This will be a physical wheel battle. The winner must at least try two games. If you try your best in the previous game, even in the next game, the situation is very bad.

But this comparison, although cruel, is also the law of Daewoo's survival, because when fighting against the enemy, they can not control whether you are exhausted, whether you have won a huge victory in the previous battle, they will only stare at you. When you are weak, you will kill you! Therefore, endurance and tolerance are also one of the key objectives of Dongshu Academy!

The first Zhu Hui to Zhu Yaohua.

This is a bit subtle. Both of them are Zhu family members. Both of them are beasts. The learning methods are the same.

These two people, one for Zhu’s first genius and one for Zhu’s second talent, but for some reason, this ranking cannot be recognized by all the tribes, so the debate about who is the first genius has not stopped. .

The choice of patriarchs in the four major families has always been based on genius. Of course, the higher the qualifications, the more stable the position of the younger ones. Therefore, Zhu Yaohua’s young master is not stable, he is not stable, he is a man. Naturally, it cannot be stabilized.

Nowadays, the two men are fighting against each other. It seems that they are destined to prove who is the first talent of Zhu family!

The importance of this test is naturally self-evident!

And Zhu Yaohua, it is to be at this time, on this stage, to prove that he is the first genius of Zhu family, to completely suppress this genius of Pangzhi, never to turn over!

There are no brothers in the giants, and some have only interests!

The person in front of him has already violated his interests, so he can't stay!

As long as you make a move in this game, you will be able to see it!

As long as the person has been removed, the guy who has been very annoying, it is estimated that he will live soon. When he thinks of it, he can hardly help but laugh.

"You just insulted my mother!" But the people in front of him said this in a cold, ice-free voice.

Zhu Yaohua is a little surprised. This person is the younger brother who is silent regardless of bullying?

Such a gloomy tone is really inexplicable.

However, he was the first genius, and he was afraid of him: "Yes, you and your brother are swearing!"

Zhu Jia, one of the four great families of Shangguan, is also very important in Motian. Zhu Zimei, the contemporary patriarch of Zhujia, is a passionate and romantic person, so the generation of Zhu family is also a lot more. In fact, there is nothing here. With Zhujiajiaye, it is very easy to raise thousands of idlers. It is naturally more burdenless to raise more than 100 children. This is also a good thing. The more children, the stronger the competition. This is like the growth of the king of the beast. Without the game, without competition and killing, can you cultivate a good next generation patriarch? ! In addition, in addition to the low-key Mujia practice monogamy, other families, which family is not a lot of children, the internal competition is even more cruel than the adult world? The super-large family, in this dangerous Daewoo, has explored its own set of survival rules. At least, the children of the family are framing each other. As long as it is not too much, the patriarchs and elders will usually close their eyes.

The mother of Zhu Hui Zhu Fang is very special. She is a beautiful Warcraft, five hundred stars, a beautiful woman who is like a smoke. It is a woman who Zhu Zimei met and traveled back to. Speaking of this matter, up to now, Wan Guan also relished, the beautiful Warcraft woman, the noble family and the Lord, the two fell in love at first sight, the beauty and his elopement came back, the man withstood the pressure and married a different race. From this point of view, this Zhu Zimei is a strange person. However, the woman did not know at the time that the man he was enamored had already had a wife of 130 and more than two hundred children. But even after knowing this, the woman stayed with no hesitation. But this beautiful love and rebellion still lives in people's memory, Zhu Zimei has moved to love.

Become a god, life will be infinite, enjoyment is endless, who can hold a piece of love or a few love does not let go, especially the children, in fact, the result, the Warcraft woman is not unexpected, but this is like Eat something, only eat it in your mouth, only bitter and sweet.

This woman, because she is an alien, has a very low status in the family. However, she has two sons, one is Zhu Hui. It is said that she was almost full of lights when she was born, and the ghost gate was closed back and forth. Born at the beginning, Zhu Hui was extremely embarrassing because of him... Actually, he has black and white wings and his head has a horn. It seems to be Warcraft, but his body is human. Only a pair of eyes, Yingying green, turned out to be heartless! Sure enough, the son of Warcraft! The Zhu family was shocked and inexplicably, but they kept their mouths shut and buried the truth. When the child was born in March, the wings faded and the horns disappeared. Except for a pair of eyes, the rest was no different from the average child. However, when the child entered the sanctuary at the age of one hundred, his potential increased geometrically. Until now, I became the second day of Zhu’s family. How can I not let Zhu’s family be guilty? When Zhu Hui was three hundred and seventy-eight years old, Zhu Fang was born. However, this child is no different. He is a very normal human being. His potential is in the middle of the family. It is his wisdom and wisdom, but many children are shooting horses. Nothing.

Can it be said that mixed-race children are smarter?

These two children are the two thorns in the heart of the family!

Zhu Zimei has a woman who is a medium-sized woman. She is the only child of a middle-class family. She has the means to give birth to a child, that is Zhu Yaohua. Zhu Yaohua’s talent has been revealed since the beginning. After the age of one hundred, he was designated as a young master. All is subject to him, the best specifications, the best cheats, the best growth drugs...even The family power, the family of the family is the best for him. That's it, they still don't trust. Zhu Hui is five hundred years younger than Zhu Yaohua. His growth is too terrible. Before he has yet to inherit his family, everything is still unknown. But then again, the Warcraft woman's pulse, support for people, is really good bullying, so for thousands of years, to Zhu Hui Zhu put two brothers wearing small shoes, really do not work. Zhu’s other Pangmai Dubajie Zhu Yaohua, it is even more difficult to see the two brothers.

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