Lu Yiqian kissed his ear, biting, and bursting from the ear to the whole body.

"Well..." He groaned unbearably, his body bowing slightly.

"You are so sensitive, so you can't stand it?" Lu Yiqian said evilly, his lips moving down, kissing his chin, as he was two blush on his chest.

With one, and one in the hand, creating a dizzying wave.

Wei Mo can only let her swear, want him to become water, he will become water, want him to become a fire, he is a fire...

Lu Hao’s eyes blinked and he said: “What else, I can do it for you, but it’s up to you to take off your clothes.”

Wei Mo almost blushes to the explosion, he thinks she is bullying him, but...

He really wants to undress her!

He swallowed his mouth, he hesitated, but firmly put his hand on her collar, the trembling hand occasionally touched the side of the circle, not only the face was red and red, the heart would jump out of the chest. He didn't look away, groping for her clothes, and the more and more skin he could touch, he had to burn his face.

In his eyes, he was bred with water and a red face. At this time, he was very tempting and moving.

That being the case...

Lu Haoqian held down his hand and decisively pulled the clothes!


He was stunned!

He looked at the spring color that is not in the human eye, his body temperature is getting higher and higher, his face is getting hotter and hotter, his mind is getting more and more chaotic, he can't think anything, he can't pay attention to anything, only her in front of her, all her!


Lu Yiqian caught his hand and held his face: "I just told you, now, you are doing it again to me."

"Booming..." Poor Wei Mo, has inevitably squirted two nosebleeds, his body temperature has reached its boiling point.

It’s just that he still doesn’t know. This is just the beginning. Next, he will not only be able to melt, but also like a light cloud, flying to the sky, to the ultimate pleasure.

He held her gently and tightly.

Both of them have no barriers to clothing, the kind of closeness, the entanglement of the body, the unspeakable happiness, the sigh, the satisfaction, and the waking, the impact on his heart again and again.

Embracing her again, not in a dream, not in the imagination, not in the illusion, is real, can touch, can kiss her.

"Oh..." he sighed in satisfaction.

He dropped a few teardrops and squatted on her body.

Lu Yiqian suddenly felt that this man was so distressing, so warm, but also so strong. She can hardly bear it, facing him like this.

After a while in the room, the temperature rose sharply, burning him, and burning her.

In such a quiet night, even the water-like Wei Mo, many times turned into a wolf, with his beloved, went to heaven...

Early the next morning, Lu Hao couldn't help but sigh when he opened his eyes. Why did men be so keen on this matter? If it is white, if death is the same, it is Wei Mo, and I really don't understand.

Looking at Wei Mo, I opened my eyes long ago. Now, when she is on her eyes, he just looks away like a white rabbit. He is happy, shy, and red. The sun penetrated through the window, giving him a golden radiance on his innocent face, and it seemed that he was like ink, his eyes were full of spring, his lips were red, and his face was fat.

His body is still entangled in her, warm and harmonious.

"Don't sleep?" She couldn't help but ask him to see that he was slightly dark.

"Squinted, but I am afraid that I will sleep, you are gone." Wei ink rubbed her body, feeling that it was going to catch fire.

Her body is as soft as jade and as tough as silk. Once she gets on, she never wants to give up. But as long as the other person is her, even if it is a pile of dry firewood, he will also have desire. Because she is her.

And he, already tasted the taste, and wants to let go, it is absolutely impossible.

But this feeling is really awkward, isn’t it?

He hugged her tightly.

"First sleep, you are hurt, and ... sleep." Lu Yiqian stroked his face.

"Will you go?" Wei ink asked her hand.

Looking at the occasional sorrowful scent of Wei Mo, Lu Yiqian softly said: "No."

Wei Mo puts his heart down, his lips slightly hooked, and he sinks into his sleep.

Lu Yiqian withdrew the enchantment, but saw the **** of death grievances looking at her.

"You..." Lu Yiqian wants to say something but can't say anything, although there are women in the world, but she comes from that world, and her husband and wife are deeply rooted. Even if they don't touch each other, they can still deceive themselves. Now that she has met so directly, she can’t ignore this incident and can’t ignore her attitude.

She looked at the **** of death. He was like a little beast abandoned by her, especially wronged.

She naturally knew what he was wronging and waved at him.

Death is like a command immediately, slamming into her quilt, taking off her clothes and holding her naked.


Even if Lu Yan is so skinny, it will be inevitable. On the left side of Wei Mo, the right side of the **** of death, all in the air, she is in the middle, but also naked...

What makes her so embarrassed? !

However, the **** of death was satisfied, but he was happy. One night, inexplicably, the irritability was relieved, released, and dissipated. He clung to Lu Yan’s waist and twisted a few twists in her arms.

Lu Yiqian stayed in the middle of the two, want to laugh, can't laugh, want to be angry, angry, in a state of dissociation.

...have not made a mistake, even if she has decided to face her emotions, but I can't stop it!

Four hours later, Wei Mo woke up and found Lu Yuqian still happy. At the same time, he suddenly found that the **** of death was also there. At the beginning, he did not know that the other party was a **** of death. He did not know until Lu Qianqian introduced it. And because Lu Haoqian got up, he was not willing to stay in bed and stood up. When Wei Mo saw his face, he couldn't help but stunned, and his heart suddenly gave birth to an unspeakable inferiority. He naturally knows that Lu Yuqian and the **** of death are intimate, knowing that she loves him, but because he has never seen his appearance, he has always been a little lucky, but today he sees his appearance, even if it is just a side carrying him. It is also enough to make him shocked to be a man of heaven.

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