”Sometimes it's wonderful to think about life. You came to me and asked me to kill for you. I really agreed. It's very incredible for two people who can't even know each other. " Today's Qin Yang seems to have a lot to talk to, but hiroda Yamei doesn't have a detailed understanding of Qin Yang, otherwise she will say that he has a lot of mouths today.

A person listens to a person saying that the car is driving closer and closer to the airport.

”"I'm sorry." Qin Yang, who was about to continue to tell his heart, suddenly stopped talking.

”There's a car following us. "

Hiroda Yamei looked up in the rearview mirror and said faintly, "it should be the man of Okinawa."

”Looks like I've been found. "

”That's right. "

”What are you going to do? "

”Get rid of them. " With that, hiroda Yamei stepped on the accelerator. Just now, the Mercedes Benz with the horsepower of a pair of small beetles suddenly turned into a pair of wild sports cars and galloped on the road of justice.

A chase war began.

Can fight, can kill, can't talk, but can flirt, this is Qin Yang.

Among the things that will, driving is not included.

As a young man in the 21st century, it's a shame that he can't drive, but Qin Yang can't. He only knows how to take a car. The high-end ability of driving is generally done by others. So when Qin Yang goes out, if he has a car, he will choose to take a taxi instead of driving a car. Once he takes a car, he must be equipped with a driver.

In recent years, Qin Yang has learned everything he can learn, but he has no leisure to learn to drive. As a soldier, he is qualified because a soldier does not have to be able to drive, but as a soldier of a special corps, he is unqualified because he can't even drive a car.

Today, hiroda Yamei really let Qin Yang see the style of drag racing drivers.

She acted quickly and looked cold. There was no trace of panic or tension in the continuous process of overtaking. When the horsepower reached 200 yards, Qin Yang felt dizzy. He had to turn his head around. The scenery outside the window was a little blurred, especially the car speeding through and behind him, which gave people an unspeakable horror.

At 250 yards, the figures of the two cars behind had been thrown far away, but now Qin Yang was not concerned about this problem. He was concerned about whether there would be an accident if hiroda Yamei kept overtaking at such a crazy high speed.

This is the different psychology between the driver and the copilot. Drivers devote themselves to driving, and there is little psychological burden, but people sitting in the co driver's seat are not. From the landscape outside to the driving action of the main driver inside, it brings him not only physical stimulation, but also psychological stimulation.

”Sit tight. " Hiroda Yamei took some time out of her busy schedule to say this.

Qin Yang's trance "ha?" In order to ease the nausea in his mind, his eyes were completely on hiroda Yamei, but he was absent-minded.

There is no gorgeous drift, only crazy turning.

There was a feeling of being separated from the center of the earth, like flying. At that moment, the whole person seemed to be thrown out.

When it slows down to 200 yards, it suddenly makes a big turn. The car doesn't know whether it can stand it or not, but people have to stand it.

Fortunately, as a man and pure man, Qin Yang didn't scream like those young girls.

”Ah ah ah! "

Then desperately pulled the driver's sleeve and shook wildly.

”Ah ah ah! "

He just opened his mouth, eyes and a frightened face.

Keep your balance by clasping your arms to the grip on your head.

”Boom! Boom! " The exhaust pipe ejected a string of violent smoke again, and then the horsepower increased, and the high speed continued again, shooting out like an arrow.

On this flat straight-line expressway, Qin Yang finally breathed out and relaxed both physically and mentally.

”You drive really well. " Qin Yang, who came slowly, couldn't help praising him.

”Of course. " Hiroda said she understood and nodded.

Qin Yang had an impulse to die. Didn't the woman recognize that this was not a compliment? How can she accept praise so comfortably? Where did she get her confidence?

Qin Yang, who was about to explain his original intention to hiroda Yamei, glanced at the rearview mirror at will, but then he stopped debating this topic. But said seriously, "you didn't get rid of them."

Perhaps she was too confident in her driving ability. Hiroda Yamei showed a rare expression of surprise. She looked at the rearview mirror and was stunned for two seconds, and then said calmly, "I'll continue."

”No, I think we're locked. " Qin Yang comforted hiroda Yamei's idea of continuing to run wildly.

As a capable woman, Hirota Yamei immediately understood Qin Yang's meaning, "you mean my car is equipped with a positioning device."

”What do you think? "

So hiroda Yamei was silent. Her hand holding the gear lever couldn't help but relax. She also knew that her hurricane had no meaning.

”What about that? " She gave her idea to Qin Yang.

”Get off at an intersection. I want to talk to them. "

Just after saying this, hiroda Yamei stopped her car and stopped directly on the expressway without even looking for a decent place. This makes Qin Yang have a deeper understanding of the woman's toughness.

