Every day of the year, every moment, he bears the double miss and lovesickness. If so, he also thinks that he is double as a month. He bears such affection. He feels pain and feels happy. He wants to taste. He is also eager!

So when Lu Haoqian entered the world, he could fully feel the joy, this joy seems to drown him!

What identity should he use to approach her?

Double as the moon!

He only has to be determined by this identity to be able to relate to her!

He is double as a month!

This relationship, originally a headless public case, no one can blame anyone, this encounter is even more strange, no one can be!

Anyway, even if they are not here, they will always meet in other places.

"I just changed my body, is it no longer like a month, even if my soul is still me?!" In any case, she won her approval.

"You..." Lu Yiqian is not a fool, he can be so easily tempted, but the man in front of him, he does have the part that belongs to the double moon. I want her to be a friend as usual, but she can't. She focused on the topic: "Well, you are double as a month, I want to ask you a question."

Double as a month suddenly filled with joy, only for her recognition: "What problem, you said."

"Do you know all the nights?" Lu Yiqian stared at his eyes.

"Who is the night, who is the night?" He blinked and was unclear. This action, the appearance of this water disaster, is indeed like a month.

"On the Lord, 100,000 years ago, a personal class secretly built a passage to our world, maybe it is him!" There is a beautiful man hating: "That is too hateful, bungee, and I have repeatedly taken it from my hands. Escape."

Double as the moon holds up the chin, remembering that there is such an insignificant passage, he smiled and said: "I want to thank him."

Lu Yiqian watched the pair of smiling eyes with goose bumps, but she at least determined two things: First, the passage to the outside world was indeed made for thousands of nights. Second, the old and dead are still alive, at least for the time being. He is still alive here, three, this old and undead is very looking for a pumping, doing nothing, and even want someone to come to such a perverted place!

But things have been made clear, she has no need to stay here.

"Do you want to go?" Double as Luyue will pull in the arms, squinting, and seeing through her mind.

The strength of the double as the moon is much higher than that of Lu Yu, and he has inherited too much wisdom, so Lu Yiqian is thinking about something, he knows for the first time. The arms embraced her, and his strength made her unable to escape.

If this person is an enemy, it will definitely be a terrible enemy!

Lu Yiqian has never been so embarrassed, **** is stronger than her, but never used strong for her, so is death. Nowadays, she is trapped by the double-armed iron arm, but she is as weak as a petite girl, so she can’t say good! It can be awkward, never her style. She was slightly wrong and swept to his lower plate. That speed and strength, even the air was distorted, but kicked on him, but he did not respond.

Double as a month like a smile, a bright face with a pet, squatting on the foot, but as if she is giving him a massage.

"Leave me by my side, stay with me, I am very lonely." He said with a hand of Lu Yiqian gently.

"Sorry, I am afraid I can't agree." Lu Yiqian said, while using his hand as a knife, he cut off the cheeks of the double moon.

In the eyes of the moon, the black mans move slightly, and it is easy to catch Lu Yuqian’s hand and kiss it on his lips: “Sure enough, this is you, will not be accommodated because of other people’s requirements.”

The delicate hand of Mianhua, slightly touched, is like a drug addiction, a wonderful touch.

For the first time, catching others is not for eating, but for imprisonment.

How can Lu Yiqian be willing to be detained, although she knows that the gap with the other side is great, but she will never be discouraged. She still has too many things to do, she still has white, she still has death, how can she be bound here, there must be a way, there must be any way!

During the thoughts, I saw the child season jump and attacked like a shadow: "Wang Ba Gu, let go of her!"

The sub-season is the peak of the gods, and it is necessary to break through the gods and reach the level of God. His strength is already at its peak in Daewoo, and it is about to reach the main stage of the four great beasts. But this is just about to be reached, he has been trapped in this stage for millions of years! If God breaks through the Lord of God, it is like the Sanctuary breaking through the ranks of God. How many people stop the Sanctuary and not enter the Order! And the gods step into the level of God, how many people can not get it. This is the world's tens of thousands of plane masters gathered together, even if the peak of the gods is like gravel, can become the Lord of God, only those few. To become a God Lord, not only have luck, blessing, horror talent, hard work, etc., the most important thing is to have an encounter! However, how difficult it is to say something unclear!

The strongmen of this hall are following another powerful way. Instead of accumulating the power of the outside world to quench the body, they directly evolved with the power of engulfment. Therefore, hundreds of strong people in the hall are almost comparable to the power of God's main level!

Seeing the sub-season attacking the main, without a command, there will be a soft-eyed man who has stopped the season before flying.

There are no hands to keep hands, and the fists collide, and the two airflows fly up, with amazing pressure!

In the end, not in his own world, the power of the sub-season can not be shown the most complete, some passive beaten, but his heart is tough, the combat experience is rich, the strong is strong, the more frustrated, the more courageous, let the person can not beat him for a while .

The doubles smashed the cheeks of Lu Qianqian, and her arms were so trapped that she could not move. He can't hurt her, but he doesn't like him for the season. He wants her to accompany him, but he doesn't want another man to turn around.

This is called a man's jealousy and jealousy!

He sneaked coldly to a subordinate, and the man immediately sneaked a glimpse of it, and he worked with the feminine man to deal with the season.

The two men attacked sharp, strange and rich, and they were invincible. They had a beastly intuition and could launch spells without any difficulty. The physical strength was even stronger. It was even more difficult for the two to use the body from time to time. Attacks, such as tails, hooks, and the like, make the battle extremely dangerous!

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