Lu Yiqian looked around for a week, avoiding her style, since people have already found the door, taking the initiative to attack is her style!

She walked out first, and the fluttering black hair danced with her steps. The thrilling figure was wrapped in leather and exudes a force that cannot be ignored. The firm eyes are dark in the night and have the belief to step through all obstacles. Stepping out, her steps are not too big, but every time I step on the ground, it is full of strength.

For the men behind me, she did not thank, thank you for not being able to express her feelings and feelings, only the hooligans trust in each other, playing a lot of music, they all know her heart, and therefore the heart is warm. There is already a red line that can't be seen, and they are tightly linked together.

Obviously, they are about to face the hard battle. It is obvious that when they go out, they mean that they are enemies with Shangguan, and they are enemies with Daewoo, but they seem to be smiling, and they seem to walk into a mysterious and wonderful garden.

Out of the room, I accidentally met the dean of the college and the teachers of the whole school. The old man looked at the people with angrily: "Noisy, noisy, what are you going to do, you can't go anywhere, stay here, you are safe!"

Dongshu College has been gathering for a long time and has always been a holy place. People pay tribute to this land. But with the great interests and the sway of the people, how long can those who are hot-headed be able to observe etiquette? What's more, this was originally a world of weak meat and a heavy killing.

She still does not want this famous school to be destroyed for her sake.

"Old man, you still don't understand me, I want a passionate battle, not a turtle grandson to hide!" Lu Yiqian said with his arms, her nephew is brilliant, there is a trace of sorry, more determination and wisdom.

The old man was a little embarrassed. He was shook his eyes with the shining light. This is the young man. The idea he had insisted on has changed slightly.

This woman broke out with a strong gas field, and people had to obey her. They had to obey her orders. The momentum of this tyrant, the smell of this king, has become more and more manifested from her. . How did he not find it before? This is just a woman of the sanctuary. She used to greatly curb her breath.

The teachers involuntarily let the road open and watched Lu Yuqian and others leave. They know that this woman is a legend, and now she is going to create a bigger legend. Their college will never shine more than her. People!

The sun is like a huge spotlight on the eight people. They seem to be the stars in the dark night, staring at the eye-catching light.

Yes, at this moment, this situation can be regarded as the word "all the attention"!

The first is 30,000 students. They are somewhat uneasy. The look of Lu Qianqian and others is quite complicated. It is reasonable to say that if she decides that her ideas will not come out, they have no way. The dean will protect her, and those outside will become more and more crazy. More and more people may be leveling the East. But then again, if this matter is spread over them, who dares to face the hostility of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people? ! When she came out, they turned to surprise and admire! This classmate, regardless of whether she killed someone, they made up their minds not to be her enemy.

Kong Qi ironed his face and shouted: "Hey, Lu Qianqian, I believe in you!"

Zhu Hui is somewhat impulsive. He wants to protect the woman and prevent her from being hurt. She wants to protect her pride and flying, and she will not be accused. He knows that there will be no second land in this world. ,he knows.

Zhu put a hand on him: "Brother, the father said that this matter should be held on a wait-and-see attitude, not impulsive."

The death of Qiu Jining stimulated Qiu He’s family to give up the four major families’ many years of prejudice and asked them to kill Lu Yiqian together. For this request, the other three families are silent and secret. At this time, which one is hands-on, which one will be pushed to the front as cannon fodder, it is not wise. They are more rational than ordinary people, and they think more. Of course, they know that this is awkward, and they know that no one is as stupid. It is so exciting to Qiu He’s family. Therefore, the murderer will never be Lu Qianqian. However, Lu Haoqian died, not dead enough to be flat and angry. After she died, the people behind the scenes might deal with four people, but she is not dead, this chaos will certainly intensify. What attitude to her, they are also very helpless.

In fact, there are many people who maintain this wait-and-see attitude.

Zhu Fang held his fist tightly.

This blink of an eye, Lu Yiqian has already gone outside the school, calmly facing hundreds of thousands of troops.

In just a short effort, 100,000 people have surged to 300,000 people! They blocked the college’s exports and did not let go of any dead ends.

Taking advantage of Lee, people's eyes are infinitely crazy.

But when they noticed that the woman in front of me was just a sanctuary, the noisy crowd suddenly quieted down. They only know Lu Qianqian, but not many people know that she is a sanctuary, suddenly there is a feeling of killing chicken with a knife, but then they are relieved, even more instigated, a sanctuary, pinching her is not like pinching An ant in general? No one wants to give up this head.

Qiuhe’s head of the house was scattered, and his eyes were red, and the first thing was difficult: “Lu Qianqian, you are so heartbroken, I am still alive!”

Qiu He’s family is so crazy that there is a reason. Qiu He’s family is very supportive. He has many children, but he has only hope for Qiu He Ning for tens of thousands of years. It turns out that his hopes did not fail at the beginning. Qiu Jining, the child, gave him a long face. His expectations accumulate in a year, until he is married to the Quartet, and he has accumulated the most. He is almost ready to pass on his son to his son. At his most proud moment, the most beautiful moment, when his expectation reaches the maximum, his son was killed. This kind of pain is unclear. He may not know that Lu Yiqian is embarrassed, but he wants to vent his anger at this time. He wants to unload the eight pieces of Lu Hao, let the people behind him know his anger, and he will ignite the anger with anger!

Lu Yiqian has mercy on this lost father, but this can not be used as a reason to indulge him. She does not kill, she does not have to pay for her life. If they are entangled, she will certainly not be polite. Someone wants her to die, sorry, can't do it.

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