
Although it was only a brief encounter, the fighting style shown by the other party made the overlord who had conquered the universe come to a conclusion.

That is, no matter what the reason is, the opponent currently knows all about the direction of their offensive blows.

“Let’s test it a little!”

Thinking of this, Poros, who was under the energy explosion, reorganized his figure, and then the agitated energy exploded again.

The energy burst mode is actually Poros’s special ability, similar to the Realm King Fist in Dragon Ball, which can instantly improve his explosive energy that is much stronger than the general state, and the most important thing is that Poros’s physical fitness will not have a negative effect at all in the state of energy explosion.

When the shocking energy once again surrounded Poros, Poros’ speed reached an extremely terrifying point under the burst of energy.

It is said to be a temptation, but every blow of Poros is an all-out blow, and to say that it is a tentative attack is actually a tentative blow with all his strength.

When Poros’ figure disappeared into the air again, in the form of an energy explosion, Poros’ speed increased to an incomparably greater level.

Between the explosions of speed, you can even see the afterimage of Poros unintentionally swept up.

Here we hardcore analyze how strong the attack of a wave of Boros is!

First of all, Poros will gain explosive speed and power increase in each attack in the state of energy burst, and this increase is about 600%.

The speed of the increased Poros will far exceed the speed of sound, which will lead to Poros’s original explosive blow and bring compensation in attack kinetic energy.

Convert the offensive blessing according to the kinetic energy velocity, ignoring the energy lost by the friction with the air resistance, and the compensation blessing brought by the speed will exceed 250% of the base attack outbreak.

And that’s not all, as Poros increases this speed to his extreme burst state by sprinting, and at close range bursts, the attack displacement also compensates for the power of the attack itself by about 150%.

Counting the previous speed compensation for attacks, that is, Poros’s attack style and energy burst operation mode are enough to increase each of his all-out attacks to at least ten times the base state.

This equates to a 1,000% explosive attack per attack.

Each attack is easy enough to destroy a standard dragon-level weirdo without special abilities, which is equivalent to about five dragon-level explosive mountains that appear later.

In other words, each attack of Poros in the state of energy burst will have the power equivalent to destroying more than five Bakugan Uncles, so if there is no sale, there is no killing, and we will resist all the acts of persecuting Bakushan Uncle together.

Having said all this, in order to highlight the name of the old brother of Boros, it is not a waste of fame, highlight a strong word, Poros is originally a very strong battle, in addition to every time is to attack with 1000% momentum, who can withstand this!

Xuanbai can withstand it, and Saitama, who doesn’t know anything serious on the side, can also withstand it.

If you have to say it, before the explosion of the fourth form meteor of Boros, the cheap brother of the neuropathy of Xuanbai can also withstand the explosion.

I’m just a bar, thank you.

Ahem, but looking at this moment, Poros’s momentum as a cosmic overlord, together with a punch under his incomparable energy burst state, above the power, just the fist wind brought up directly penetrated the cabin of the spaceship hundreds of meters in front of Xuanbai’s body!

Even such a shocking blow, except for the tattered cloak of the earthy yellow Superman suit of the bald Saitama, did not have the slightest effect on Xuanbai.

The tentative attack ended, and Poros got the result he wanted,

“It seems that my attack did not hit, but he does not seem to see through my attack.”

“If I have to say it, it is more like pre-reading out my attack style, direction, strength, everything!”

Or that Poros is the overlord of the universe? Although he didn’t understand Xuanbai’s ability at all, his combat experience in conquering the universe and the fighting instinct brought by the race that fought from childhood to large also made him guess Xuanbai’s fighting style.

“Hazard Perception X-to-X Acceleration”

Xuan Bai’s superpowers are so unique and extensive, Danger Perception is a unique superpower of the spirit system, which can predict any attacks against Xuan Bai himself and other attacks for a certain period of time in advance.

Although it is very short, under the blessing of Xuan Bai’s time system super energy time acceleration, this ephemeral ability will be infinitely amplified.

What’s more, Xuanbai still has the last insurance, super-dimensional defense, that is, the space protection layer beyond the dimension as the ultimate means of protection, even if Xuanbai resists the Poros Collapse Star Cannon head-on, it will not be greatly affected.

This is the most powerful part of Xuanbai, there is no one, the combination between different superpowers will bring far beyond the superpowers in a single situation!

Again, this is a restricted situation.

In other words, Xuanbai’s physical dodge and magic dodge value is 100%, even if the other party has the means to hit, Xuanbai still has a layer of invincibility as the last defense, protruding a hanging wall and showing a raipi is.

If Poros is the strongest existence among players with the highest talent, the Krypton Gold Emperor plus the Liver Emperor, then Xuanbai is roughly equivalent to hanging on the wall.

No matter how good you are, you can’t beat a person who has no bottom line.

Unless you’re a wall-hanger yourself! That’s how you have a chance.

So the outcome of this battle was predetermined from the time Poros got that prophecy twenty years ago.

“Xuan Bai, is this guy the boss of the group of aliens who invaded Earth?”

After scrapping Poros’s spaceship, the tornado rushed towards the place with a strong energy burst here, and saw Poros in the state of energy burst from a distance.

Not only Tornado, but also the rest of the S-class heroes

“So to speak, little man, why are you here?”

“Not only me, those guys who are dragging their feet should also be on the way to come one after another, at most ten minutes, they should all arrive, after all, Fangcai’s energy burst is too amazing, as long as the guys with a little strength, they can feel it”

While explaining, Tornado’s gaze towards Poros was also eager to try, she could detect that the guy in front of her was very strong, very strong, stronger than her, so she wanted to try to see how strong it was.

After all, there was no weirdo who could make her go all out for a while, and as for the matter of fighting with a guy like Xuan Bai who was no longer in one dimension at all, forget it.

“Hey, I said big man, do you want to have two moves with me?”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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