Sikong Yunben is a forge madman, and now he will let go of the opportunity and also have a forging furnace.

The three of you come to me, exchange experience and experience, both are happy.

Time has passed without knowing it, and it has already arrived at eight in the evening.

Lu Yiqian stood up and said goodbye to Ling Tian Sikong. If he went back late, he would worry about it.

Ling Tianyi is still unfinished, reluctantly: "Tomorrow you must come, don't come, I can go to find you!"

Lu Yan’s mouth was pulled, so she said that she had a problem!

At the top of the night in March, Yingying has a radiance, the ground is illuminated with a bright snow, and the breeze blows slightly, making people refreshed.

The figure of Lu Yiqian and the **** of death flashed in the night, flashing at the speed of one thousand miles.

After a few minutes, the two men followed more than twenty figures and slowly followed up at the same speed.

Sure enough, if a person is famous, how?

Lu Yuqian’s eyes shimmered in the darkness, and the toes fell on the tip of the tower. The wind blew her hair and clothes, making her look fluttering.

The person who has been following her has also stopped, standing in the air, not far from her, bursting with the momentum of condensation!

These people... actually don’t need magic power!

Lu Yiqian's eyebrows are fretting. Finally, is it mainly coming, the powerful enemy hidden in the darkness, the enemy of the fate, the enemy who once reduced her predecessor, the Creator, began to explore his claws?

The moonlight shines the true face of more than 20 people in front!

The wind seems to stop in general, and the night is quieter. There seems to be a cloud floating in the sky. It seems a bit curious to look at the world of flowers and flowers. The moon is not interested in the battle of this world. It is busy playing with the clouds and catching the fascination. However, even if it hides and hides, the light it sheds is enough to illuminate people's faces.

The first one, but a gentle young man, is still a familiar face.

"It's you, your hand will be defeated!" Lu Yiqian said this, but did not mean to relax.

The man was amazed by the defeat of the Dongshu Academy. It seems that he not only did not leave the Wan, but he also found a lot of helpers. What is his intention? Lu Yiqian clearly understands the existence of this hetero universe. This does not use the magical race. The richness of their power sources is horrendous. It is precisely this that makes it difficult for people who cannot understand the situation to deal with and become passive. Because... don’t hit the end, no one knows what their strength limit is! And the measure of strength in this world is completely useless to them! Last time I only dealt with one, but this time, there is a group! How do she deal with them if they embraced?

Lu Yiqian quickly calculated and thought about the battle strategy.

"Wait, we keep up with you and don't want to fight you with you." Michelle smiled.

Lu Yiqian stood quietly above the spire and stood with the **** of death. She was waiting for him to continue to speak.

She has to know at least where these people come from and what their purpose is.

"We just came to confirm one thing." Mi Cai looked at the **** of death with a weird look and said: "The gentleman around you, not the people of this world."

Lu Yiqian is a little dumb, they ran over to ask this?

Turning her head to look at the **** of death, she suddenly realized that she knew little about death.

In the creation of the fire, she has a total of 1.8 million planes using magical powers, divided into low-level planes, intermediate planes, advanced planes and Tiandun, a unique super plane. It includes darkness, Daewoo, light, demon, Shura, and so on. In fact, she already knew that the plane of death is not among the one hundred and eighty thousand planes!

Really speaking, death, he is not this plane!

He is the Lord of Death, the true Lord of death, any creature in the world, where there is life, evidence, existence, and death after destruction. He has to report to him. From this point of view, the world of death has How big is it, just imagine it, it feels awkward.

Surprisingly, he can also use magic power. His ability seems to have no limit. The source of his strength comes from no one knows. He can open up space. He... he is almost omnipotent. Or he could have been omnipotent!

However, is he just the owner of death?

The eyes of death hang over her, where there is full attachment and trust.

Lu Hao suddenly laughed and caught the hand of death.

Yes, this is why she never asks for death. She knows that she asks him that he will answer, he will not lie to her, he only has her in her eyes. Or, this man does not need to deceive and bury such things, if he wants, he will go directly to take it, because he has this strength... He wants everything to get, she thinks so. At this time, she had not thought that even if she would raise the ability of death to such a height, the future he showed her would always be ten thousand times stronger than her guess...

There is never a deception and hurt between them!

Therefore, no matter where he comes from, even if it is the hostile world, she will not have any sin on him, and he, from beginning to end, only her in the center of the eye!

It is because he is confident in himself, confident in himself, and convinced of their love, she is more calm and self-sufficient.

The **** of death clearly understood the meaning in her eyes, and the heart was like the warmth of soaking in the warm ocean. He loves the master, more than he loves himself. The master is already in front of everything. Even if the master lets him destroy the world of death, he will not hesitate. He can not want anything, but he can't be a master. In the same way, if someone hurts the owner, then...

He didn't have the momentum, he just looked at Mi Cai a faintly... It was like watching an ant.

Mi Cai suddenly shuddered, and he seemed to fall into the cold abyss, which is difficult to tell. He doesn't need magic power, so he can feel the horror of death more than others. However, no matter how he goes to test, his breath will always be like being isolated, and can't detect anything, just like an ant ant facing the universe!

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