No matter what the reason, no matter what, as long as it is stuck with the outside world, it is a traitor, not to mention the public, but not to the heart!

The executor did not make a sound. He was not an idiot. At this time, he was more concerned about how the matter developed. As for the person who was looking for trouble behind him... his gloom was sinking. It is also extremely easy for the Alien Legion to leave from here. No one can leave it. However, he also disdains to let a woman bear everything alone.

And the two will not be stupid enough to find the troubles of these strangers, the performer's momentum is calm and terrible, even if it is a god-level master, it will not be shocked to meet the other's eyes, this task is really not good for his mother. . However, they are not worried that the performers will kill them, and they will not worry that Lu Yiqian will find them trouble. In this way, they will push them into a more unfavorable position, I believe they are not so stupid! Only he can't predict, some people's pride is not allowed to be provoked by anyone, especially Lu Yiqian. They are only responsible for provoking the relationship between people and the different legions, provoke the flames of people's anger, and planning for so long, finally let them find the opportunity. This can only blame Lu Yu for a bad luck, who let her just hit the muzzle! Soon other people will bring more people to witness this scene, which will definitely become the beginning of a storm that has swept the entire Daewoo!

Now just leave Lu Yiqian here!

"I don't think you are a traitor!" Finally, **** and stupid people were provoked: "What else do you say!"

Compared with people from different circles, the so-called traitors will have to bear more fierce anger!

Although people are also holding a suspicious attitude towards this matter, seeing more and more people affirm that Lu Yiqian is a traitor, they are also convinced.

If there is no way to affirm the truth of the facts yourself, it is a wise choice to follow the public!

In particular, Lu Yiqian is now famous for his reputation, so the wave caused by her traitors is even bigger, and people are more willing to believe more. If they are anonymous, they will not anger them, and they may remain sensible and calm, but if they are a celebrity, a peerless genius can't be calm. This is a strange mentality, which is why some of the superiors have to find a civilian before they can act.

In this case, the more explained, the more troublesome.

Lu Yiqian did not explain.

It’s really surprising that things have evolved, but maybe the turning point is the truth.

"Oh, since you said that I am a traitor, then I am." Lu Hao said faintly.

Her voice just fell, and the big man shouted: "Everyone heard no, she admitted, she is a traitor!"

However, the performer looked at Lu Yan’s eyes slightly, and Mi Cai and others all looked at the incredulously squatting, especially the teenager who was trampled on her face. The surprise on her face could not be stopped. They are most clearly related to this woman. This woman can be so quiet and lifted her weight to the right and wrong center. This is so discouraged that several people have it. Their faces were coldly staring at the two provocative people. They were put together for no reason, and no one would be indifferent when nothing happened. At least they can't do it!

At this time, there were more than a dozen people who came here with thousands of people, and ran while yelling: "The traitors are there, the traitors are there!"

Sure enough, it is prepared!

Imagine that she had just been convicted of a "traitor". How can these newcomers know what happened here? Isn’t it a clear flaw that screams at the traitors?

It is a pity that the impulsive people have not thought about it in this respect. They have heard the words of others and have shouted together: "Stop the traitor and kill the traitor!"

The lights are shining and the voices are full of people. The moonlight tonight is so good!

Lu Haoqian looked at the lead of more than a dozen people. In fact, she really didn't mind, making this thing bigger and more violent!

"This man, you have just come, don't know anything, how can you know that the little girl is a traitor? Is it that you have the same prophetic power as the destiny?" Lu Yiqian's words are ironic, and the head is screaming at him. The most fierce one.

The man was a little stunned and couldn’t help but swear.

People are also somewhat confused.

"The traitor is a traitor, and the sophistry is useless. Our eyes are sharp!" The first man who accused Lu Yiqian screamed and pointed to the beautiful teenager in her arms: "That is evidence!"

The thin tall man also shouted loudly and loudly: "Yes, this traitor and the outsiders are plotting to collude here, wanting to destroy my Daewoo, but fortunately I was waiting to see them, and their conspiracy was revealed!"

Lu Yiqian almost laughed: "I don't know if you are too smart or we are too stupid. We have to make a lot of trouble before we conspire."

That Hanhan reaction is very fast: "You are a wolf ambition, everyone has to be stunned, and there must be help from the high-ranking people, so that you will be conspiring to reveal!"

"Ha ha ha ha," Lu Yiqian couldn't help it: "It's so wonderful, it's so wonderful! Since I am sure that I am a traitor, do you want to kill it, or do you want to marry it?"

Slim and screaming and rushing up: "The traitor, die!"

The performer's eyes were slightly cold, and the fingers flicked. It turns out that this guy is attacking Lu Yiqian.

"Hey!" The thin man blasted a blood flower in the air, sprinkled a **** rain, and did not leave a complete flesh and blood. Originally, there is no death guard around him.

"There is noisy people!" The executor pointed out Lu Yiqian: "Since you said that she and I are a group, then I will give you optimism."

His voice just fell, and hundreds of outsiders behind him were gearing up and wanted to do a big job.

Such a change, let the big man stunned, know that although the thin man concealed the strength, but like him is a god-level figure, actually...

He couldn't help but feel a little lost!

The power of the aliens is so powerful!

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