"What happened, how suddenly did they so much?" The three elders shouted.

"No, don't know." The dragon soldier replied.

Seeing that the dragons are not, one dragon and one dragon are either infected with poisonous insects or swallowed.

The infected dragons either cut their limbs, and if they can't, they will self-detonate the magic nucleus and never drag their companions.

But at this time, hey, moved.

A red **** sword, a black and red hair, grabbed the front, and swung the sword!

The majestic momentum rushed straight ahead, and the pure magic of the scent came out, overwhelming the dragons.

Swords and clouds are ruined, and more than 10,000 alien creatures are destroyed.

Fighting the sword, the sword pointed directly to the commander behind the poisonous insects.

These little crickets can't afford to be embarrassed, and what he wants to fight against is a higher existence.

"The devil..." The three elders opened their mouths, and the chin almost fell. I never thought that one day I would fight alongside a demon, and it was still a high demon!

This world is so crazy, I thought that 100,000 years ago, the Mozu was the invader of the mainland of God!

Not to mention the three elders staying, that is, the rest of the dragon elders, the dragons also stayed.

Suofei nodded, please Lu Yiqian really right, please come to her, do not say, but also invited such a strong wish! I can do it in one fell swoop.

"Don't worry about it, friends of friends are our friends." Sofei took the initiative.

This guy is very good at pulling relationships. Lu Yiqian gave a label to a golden dragon.

The dragons are not in the ink, and they quickly follow the shackles to clean up the single poisonous insects. The seventy-seven beastmasters acted early and followed them.

The presence of the crack in the space "snap" to make a snap, such as the tide of the sea worms crawling out, behind the poisonous insects, followed by the extremely disgusting carapace-like creatures.

Lu Yiqian is speechless, these things are too disgusting.

The three elders were accustomed to the use of poisonous insects, or the first time they saw new species.

And what happened to the crack in the space that caused people to feel very uncomfortable? Are those disgusting things still driven? What can drive these things?

Lu Hao thought for a while and waved.

The thorn flower staff slowly rises from behind, and the staff has become more beautiful after three times of promotion. The black and white wings are more open and more and more connected.

"Wangcai, weaponization, multicolored elk, soul fit, water eagle armor fit. Kitten, Junzun, come out to help out." Lu Yiqian drifted away, turned into a multicolored, water-like armor attached to the body.

Wang Cai turned into a scimitar, and as a beast, Wang Cai was not afraid of these alien creatures.

The scimitar draws a beautiful arc, and the creatures with the tentacles are cut.

Lu Yuqian's right hand is borrowed from the fire dragon, thrown out, and twenty fire dragons will roar and devour these alien invaders. Lu Yiqian followed a move, or fire dragon, and twenty fire dragons roared again. Her colorful hair swayed and danced. Every time she took a step, she hit 20 fire dragons, and her attitude was leisurely.

The demon red looked at the man in the fire and lost his mind for a moment.

She is so beautiful, she is so sacred.

But I am so dirty...

The elders of the dragons couldn’t help but smack their mouths. The magical power of this woman’s body really makes the dragons ashamed.

Even if the dragon is good at fire, can't it be so long and uninterrupted and sprayed in a wide range?

The dragon chiefs could not help but sigh, is it old, sad reminder!

"Old guys, let's wash and rest, here is the uncle!" Wei Mo slammed into the battlefield, and the fire and rain continued.

The dragon's mouth is dark, old, old dragon?

By the way, they have not admitted that they are old! Rise and rise, but also attacked.

The sword is overbearing, and the sword is pointing at it.

The monsters that rushed to the outside world were often destroyed by him.

Lu Yiqian pointed to the monster hiding behind the crack in the space: "You just dare to hide behind the crack in the space, you coward!" And regardless of whether the other party understands, she continues to laugh at each other: "Poor reptiles must be ugly." Incomparably, I just dare to hide behind my subordinates!"

"Respected friends, you have to be careful. These reptiles can not only devour our bodies, but also devour our memories. For this reason, our soldiers will choose to blew the magic core at the last moment." Sofei reminded Lu Yi thousand.

Lu Yiqian smiled and continued to shout: "Low reptiles, have the ability to single-handedly!"

"Hey!" The man in the crack in the space made another snap.

Numerous crustacean crawling monsters have come in.

Next, Lu Yiqian and others often destroy a group of enemies, she must sneer a few words.

The battle continues, the attacker's form is getting higher and higher, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger. The two seem to have started a tug-of-war.

However, the enemy’s form has been high, and its insignificant nature has remained unchanged, and even more and more intense. This group of monsters resembling reptiles, both large and small. A little careless, a dragon will be hooked by its hook and drop a blast.

"You must retire first." Lu Yiqian stopped.

The three elders are the commanders of the dragons. He also knows that the dragons of the seventy or eighty stars cannot play any role in this battle. Retreat the mediocre dragons, leaving more than two hundred stars and more than 100,000 heads.

"The field of war!" Lu Yiqian's cyclone flow around, the field of war is out, and there is no way forward.

Within the field, all foreign objects are broken from the sword.

The original foreign bodies are constantly flowing, and the fighting skills are becoming more and more sophisticated.

This is really a powerful enemy, they can gain knowledge by engulfing the enemy to gain knowledge, and stimulate themselves to evolve.

Perhaps the reptiles that attacked before were just marching first.

Perhaps this kind of thing has swallowed up a lot of intelligent life... Lu Hao thousand shuddered unprovokedly.

She now wants to know what is terrible in the space after the crack in the space.

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