Daewoo officially bid farewell to calm and entered a period of full-scale melee.

Time is like running water, and it is missing quickly. It is three years in a blink of an eye.

In the past three years, Daewoo has become a mess of porridge. The fight for, killing and chaos has become the main color of the world. Peace and peace have become so far away. Originally it was a battle between the government and the government, but I did not know why it developed into a **** massacre. The greed and the desire to be filled with the air. Large to the government, the city, small to the town, township, **** killers are fighting for more power and greater benefits. The binding force of the government has become extremely small, Pan Jun has grown stronger, and some mountain forces have begun to develop. There are killings and looting everywhere, and there seems to be no peace in one place.

At this time, the only thing that can speak on this big stage is the Mercenary League.

In three years, the rapid development of the mercenary alliance was amazing. The place where the task was originally received has spawned a new function to provide shelter for some weak people. It should be noted that the weak are only relatively speaking. If there are more weak ones, they will naturally become strong. The mercenary alliance will thus grow into a big monster of Daewoo, and compete with another big mysterious force of Daewoo. The mercenary alliance has developed into every corner of Daewoo, and its alliance buildings can be seen in any village. In the case of such a mad war, the mercenary alliance is rarely a large organization that maintains calmness, and it is still a task to ensure the normal life of the members.

Speaking of it, since the beginning of this chaos, the mysterious head of the Mercenary League has issued various orders, wisely guiding the development of the mercenary alliance so that it will not be pulled or disintegrated by any party.

It is also in this case that it has gradually grown into a teacher of justice and plays an increasingly immeasurable role.

In the past three years, the six-star thorn in the regiment has grown to 150, the four-star thorn is 7.36 million, and the Samsung thorn is 325 thousand... even the same star thorn and reserve member, the number has reached one. The point of horror. Because of this, anyone who carries the mercenary league badge is less likely to be attacked by others. Indeed, organizations that have provoked a coalition of mercenaries in three years have been completely annihilated in history. For the provocate's attitude, the mercenary alliance has become more and more tolerant and has become a decisive killer. Almost after the destruction of more than a thousand provocative organizations, the status of the mercenary alliance is also established, and more and more people enter the mercenary alliance.

Now the attitude of the mercenary alliance is becoming more and more clear, that is, to drive away the chaos, and Daewoo is a sunny day.

The head of the Mercenary Alliance believes that the organization of the wolf ambition headed by Qu Qiu, Zhe Yurui and Jiang Songfu’s Ji Hao, is in vain until the final annexation of Daewoo.

In fact, the power of the two governments to resist the Eighth House has not fallen, the Quartet and Songjiang are indeed very suspicious, especially in every battle, there will be some mysterious gray-clothes people, and those who are gray-haired are extremely powerful. Horror is terrible.

On the other hand, the mysterious organization is digging in the entire Daewoo range, seemingly looking for something.

At this time, in a small village of the Gongling, the smell of spring is strong.

The purple flowers and red flowers bloom, and the dark green trees show, it is really vibrant and green.

People's battles naturally cannot affect the plants. How does Da Yu's blood flow into a river? Plants will always follow the will of their own growth, and strive to the sun, grow stronger and more beautiful.

The fruit of the broad brown leaf paulownia is loved by World of Warcraft, and the numerous vine seeds that are stacked in layers are also very nutritious.

This is the most common afternoon in Xinghua Village.

Xinghua Village is a very ordinary small village in Kongjun. Because the owner is Warcraft, the residents in the village are mostly in World of Warcraft, and humans only account for a minority. Xinghua Village is on the edge of the Gongling. Walking south is a continuous mountain. Going west is an endless grassland. Therefore, it is farther away from the battlefield and can remain calm.

But then again, I don't know if it is close to nature. The magical power here is extraordinarily abundant. The native Warcraft can transform into an adult shape in adulthood. Especially in the past three years, the magical power of this place has gathered to a terrible level, so that every name of Xinghua Village can be clearly detected.

The speed of the growth of World of Warcraft stars does not have to be said, even the plants are particularly lush.

Not only the Xinghua Village, but also the mountains that are backed up, the grasslands not far away have become more aura. Many Warcraft are coming to hear the news and regard this land as a blessing.

Apricot flowers will become more and more lively, and the broad beans are thinking, and they have picked up a handful of vine seeds.

Broad beans have risen two stars in the spring of this year, and it is already a three hundred star Warcraft. The uncles and aunts in the village, the uncles said that they have talents, and in the future they will be able to grow into a big Warcraft like a house owner.

Broad bean does not want to become a big Warcraft, he hopes to cure the mother's injury. The mother was injured by the attack of the enemy when she was born. She has been lingering for so many years and has not improved until three years. It is a filial child, and I hope that my mother will recover and no longer suffer from pain. The sister next door told him that using the seeds of palm leaf and multi-vine to make a drug can cure the mother's injury.

After picking a few seeds, it suddenly saw a familiar figure in front and immediately shouted joyfully: "Sister!"

It stood up and ran quickly.

Not far away, there is a woman in a plain robe standing, I don't know if I look at the surrounding sea of ​​flowers or look at the distant sky.

She stood there, almost integrated into the heavens and the earth, facing the sun, just like a fairy.

Running close, the broad bean can see her dreamlike figure, see her black waterfall-like hair, her eyes like the stars in the night sky, more crystal than the most beautiful pearls.

She is very quiet, but no one can ignore the power of her silence.

She is like a sword, but she is still in the scabbard for the time being.

She only stood there, letting the heart of the broad bean jump, although she knew that this sister was strange and mysterious, but could not help but approach her.

My sister came to the village three years ago. No one knows how she came. She was injured, covered in blood, and could not move. Later, the uncle vigorously settled her in the Qing dynasty's aunt's house next door, but the sister's injury was so heavy that the whole person was dull. After two days, the aunt moved and the many brothers moved in. Those brothers are so handsome, the most handsome of them is a silver-haired brother in white. Of course, Qingfa brother, brunette brother, silver hook tail brother is also very handsome, ah ah, all my brothers are so handsome! My brothers took good care of their sisters. The kind of love is 100 times deeper than the big cake brother in the village. But my sister is always stuck, as if there is a problem with my brain.

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