He vaguely felt that Shangguan Yunlong might have something to do. Perhaps I will leave myself alone in this extremely remote mountain suburb, so I don't think about anything or ask anything. On this day of soberness, he was surprised that the man appeared in front of him again.

”What? You seem surprised to see me. " Canfeng's voice is still so ugly that it can even be compared with the sound caused by sharp objects cutting glass.

Qin Yang nodded numbly and quickly restrained his facial expression. "Indeed, I didn't think I would see you again in the future. I didn't expect to see you again."

Can Feng smiled, "Hey, hey," I owe your master another life. "

When Qin Yang heard this sentence, he was slightly surprised. Looking at canfeng, he didn't want to say anything.

He still remembers the agreement between the two when Shangguan Yunlong handed him over to canfeng three years ago.

He always wanted to see the battle between Shangguan Yunlong and canfeng, but he didn't have that chance. Now, hearing the result from canfeng, it is difficult to express any emotion. Should we be glad that our master has won, or should we be sad for the man who has trained himself? Neither is a good choice for him.

”Your master? " Can Feng stared at Qin Yang for a while, but suddenly said, stuck and didn't say, and then sighed.

”You will rarely have a chance to see your master in the future. He was recalled by an organization in the country to carry out a long-term task. " Can Feng's face became very strange. Through the not very bright light, Qin Yang saw that can Feng's expression was cold.

Nevertheless, Qin Yang still noticed the sigh before canfeng, full of vicissitudes and powerlessness. Qin Yang subconsciously thought that this should not be the emotion revealed by canfeng.

”Your master asked me to come for only one purpose, "can Feng looked at Qin Yang seriously and said," let you create your own sword skills. "

”I know. " Qin Yang was ready at any time to cross the sea of fire under the knife mountain.

”As far as I know, you Mogen giants don't need to create their own swordsmanship. But your master wants you to create your own sword skills to be a giant. Do you know why? " Obviously, can Feng knows some of the secrets of Mohism.

”"I don't know," Qin Yang replied. He was dressed and stood in front of canfeng.

”Because if you don't have the talent to create your own sword, then mohmon won't come back to you. "

Qin Yang wondered, because canfeng suddenly looked sharp.

”Hum, Shangguan Yunlong didn't tell you something, but you have to understand that you are very weak now. You need strong strength to get everything back. " Canfeng showed a cold smile.

Just when Qin Yang thought deeply because of this sentence, can Feng interrupted his thoughts.

”Come with me. In twenty days, I'll accompany you to visit all Wulin people. "

”Huh? " Qin Yang didn't know what to say about the back of canfeng.

They soon came to the middle of the forest. Without saying a word, can Feng took off the cloak and exposed the upper body of * * and a?????? One arm!

Qin Yang never dreamed that canfeng would be an arm!

Canfeng saw Qin Yang's shocked eyes and sneered, "this is my punishment after losing to your master, not something you should pay attention to."

Qin Yang took back his eyes and remained silent.

”Twenty days, I'll practice with you. As for whether you can understand your way, it depends on your nature. " Canfeng took out the short single knife with one arm and crossed her chest.

”Take out all your skills. We only debate with swords. " Canfeng looked at Qin Yang with fierce eyes.

When the dark ink ruler appeared in Qin Yang's hand, canfeng's eyes became more and more fanatical. Once he was defeated by the ruler three times. Seeing this ruler is like seeing Shangguan Yunlong. Although he is unwilling, the fact is that he is not Shangguan Yunlong's opponent.

”Come! " Canfeng drank wildly and sounded the battle horn.

Qin Yang did his best and did not show mercy because canfeng was now one armed. Because he knows the gap between himself and canfeng. If he shows mercy, canfeng will give him more ruthlessness.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Yang's right arm came obliquely holding an ink ruler. The corner of the warrior's shirt brought a strong wind and came like a flame.

At this time, Qin Yang's eyes showed a dangerous sharp awn shape. His speed increased to the extreme. He came to the front of canfeng in an instant. At almost the same time when his body was approaching, the ink ruler stabilized and fell. He was not a straight stab, but an overbearing and fierce chop. The sword technique was used by him with a tragic sword intention.

Canfeng broke his right arm, the hand he had been holding the knife for more than 30 years! Now? Now he has only one left hand left.

Even so, he was able to keep up with Qin Yang's speed and hit up with one arm, impressively holding Qin Yang's pressure.

”"Click ~ ~" is the sudden contact sound of two metals, and then a very clear sliding sound "Keng ~ ~"

The feeling of paralysis in Qin Yang's hands was so short that he could hardly react.

The whole arm of canfeng was unloaded. It seemed very difficult to bear the downward pressure of Qin Yang, but in fact it was his intention.

