Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1114: Nothing else

When the hill-sized orangutan spirit beast died, the remaining eight-headed spirit beasts stared at Huang Jianzhi very cautiously, fearing that Huang Jianzhi would attack them suddenly.

"Humans are so cunning, they pretend to be weak and paralyze us," said a black snake that was more than 80 meters long and two or three meters in diameter.

"What should we do? We may be able to compete with him together, but there are so many human powerhouses in the city. If they rush in, we will only be defeated." A huge owl said worriedly.

"There are many strong humans, but we have more beasts. As long as we block him, other strong humans will not be a problem." The parrot spirit beast said maliciously.

"Hands on"

The eight-headed spirit beasts communicated secretly for a while, and finally roared in unison, the beast tide surged towards the fork in an instant, and the eight-headed spirit beasts rushed towards Huang Jianzhi at that moment.

"An ant must have the consciousness of an ant. Although most ants can kill elephants, depending on your eight ants, are you living in fantasy?"

Huang Jianzhi once again stretched out his fingers at the eight-headed spirit beast that rushed forward. There was no reason at all. The eight-headed spirit beast was directly bound in mid-air by the boundless power of thought.

"No,, it's impossible, I don't believe I can't make it, drink~"

"How is it possible, this is not true."

"I see, your power is not thought power, but illusion. We are all caught in your illusion. It must be like this."


The eight-headed spirit beasts that were set in mid-air panicked completely. They found that they could not struggle with all their strength. Can they not be afraid?

"You are no longer saved, leave your bodies to contribute to mankind."

"No, I don't want to die..."

"Please, forgive me, I was forced,"

Huang Jianzhi was too lazy to listen to nonsense, and shook his five fingers directly.

"Human, I curse you..."

The eight-headed spirit beast could not see the hope of life, and the pleading instantly turned into a curse of resentment.


In the next second, eight hearts were squeezed by invisible power, and for a moment, the eight-headed spirit beast's body fell from the sky.

"This, this is the strength of the A-level ability person, it's simply terrifying."

"The tide of beasts has stopped, they are faintly shrinking, they are scared."

"Keep it, Skycity is saved, hahaha..."

The members of the Lingwu Society and the soldiers in the city first shocked the strength of the A-level supernatural powers, and then they were all excited to survive.


Seeing that the eight-headed spirit beast was easily killed by Huang Jianzhi, the natural disaster lion king turned around and ran without hesitation.

"Don't let it run, stop it..."

Of course, Xu Huamao and the others would not give up the opportunity to besieged and killed the natural disaster lion king, as long as they drag the natural disaster lion king for a while, when Huang Jianzhi comes up, it will be the death of the natural disaster lion king.

"Get away from the deity, roar~"

The Scourge Lion King is really anxious. These three people alone have already made it very troublesome. If the bottomless humans below catch up, it will be dangerous.

For a while, it opened with all its strength, and it really broke through a hole, breaking out from Xu Huamao and the others.

"Little lion, you have to go there!"

The natural disaster lion king broke through Xu Huamao's obstacles, and was happy in his heart, ready to speed up and escape from here, but before it even started to run, he saw Huang Jianzhi who appeared right in front of him and blocked his way.

"Haha,, Scourge Lion King, you can't escape."

When Xu Huamao saw Huang Jianzhi catching up, they all dispersed excitedly and surrounded the natural disaster lion king.

"You humans should count the deity from the beginning, first use two people to paralyze the deity, and see if two people can't hold on, and another one emerges."

"What's more ruthless is that you still hide a subordinate who slaughtered me below, human beings. You think you will win in this way. Don't underestimate the deity."

The natural disaster lion king felt that he had been calculated by humans, otherwise, how could human powers emerge one after another.

"Idiot, if it were to calculate you, you would have died a long time ago." Xu Zhenhai said sarcastically.


"Friend, leave it to us for short-range attacks, and you for long-range attacks, okay."

Xu Huamao and the others know that Huang Jianzhi's abilities are very powerful, but they feel that Huang Jianzhi is not a warrior, and his body is fragile, so he is only suitable for long-range attacks and not for close attacks.

"You take a rest, it's left for me to play." Huang Jianzhi said.

"Friends, it's easy to kill it with the power of the four of us. If you face it alone, you will let it run away if you don't say the danger." Bai Yuanzhong persuaded.

"Don't worry, I am a multi-line superpower, it can't run." Huang Jianzhi said indifferently.

"Many abilities! Have all,,, reached A rank?"

Xu Huamao and the others didn't want Huang Jianzhi to face it alone, but suddenly they heard Huang Jianzhi say that he was a multi-line supernatural being.

This kind of indifferent tone was obviously full of confidence. They couldn't help but wonder whether Huang Jianzhi's other abilities would also reach A rank, which gave Huang Jianzhi such confidence.

"Well, they have reached A-level, you go and rest, it can't run." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

Xu Huamao and the others looked at each other in amazement. There is only one ability player in the country who has achieved A-level dual-system ability. It is obvious that the rarity is low.

Now I heard that the person in front of me is a person who has reached A-level in many lines. Where did this old monster emerge from? Is it two lines or three lines?

After making eye contact with each other for a while, Xu Huamao and the others acquiesced that Huang Jianzhi was facing the natural disaster lion king alone, but they did not relax, and always prepared for the natural disaster lion king to escape.

When the natural disaster lion king saw this situation, he was secretly delighted, thinking that the human in front of him was an idiot, but he did not dare to despise Huang Jianzhi.

Many abilities have reached A rank, only one ability is known as mind power, and the other abilities are unknown, and the unknown is often the most terrifying.

"Come on, little lion, let me see how many catties you have, how dare you attack a human city." Huang Jianzhi provoked with a finger.

"Go to hell, Breaking Thunder,,,"

As soon as the Scourge Lion King came, he went all out, and the thunder formed by the huge terror energy opened his mouth and shot Huang Jianzhi through the air.

Xu Huamao and the others were all anxious for Huang Jianzhi when they saw this blow. Why didn't they avoid it? This move was not easy to stop.


The huge energy thunder injection resulted in Huang Jianzhi's body, and it went out with a "pop" with the little flame, which made the natural disaster lion king stunned for a moment.

"What kind of power is this that made such a huge amount of energy disappear for no reason?" Xu Huamao and the others were very surprised at what Huang Jianzhi's power was.

"Heaven's Purgatory Thunder"

The natural disaster lion king returned to his senses and continued to make big moves. Hundreds of red thunderballs with a diameter of five or six meters appeared around Huang Jianzhi out of thin air. In the next second, they flew all over Huang Jianzhi, with no dead ends.




The result remained the same, like a small flame extinguished and disappeared.

"That's it, nothing else!" Huang Jianzhi asked, tilting his head. ..

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