kept a certain distance from Julie. During this period, she showed some signs of autism.

”Come back, "aunt he has the traditional side of Yanhuang women, and has instilled a lot of Yanhuang Culture into andili since childhood. Therefore, andili has the appearance of Yanhuang people and Japanese people in terms of politeness. These are two countries famous for their etiquette virtues in the world.

Andy Li put down the book in her arms. It was a little strange. Aunt he looked very happy today. She asked curiously, "aunt he, you look very happy today. What happened?"

”Well, someone you want to see is in that room now. " Aunt he lowered her voice and said mysteriously to Andy Li, pointing to the room where Qin Yang recovered.

Andy Li's face was cold and said faintly, "is it her father?" The girl was afraid that she had some feelings about her biological father and guessed indefinitely.

”No, "aunt he shook her head and said," it's another person. Just go in and have a look. "

Andy whispered and walked towards the room.

As soon as she opened the door, Andy saw a figure of special significance to her, and her eyes instantly climbed up with a happy look, "Shiyi", which was a big surprise for her.

However, soon, her joy was covered by a thick color of worry. She hurriedly ran to Qin Yang, who was asleep at this time. She sat by the bed and looked at the thick gauze wrapped around Qin Yang's chest. She wanted to stop talking. She didn't want to wake Qin Yang up and watched Qin Yang fall asleep peacefully.

A few wisps of warm sunshine leaked into the windowsill. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon. The light was not fierce, but had a faint warmth. Andy's eyes looked at Qin Yang motionless and looked at his eyebrows, his eyes, his nose and his lips carefully.

I don't know why, she wanted to sit quietly beside Qin Yang and look at his face. A feeling called love sprang up in her heart little by little, like the petals of the first blooming lotus, stretching slowly with dew.

She remembered that night Qin Yang appeared in her life like a God, just as when she was about to fall into hell, a man stretched out a strong arm and pulled her out of the abyss. That night may be unforgettable to her all her life.

She still remembers that night, Qin Yang took her hand and ran on the road in the dark, holding it tightly and never letting go. For the first time, she felt the sense of security that did not belong to family affection from a heterosexual. She once stared at Qin Yang's clothes que floating in the wind and the solid and reliable back in the process of running.

Have you ever thought about what your appearance has brought to my life, or have you ever left without a trace of nostalgia, never looked back and looked behind you, there was a person waiting. I can't learn your free and easy, because my heart is branded with indelible traces of you. Maybe this is love. Even if it is a wishful love, I would like to be the moth that puts out the fire and turns it into ashes without regret.

”Andy Li, Qin Yang is resting. Let's go out. " Aunt he appeared in the room and said softly.

”I want to see him, "andili said absently, her eyes almost completely on Qin Yang, which made aunt he wonder whether to worry or be happy.

”Qin Yang, Qin Yang, you must not lose Andy Li, or I will not spare you. " Aunt he looked at Qin Yang and said in her heart.

Aunt he sighed and left, leaving Andy to stay and wait by Qin Yang's side.

Time did not know how long had passed. When Qin Yang opened his eyes, it was already dark. When he woke up, he could still feel a tingling sensation from his back and shoulder bones, which made him groan. Then I suddenly felt a pair of delicate hands holding my body and wanted to help myself up. The elegant fragrance made Qin Yang realize for the first time that there was a woman beside him. He turned his head and looked at the person who helped him, impressively facing Andy Li's beautiful face with half Oriental blood, flashing charming black eyes. This scene made him speechless for a moment.

”What's up??? "Easy" Andy Li sincerely read Qin Yang's name in Yanhuang language, which was a big surprise for him. How could he know that on the day he left, Andy had the idea of learning Yanhuang language, pestered aunt he to teach her some basic language knowledge, and asked about the Chinese pronunciation of the name "Qin Yang". Never for a moment has aunt he seen Andy so studious. She didn't expect Andy with a history of autism to have such deep feelings for Qin Yang, the young man who saved her.

Looking at the girl's shining eyes, Qin Yang suddenly felt a little guilty. When he turned his head, his face immediately dyed a layer of crimson, and his face was full of embarrassment. This situation shows that Qin Yang is indeed a baby, at least in the experience of getting along with girls.

”Well, Hello, Andy. " Qin Yang quickly adjusted his mental state. When he turned his head again and communicated with Andy in Yanhuang language, he looked calm again.

Andy smiled happily. She remembered this sentence very clearly. Knowing the meaning of this sentence, she nodded her head with joy, "well, you too." There is no sense of detention in the tone. I must have practiced this sentence repeatedly.

Well, the two said hello to each other. In the eyes of Andy Li, Qin Yang didn't follow, because he really didn't know what to say next. It's impossible to keep "hello" all the time. Such communication is undoubtedly two madmen in the eyes of others.

”Ah, me??? Very?? I'm glad you're... " Seeing that Qin Yang looked embarrassed and knew that he was a boy who didn't speak English, Andy Li took the initiative to try to communicate with him in Yanhuang language. However, she only learned a little Chinese and couldn't communicate normally, so she had to match her body language and point to Qin Yang to explain. In fact, she wanted to say "I'm glad to meet you", but she didn't know how to say "see", so she had to connect a "you" directly to express her feelings.

Qin Yang nodded clearly, but smiled very restrained.

”Huh??? I??? I, Andy Li, was so empty that after talking about "me" for several times, she finally gave up communicating with Qin Yang in yellow, "I??? "Aunt he," she said, holding Qin Yang safely against the head of the bed, and then ran away to find aunt he, presumably to find aunt he as their interpreter.

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