It has to be said that there is a world difference between the two in the battle experience of real sword and real sword. Qin Yang is not a boy who doesn't know how to fight. Even if he doesn't meet many experts, he doesn't put his situation at a disadvantage just by one move.

The key point is that Qin Yang fought with real swords for the first time.

Sword war seems to be a way of fighting, but the difference between sword fighting and physical fighting is extremely large. The duel between swords and swords, both in intensity and concentration, is far greater than the physical fight. If the attention required to avoid the attack of the other party in the process of physical combat is 10 units, then in the weapon confrontation, it is necessary to pay the attention of 100 units to achieve a dodge action in hand to hand combat.

This is a change in "quality" and brought about by the closer death.

People who hold a knife for the first time will naturally develop a sense of fear. Killing with a knife and killing with a fist are two different feelings.

Therefore, with the unloading of canfeng, Qin Yang's heart seemed to suddenly fall into an abyss. That moment was enough for him to step into the ghost gate. At this moment, all the cells in his body were activated.

With Qin Yang's power to chop down, the ink ruler was taken by canfeng. The "touch hands" in Tai Chi was handy in the hands of many experts, but canfeng's action was undoubtedly more difficult, because he was single armed, and because he achieved it in Qin Yang's strong chop.

The cold blade scratched fiercely. After deflecting Qin Yang's force, he fought back and cut it off.

Qin Yang's foot touched the ground, immediately tiptoed away, stopped the forward inclination, tried to pull back the ink ruler, and blocked the blade like the strong wind with the ruler surface.

There was no time to worry and no time to attack. Qin Yang had no thoughts to think about what he should do in this short moment, but a subconscious behavior. He withdrew. In the current situation, he had to retreat, as if he didn't retreat, he would die in the original position the next second.

In fact, as Qin Yang felt, can Feng stepped out after a knife was pulled out. In Qin Yang's view, the angle of the knife was very tricky, but in can Feng's consciousness, this knife was just his random knife. Thus, we have seen their superiority.

This is like a well arranged scene, one retreat and one advance, in the same time and space.

The sense of oppression suddenly came, which made Qin Yang a little out of breath, but he was still retreating. For the first time, he felt the horror of canfeng. The face with only one eye gave people infinite fear.

A little closer, a little closer.

This sense of oppression was the first time in Qin Yang's life. For the first time, he had such a strong suffocation. For the first time, he seemed to be chased and faced death. Even the training in the special combat camp did not bring him such a "close" sense of death.

But what is another strong feeling? His subconscious mind was asking himself.

Canfeng's knife approached and stirred his ink ruler, which disrupted his rhythm a little bit.

He turned the sword around and adopted the "implicit" sword technique. Although it seemed astringent, he did the best he could do.

However, this temporary sharpening gun is very fragile under the attack of canfeng.

His knife followed Qin Yang's body like a shadow and entered without scruples. Two people attack, one is completely defensive.

Qin Yang had no room for counterattack, even if the other party was a hand, but it brought him a storm like baptism.

I don't know whether it's intentional or unintentional. Canfeng's knife always narrowly and narrowly grazes Qin Yang's flesh. Even if it's hit, it's just a subtle invisible blood line.

What can Feng gives Qin Yang is a feeling of depression and suffocation. However, Qin Yang has no room to fight back. Even his defense is still insufficient.

But in the eyes of canfeng, the situation is different. From the sudden outbreak of the first Dao to the suppression of the 19th Dao, the strength of the disabled Phoenix is gradually increasing, and the physical indicators in the moves are showing an upward trend.

Maybe Qin Yang didn't know that canfeng oppressed him in the process of constantly improving himself.

Such a way is very luxurious. Even a core disciple of the sect rarely receives such treatment.

As the 25th Sabre approached, Qin Yang suddenly had a change. His hand holding the ruler was more stable, there was no "unstable" trend, and he knew how to use more swordsmanship. The slightest hesitation had been suppressed by his calmness.

This scene made canfeng's heart sigh: "Shangguan Yunlong, you really found a good seedling."

It was the time of this heartfelt remark that the knife in canfeng's hand changed.

He had no room, did not give Qin Yang room, and did not allow himself to be so merciful.

The strength of canfeng's knife technique is not reflected in his hands, but in his fingers. The Kung Fu between the fingers is not a fancy, but a manifestation of the skill of the knife.

The cold wind rose and the cold light flashed.

The knife moved by the finger was like a leaping fish. When Qin Yang gradually got used to the rhythm of the disabled Phoenix, a change suddenly occurred.

This change was not beautiful, but a fierce beast showed its sharp teeth.

It seems that at this moment, the knife of canfeng in Qin Yang's eyes seems to be alive.

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