Helpless Qin Yang untied his safety belt and got out of the car. When he got out of the door, he asked hiroda Yamei for a pistol. Unexpectedly, it was a women's pistol. Half of the palm almost completely wrapped the whole pistol. It was still a bright red shell, which inevitably made Qin Yang a little messy. Especially now the wind on the expressway is particularly strong, he is a little messy in the wind.

Leaving his messy thoughts behind, Qin Yang waited for the two cars that had been chasing them to come forward.

But after waiting for about a minute, Qin Yang felt something wrong, because the other party didn't mean to come forward at all. They actually stopped and followed a distance of about 100 meters.

At this time, I'm still pretending to be a fool. Do you really treat me as a fool. Qin Yang is a little angry. It's hard to accept the other party's serious provocation of his IQ.

So he waved to the stopped black car with great style, which roughly means: you can come here and stop playing. Come on, I have something to talk to you. Don't be pretentious.

But the other party didn't give face. Qin Yang had a headache and had to walk to meet the other party. Hiroda Yamei got out of the car at this time. She put her two jade arms around her thick chest and watched Qin Yang deal with it.

Maybe it was Qin Yang's walking that made the people in the car behind realize something. They drove up obediently. The speed was not very fast. It was like a romantic love movie. You come, I go, meet and kiss immediately.

Until the distance between the car and Qin Yang was only more than ten meters, people came down from the car. As expected by Qin Yang, the one who got off was chongtian zhensi who had met in the previous Imperial Hotel.

At this time, Qin Yang had a headache because he couldn't speak Japanese. It was difficult for them to talk. If he was a minion, he might Bang two shots and leave smartly, but who is chongtian zhensi?

He was the most important thug leader before his death. Although his status could not be compared with that of Jiangchuan Hongye, he was also a small man. Even without saying this, Qin Yang doesn't think it's a matter of blowing his breath to solve the number one thug of Yamaguchi group.

”You found out. " Now that things have developed to this point, Qin Yang doesn't intend to hide the fact that he is a Yanhuang. " I'm a hot yellow man, a beautiful man. " But if he had to admit that he was the murderer of minefield Huran, Qin Yang would not have been so foolish to admit it, and he couldn't admit it even if he was killed.

”Oh, "the wonderful thing is that Shinji Okinawa understands Yanhuang language, which makes Qin Yang sigh the greatness of Yanhuang language: if the world language is changed to Yanhuang language in the future, what else can he learn English.

”What's the matter with you following us? Do you want to see how close we are or have a fight? " Qin Yang shrugged and said, expressing his helplessness. It seems that Americans like this action very much. Qin Yang is a little imitative.

”I suspect you killed the team leader, "Shinji Okinawa always maintained a kind of respect for minefield Huran. Even when he died, he showed respect on his face when he told him about minefield Huran.

”What evidence? Because I'm handsome? " Qin Yang smiled, as if he had encountered the most ridiculous joke in the world, "ha ha."

”Intuition. " Okinawa's tone was unusually positive, as if his intuition was the best evidence.

At this time, Qin Yang had the opportunity to look at chongtian zhensi carefully.

He is a man of about one meter seven or eight. He has a national character face, short inches, and any side of his cheek is like being cut by a knife. At first glance, he looks a little different from people. Of course, this is just based on Qin Yang's aesthetic view, but after a long time, such a man keeps a vigorous attitude at any time. With such a face, he is actually a very attractive man. But those handsome little girls will only think of ugly and ugly strange uncles.

”Intuition, hum! " Qin Yang brushed his lips disdainfully. "Just intuitively, you follow me and my woman. Isn't it unreasonable? I warn you that your behavior is enough to constitute a crime. I can sue you and tell you what," Qin Yang scratched his head, "Oh, yes, I can sue you for malicious slander and malicious slander." At this time, Qin Yang was like a contented villain.

Seiji Okinawa listened and stared at Qin Yang without saying anything.

”Go away, you go away. I don't want to see you. Don't disturb the world between me and my woman. " Qin Yang waved his hand casually, indicating that Shinji Okinawa could leave.

”Click. " A black barrel pointed to Qin Yang's forehead at some time, and Qin Yang's small pistol also stood in the middle of Okinawa's heart.

Qin Yang, who squinted fearlessly, met the fierce eyes of Okinawa Shinji like a tiger and wolf. If he reacted, Qin Yang has never lost anyone.

”What do you want? " Qin Yang said with a faint smile. He didn't care about the pistol pointing at his forehead.

”I want to kill you. "

So Qin Yang said, "I'm so scared. You hit me and kill me."

Okinawa Shinji didn't shoot hard, but the barrel moved forward half a minute again, which made Qin Yang very uncomfortable and hard.

”It's no use scaring people. Although I'm not scared, I can't be scared by a role like you. " Qin Yang, who suddenly changed his look, said coldly. He changed his previous rogue temperament and transformed into a cold man. Both his eyes and expression looked very gloomy.

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