The reason why Qin Yang frowns is that he feels that such a distinguished girl is a little inappropriate to be with these messy friends, but the old saying has a motto: sweep the snow in front of his own house, and never mind the frost on others' tiles. What friends others make is beyond the control of an outsider. Maybe they have other fetters. After all, the word friend sometimes weighs especially heavily.

Holding such a psychological Qin Yang lowered his head and didn't look at the girl who looked at him again.

The thoughtful horsetail girl did not observe and look at her cashier boy anymore, and continued to bury her head in her mobile phone.

”Shh, "Xiao Cui came back and woke Qin Yang up in front of the counter." do you like that girl? " There was a sense of ridicule in his eyes.

”Can you find out? " Qin Yang said slightly surprised, and then said with a faint smile, "I miss you more."

”No, I also think that girl is very beautiful, "then Xiao Cui leaned over and whispered," if I didn't have Xiao Mei, I would like such a girl. "

”I can't see you're so devoted. " Qin Yang smiled.

”That's, my little Cui is special, and everyone on earth knows it. " Xiao Cui's proud expression was beyond expression.

Qin Yang, who had been laughing all the time, had to divert his attention and find something that could attract his attention, so as not to listen to this guy's boast.

Qin Yang lowered his head and focused his attention on the surveillance video next to the cashier. It was a casual glance, but he didn't expect to see some clues.

I saw the red haired young man with a arrogant attitude leading the two men to the area where they bought drinks. He lit a cigarette at will. Looking left and right, he seemed to feel very boring. He took out a bottle of Cola Soda from the vertical refrigerator, opened the lid without saying a word, and drank it all. He seemed to say something to the people around him, I could barely see his expression with a kind of disgust. Maybe he didn't like soda.

Having done all this, the red haired youth conveniently covered up his crime, put the empty can of coke into the refrigerator, and covered the empty bottle with several intact cans of coke. Qin Yang, who saw this scene completely, had already set up a video.

”Brother Li, will you come and have a look? " Qin Yang shouted to Li Yuan, the security guard standing in front of the gate.

Xiao Cui saw something from Qin Yang's expression, then stopped talking and asked, "what happened?"

”Brother Li just came over. You two can watch it together. " Qin Yang gave up his position so that they could squeeze in.

In just 20 seconds, Li Yuan and Xiao Cui fully understood the situation.

After reading it, Xiao Cui, who was more vigorous, first said, "these boys are really bold. There are signs hanging outside. They are arrogant to do such a thing."

Qin Yang nodded approvingly, "but it still needs to be handled. Brother Li, please."

”Hey, of course, that's my job. I won't tolerate people who come to the supermarket to make trouble like this. " After saying that, Li Yuan walked towards the supermarket with a majestic momentum.

In all cases, the monitor on Qin Yang's side can see clearly.

Li Yuan came to the three red haired young people alone and said something, which seemed to cause each other's dissatisfaction. His expression was very ferocious and pointed at Li Yuan. Xiao Cui didn't look at it and said "I've never seen such arrogance" in her mouth.

Several young people with three young men with red hair seem to be attracted by the situation here.

After that, the situation became a little impassable. Li Yuan and the red haired youth were still quarrelling at first, but soon developed into hand and foot conflict, which was particularly clear on the monitor.

Some young people nearby came forward to help.

”I'll help brother Li! " Xiao Cui couldn't see it any longer. He left this and ran to the inside of the supermarket.

”Xiaomei, look at the counter and I'll go in to see the situation. "Qin Yang was helpless and had to go in, because at present, the staff of their supermarket seemed to be completely disadvantaged, and Li Yuan in it was beaten at this time.

Those young people who participated in the fight must have two sons, otherwise Li Yuan, a retired soldier, could not fall into such a embarrassing situation. In that case, Xiao Cui only added an object to be beaten, so it is necessary for Qin Yang to follow to understand the situation.

When Qin Yang and Xiao Cui came to the place of video surveillance, Li Yuan was lying on the ground. They are still beating hard, so that Li Yuan shrinks into a group and bears the beating of the people.

”Ah ah!!! " Xiao Cui rushed up with a cavity of hot blood, but Qin Yang was faster than him. At this time, it seems that language is fragile. So Qin Yang plans to do it.

Two people had seen the arrival of Qin Yang and Xiao Cui for a long time. When the people who covered them continued to beat, they stood up and faced Qin Yang and Xiao Cui. It seemed that they were going to have a two-on-two "friendship match".

But Qin Yang didn't think so. When he rushed up, it made people feel a little dazed. For ordinary people, his speed was too fast, and his reaction could not be described in words. They could see Qin Yang's action, but his reaction was more than a beat slow.

