Re-emphasizing birds and squatting one by one, ready to assist in attack!

The **** of death seems to stay, he only thinks that the master looks good, no, it should be said that the master is so beautiful at any time.

Wei Mo looked at his own hands and made his determination to work harder.

The demon red hangs his head low and low.

The fire unicorn laughed, and there was a sadness in the laugh: "Okay, very good, you are really my good brother. It seems that you have forgotten the original vow!"

The flame of the fire unicorn slammed into an orange flame, burning the temperature of the twelfth-floor palace.

The nine-tailed snake spread his hands and said to Qiu and Qiu Di: "I went to hide and hide well, lest my beautiful skin be burnt." Although this snake is somewhat pumped, it is absolutely smart, how can he I don't know, there is no room for him to intervene at this moment.

The fire unicorn ran over and the huge hoof went forward.

Two flaming fire dragons usually rushed.

Lu Yiqian jumped up to the height of tens of meters, and launched the water-flooded world of Bishuilong in one hand, breaking the sword in one hand, and using one of the twenty-three styles.

And seeing that the water is long, drowning the hall, the little ones contain the action of the fire unicorn, and the trick will be down, and thousands of swords will hit the unicorn.

The heavy bird whispered, and a burst of sound waves was emitted and the stone was broken.

饕餮Clap the ground with a claw, and a sharp knife-like wind knife shoots in the past, its power can not be underestimated.

Kirin spurted a sigh of relief, and the voice was slightly gratified: "You have grown up, but you have to beat me, it’s a long way off!" It was full of fire, and the hot air was exhausted, and it was stunned on it. There is only a little spark from the starting point. The swell of the air surged and pushed the heavy birds and the cockroaches a few steps later.

"Fireworks and rain!" The fire unicorns grow up in the sky, and the flames burst into the sky, and the rain generally squats.

This fire is different from normal fire. The fire spit from the mouth of Kirin is called the unicorn industry fire, which can burn everything, even if it is a desert stone, it can burn. This fire is extremely lethal.

Phoenix knew that this fire was so powerful that he did not dare to care about it. He was busy propping up the golden phoenix hood and wrapped it in the land.

Lu Hao Qian Baojian traversed his chest and sacrificed the field of war. He used swords like electricity and used his strength to fight the fire.

The fire unicorn flashed in, the giant hoof stepped on, and its speed was extremely fast!

"When..." The sound of Jin Ge resounded through the hall, and Lu Yiqian resisted the hoof of Kirin!

"Blessing!" She quickly and decisively ordered.

The defensive bird's defense, the sly attack, the phoenix's lightness, the clear water dragon's divine power, the speed of the release!

The five holy beasts are blessed, and their display is unparalleled. Lu Yiqian slowly picks up the hooves of Kirin.

The size of the fire unicorn is about the same as that of a normal residential building. So stepping on it, the power is at least several hundred thousand tons.

Kirin was a little surprised, and the hooves that were stepped on were more forceful.

Lu Hao Qianli forcefully lifted Qilin and rolled it on the spot, avoiding this heavy pressure. With the sword inserted into the ground, all things are sacrificed, and more than two hundred giants pick up their big fists!

Qilin pupils shrink, the human field, the skills of the Eudemons have high and low points. Lu Yuqian has never seen this field, and can feel the majestic power of it. I can’t think of this woman’s talent. In time, she decided It is an extraordinary achievement!

However, this is not the reason to let her go!

Kirin is hard to resist, with its four thousand stars, this level of attack can not hurt it.

The four hooves of Qilin step on the electricity, poke, insert, kick, step, step on, and work **** the feet. The four hooves move, but the body is as stable as Taishan, but the movement is extremely good.

On each foot, a piece of boulder is picked up.

If the stone is raining, Lu Qian is flexible and moves through the unicorn hoof. The situation is quite dangerous. Fortunately, she is proficient in avoiding the path, but it is also shocking!

Lu Yiqian flies and thinks, what should I do? This fire unicorn oil and salt does not enter, the defense is surprisingly high, the attack power is strong and surprising, the action is like electricity, the body shape is extremely flexible, and it can be cloudless, and there is no fault. Hard to hit, it is definitely not touched, what should I do?

The front hoof is coming, and Lu Qianqian is another smashing, attacking and defending both sides to attack its heels.

The light in her heart flashed.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. It can also be said that there is also the possibility of winning in the most aggressive tricks. Quickly sorting out a set of methods of warfare, Lu Yiqian rolled over the hooves of Kirin, looking for the weaknesses exposed by Kirin.

Kirin squats down. This woman is as difficult as a muddy, flashing and flashing under its hoof, which is really annoying.

Well, this is the timing. The front hoof is one tenth of a second faster than the heel. Lu Haoqian has made a decisive attack and hit it on the heel that has not been stepped on, followed by several heavy blows. Although these few strokes couldn't hurt the unicorn, they disrupted its pace. Lu Haoqian was able to do the same thing and hit it on the front hoof. So, finally, the front hooves and the hooves of the unicorns were smashed. Lu Qianqi took advantage of the force and pushed the fire unicorn in one fell swoop.

Such a record, the nine-tailed snake and the cockroach were taken aback.

The nine-tailed snake squats on the chin: "Sure enough, it is the master, more than me, idol!"

He then looked at Lu Xun in appreciation and his heart was ready to move. Ah, eager for a fight, eager to fight, this unicorn stirred up his belligerent blood.

The **** of death took the sickle, and from the outside, he looked deep, his heart was unfathomable, and the black cloak was entangled, extremely mysterious. But no one knows, this is obsessively looking at Lu Qianqian, red lips slightly, his face reddish, full of love. This embarrassment, since the intrusion into the love network, since being swallowed up, all eyes and eyes are seen. They all say that the man in love is stupid, he is the stupid best. Otherwise, how can you just stop seeing the hair of someone flying, can't help but feel the tide?

This way, if he is seen by other death gods in the world of death, he will certainly be shocked by the big teeth. This person, or are they high above, powerful, cold and mysterious four-level death adult?

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