Lu Hao nodded a thousand times, that thing, she is familiar, the quiet lying in the space, bringing it to the green stone of the world, is not the same breath?

It seems that another door to explore the unknown has been discovered. Lu Yiqian wants to get the yellow stone. She wants to know what it is.

"Things are OK, I will buy this pair of gloves." Lu Yiqian pointed to a glove woven from camel hair in the middle of the goods. This glove has nothing special, it is more beautiful and smooth.

If you buy a stone directly, the hawker will definitely raise the price. If the hawker is an honest man, Lu Yiqian will directly pay millions of gold coins, but for this ill-conceived hawker, let him earn a gold coin!

The hawker first sent a contemptuous look, and immediately said with enthusiasm: "You are really good eyes, this is the best woven wool gloves, only sell two gold coins." In fact, that thing, at most ten silver coins.

Lu Yiqian frowned and seemed to be thinking about it: "Two gold coins... can it be cheaper?"

The hawker was afraid that the customer would go away: "Look at how much you like it, how about selling a gold coin, no cheaper than this."

Lu Yiqian hesitated: "This glove is bare. If there is something to match, maybe I will buy it." She stood up and wanted to leave.

The hawker was in a hurry. He grabbed the gloves and the only yellow stone that could be used as a "decoration". "Well, okay, you oh, I will sell you 90 silver coins, and you will bring you a beautiful stone. You are really big." "The stone, it was the daughter who gave it to him. It was really useless except for the beautiful point."

Lu Yiqian reluctantly paid 90 silver coins, took over the gloves and yellow stones: "Forget it, just let me eat some loss." Quickly throw the stone into the space bracelet, pull up the empty cloud and go.

What is the yellow stone?

Back at the hotel, Lu Yiqian took out two stones and looked carefully.

The green one is the stone that pulled her from the game. After pulling it over, it has no reaction anymore. It has been quietly staying, but Lu Yiqian knows that it is absolutely useful. So, what is the role of yellow, what are they?

Soon after the two stones were placed, the two stones slowly shimmered, and a gentle and grand force was injected into the body of Lu Hao, not magical power, but more pure and more advanced than magic power! The power swayed and rushed toward the white source of the phantom beast.

"Little idiot, where did you get the tourbite?" The white sound came out, and it turned out to be a surprise.

“Tulingzhu?” Lu Yiqian puzzled: “What is that?”

"..." White silenced for two or three minutes before saying: "The green stone I took is the dragon's life water spirit pearl, the blue dragon is holding the basaltic martial arts earth pearl, and the basaltic is holding the suzaku life wood spirit beads, Suzaku Then take my life fire spirit beads, and Jin Lingzhu, then our original ... master."

The original owner? Is there a master before the white? Is he also so good to his master as to her? Somehow, Lu Yiqian lost some of her heart, but she did not show her loss: "Why should we distract?"

The red circle of blood illuminates, and one hand stretches out from the back of Lu Yiqian, clinging to Lu Yiqian, and the long hair like Yuehua falls on her chest: "Little fool, are you sad?"

Lu Yiqian shook his head tightly: "No, no."

"You have, little fool, you are blaming me, I haven't told you that I have had a past incident?" The broad chest embraced Lu Yiqian's body: "Do you mind if I have a master?"

"I..." Lu Yiqian bowed his head.

"Oh... little fool, you are very jealous, I am very happy, but I still have to prove that my former owner is a man." White kissed Lu Yuqian’s ear: "He is a very great person, but you know, no matter How great he is, he is always a man."

White looked deeply at Lu Yiqian, and there was endless lingering love in his eyes. No matter the past or the present, only you are my only master, and now and every moment of the future, you are my favorite lover!

Lu Yiqian red face: "I am not jealous."

White has crossed Lu Xunqian: "This life pearl is the source of our strength. My one is sealed on the imaginary sea of ​​this world. The Suzaku holding it must also suffer. The Qinglong is caught, maybe the beads are After the fall, our four brothers, three of them were miserable. However, fortunately, I met the master. The reason why we scattered our respective beads is to prevent our bodies and spirit beads from being controlled by the enemy."

Lu Yiqian stroked his white face and firmly said: "I will definitely help you take the beads back!"

Bai Qingcheng enchanted and smiled: "I wanted to tell you later about these things. Beads, I also tried to get it back. But the seal of my people set up a ban in the imaginary sea, I can’t step into it there, it’s dangerous. Heavy, little idiot still wants to go?"

Lu Yiqian pressed down: "Go." Lips to the lips, kiss him.

All along, she has been helping her, constantly helping her, she helped the white throwing heads and sprinkling blood once and for all? !

White back to kiss the red lips of thinking, only to miss it in a few days, hehe.

"I have to get in." White said hard, God knows that he wants to break the little fool into the body now, but he can't, if his breath is called by the enemy, he will push the little fool into danger, he You can be arrogant, but he never wants to call the idiot with any damage. The traitor who monitors the mainland, if his strength recovers, it is easier to kill him than to crush an ant, but now it is exposed, they will not only suffer from the enemy's serial pursuit, but may even kill the little fool. Therefore, he has to endure and has to wait for an opportunity.

Lu Hao nodded a thousand, she understood him.

The enemies they face are so powerful that she is still a small character.

She quickly put two beads into the space bracelet.

She called the Raptor, and the phoenix bird released the pressure a little. Although the ability to control the breath was extremely subtle, Lu Yiqian still made the two beasts confuse the atmosphere of the room. From now on, she wants to protect him and protect her white!

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