Qin Yang suddenly stopped running and just stopped in front of the first person. His eyes were sharp and cold. He came over with one hand and floated lightly, but he was very fast. He clasped the man's wrist and pulled along, which made him lose his sense of balance and rush forward. Before he fell to the ground, Qin Yang gave him an elbow, Let him lie on the ground in pain without any action except moaning.

The second man thought he could sneak attack for a period of time, but unexpectedly, Qin Yang's actions were too rhythmic. When he half stepped out and planned to go to the "battlefield", he was kicked in the clouds by a sweep of his legs, directly fell to the ground, and his mind was twinkling with stars. The weight was like a hammer hitting the chest. Although it kicked the head, it really hurt, even to the point of vomiting blood.

”Stop, "Qin Yang said, but his action didn't stop at all. In the case of solving the two people, it was a greeting that attracted the three people's attention. Then he swept the hall one by one and put his toes on the ground. At the end of the second sweep of the hall legs, there were five more people lying on the ground besides Li Yuan.

The three people who were kicked down by one leg did not mean that their combat effectiveness was not as good as the first two, but Qin Yang's second leg sweeping was too overbearing. I'm afraid it was a steel plate. This leg sweeping can kick out of the groove. One thousand kilograms of force impact will not be easy for anyone to bear in the next life. Even if two of the three subconsciously took a defensive posture to protect their heads, they still couldn't escape the fate of lying on the ground and couldn't stand up.

After all this, Qin Yang didn't pretend to be forced to smoke and spit in circles, because he can't smoke, and he's not a coquettish person and won't do such coquettish behavior.

”Why are you hitting people? " Qin Yang said faintly, his face was serious and cold. For Qin Yang, the young people in front of him are just chicks. He had killed people, and he virtually revealed a chilling aura. Even Xiao Cui, who was stunned after he was killed, could deeply experience this feeling.

”He said I opened the goods without authorization. " The young man with red hair was still sophisticating and stared at Qin Yang with strong resentment. This boy was very backbone. He was much better than other boys who only moaned and dared not speak.

Qin Yang looked at the pretty red haired young man and said, "but the fact is that you did, brother Li didn't wrong you."

”Which eye do you see? " The young man with red hair has a hard mouth. Although he knows that supermarkets of this size can't be equipped with monitors, he still wants to save face, "what's the evidence?"

”If you want evidence, you can go with me now??? "

”May I know what happened here? " This is a female voice, and the voice is not bad. It is crisp with a trace of pride and steady in youth.

When Qin Yang spoke in front of him, Xiao Cui forgot to do anything. What he thought about was the scene where Qin Yang knocked down five people in three seconds. In retrospect, it was like making a movie. He also had a sense of art. He kept playing the pictures in his mind slowly for aftertaste, and his eyes towards Qin Yang were very different. I didn't expect that before I woke up, there was such a sound behind me.

With doubt, Xiao Cui subconsciously turned around, and then saw the girl whose horse tail fell to the hip tip. The distance of two feet made him see the girl's face more and more. The girl is good-looking. This is the most pertinent evaluation. He did not praise or pat his horse, but evaluated the face naturally and objectively.

Qin Yang turned his head calmly and answered the girl's question, "your friend privately opened the supermarket goods, refused to admit it, and clashed with our supermarket security."

The girl set her eyes on the red haired youth.

It seemed that he was afraid of the horsetail girl's direct look. The red haired young man seemed a little frightened and explained, "little demon sister??? I?? I didn't. they falsely framed me. " In a hurry, he waved his hand and denied it.

”Really not? " The ponytail girl, known as "little demon sister", asked with emphasis.

”Me??? I am??? I drank a bottle of soda, but??? " What else the red haired youth wanted to say was strongly interrupted by sun Xiaoyao.

”OK, I know you did it wrong. Just understand that. "

”Sister demon, I'm wrong. " When the red haired youth saw sun Xiaoyao's plain and straight eyes, he bowed his head and confessed like a child who admitted his mistake.

”Come here, Chen Xiao. " Sun Xiaoyao gave an order and almost hung Qin Yang and Xiao Cui aside. She has her own way to deal with things. Once it's what she wants to do, she won't care what others think and don't want others to deal with it.

Qin Yang stood quietly and watched. He was a little interested in the girl, so he looked forward to the girl's practice.

And from the first glance, Qin Yang arbitrarily judged the ownership of the discourse right of this group by age. Naturally, the first thing to consider is the red haired Chen Xiao at this time. From the perspective of speaking and doing things, most people will place the leader of the party on the man, while Miss Mawei will be regarded as the one who has the least right to speak. Why? Because she is silent in her mobile phone world, like a house girl, and her temperament is biased towards a weak position, the "deliberate" stubbornness makes people think that this is a means of her self-protection.

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