Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1117: World famous

"Mr. Huang, your news has already spread to the top, and the people above will definitely attach great importance to you, Mr. Huang."

"You may not be as simple as evaluating an A-level security consultant, you may become the only S-level security consultant." Bai Yuanzhong couldn't help but exclaimed when he thought of Huang Jianzhi's fantastic power at this age.

"The only one? Isn't there still three figures above the Grand Master? How come I am the only S-level security consultant." Huang Jianzhi asked.

"If the Grand Master and the A-level abilities are strong in the town, the two heavenly beings and an S-level abilities are the pillars of the country, and the Lingwu Society is not qualified to evaluate their level." Bai Yuanzhong explained. .

"That's the case, but can you evaluate me as an S-level security consultant so hastily? I just killed an A-level spirit beast." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Mr. Huang, you are humble. A-level spirit beasts are inherently stronger than humans. Within the same level, it generally takes two or three human powers to deal with a spirit beast. This is common sense."

"If someone can slaughter an A-level spirit beast alone, then this person is definitely a great master or an outstanding one among A-level abilities."

"Not to mention Huang Jianzhi, you are a great master and you have three A-level abilities. This is unprecedented in the past and present."

"Only with your three A-level abilities, you have almost no weaknesses. I can guarantee that you are the first person under the heavenly and the S-level abilities. You are absolutely qualified to be the only S-level security advisor." Xu Huamao flattered and said.

"In addition to what Brother Xu said, there is another very important point, that is your age. You are only twenty-five years old, and you have reached a level that ordinary people can't even think of."

"If you give you more time to grow, you will definitely become one of the pillars of the country, and the people above will definitely consider this, and you will be given the treatment you should give."

"The country will never be stingy in this regard. They know the importance of top-level combat power. Therefore, when you are the only S-level security advisor of Lingwu Society, there will be no objections."

Xu Zhenhai also wanted to make friends with Huang Jianzhi, a strong man. In addition to his promising future, Huang Jianzhi was the only A-level healer in the world.

Before the birth of the A-level healing ability, there was a theory that as long as they did not die, they would be alive and kicking immediately when they encountered the A-level healing ability.

He didn't believe it very much before, but seeing Huang Jianzhi heal thousands of wounded and a dozen soldiers who were almost incurable in an instant, his mindset changed immediately.

Who can guarantee that he will not be hurt in the future, so the good things that should be said are still to be said, everything is to make friends with Huang Jianzhi.

"It seems that you are going to push me to be a hero. I don't seem to have been a hero. Try it. This should be a good experience." Huang Jianzhi smiled very interestingly.

"Mr. Huang, I have read your information. You haven't got married yet. I happen to have two beautiful granddaughters. I will introduce you to them."

Xu Zhenhai thought of Huang Jianzhi's particularity, and knew that in the future, there would be more people who would like to curry favor with Huang Jianzhi. If he wants to make friends, the relationship must be very ordinary.

He wanted to deepen the relationship, but he couldn't think of any way until he remembered that Huang Jianzhi's information had a single message.

He had an idea right away and made a hammer. He wanted Huang Jianzhi to be his grandson-in-law. Huang Jianzhi is definitely a big boat. When his grandson-in-law, he definitely makes money.

Huang Jianzhi:,,,

"Brother Xu, you are too much, how can you treat our hero like this."

"Mr. Huang, ignore him, this old man, if you say granddaughter, it's my granddaughter who is sweet and lovely,,,"

Xu Huamao first said that Xu Zhenhai was superficial with a righteous expression, but as soon as he turned his head, he introduced his granddaughter to Huang Jianzhi.

"Okay, Xu Huamao, what do you mean, I remember your granddaughter is only sixteen this year, and a high school student is underage. You just bought your granddaughter like this."

When Xu Zhenhai saw Xu Huamao rob him of his grandson-in-law, he was so angry, whether it was decades of friendship or not, let's bombard it before talking about it.

"Fart, I'm an adult at the age of sixteen, who bought my granddaughter, can't I introduce a friend to my granddaughter!"

"Huh, I thought I didn't know what you were thinking, you shameless..."

"Old immortal, what are you talking about, do you know if I have tolerated you for a long time, do you want to fight?"


"Stop,,, I am not in a hurry to find a woman, no need to introduce me to any girlfriend, if you want to fight, I will definitely go to the scene to eat melons." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.



Xu Huamao and Xu Zhenhai were like the two old naughty boys. They both snorted and turned back to back to each other, ignoring each other.

"Mr. Huang, can you discuss it?"

At this time, the great master Wei Guangan sent by the state to support suddenly said.


Not only Huang Jianzhi wondered why Wei Guangan wanted to abuse him, but even Bai Yuanzhong and the others couldn't figure out what Wei Guangan was doing.

"It's not a discussion. The country has just issued an order. Let us assess the limits of Mr. Huang's strength. Of course, it is up to you to decide." Wei Guangan took out his special mobile phone and pointed to the instructions above.

"Want to know the limit of my energy control, right, yes, I will cooperate with you."

Seeing Huang Jianzhi's consent, the four great masters and an A-level superpower did not say anything. They found a remote place and jointly assessed Huang Jianzhi's power level.

Twenty minutes later, Huang Jianzhi was sitting on the rock leisurely gnawing the seeds, while Xu Huamao and the others were looking at Huang Jianzhi with exhausted breath.

"That's it for the evaluation. You don't have much power to attack me. I will go back first." Huang Jianzhi left after speaking.

"He is really a monster, and he can't see where his limits are." Wei Guangan sighed.

"I think he is about to reach that level, hey, am I really old."

Xu Huamao uttered everyone's aspirations, and there were a few more sighs.


What happened in Skyrim spread quickly to all over the world. At first, it was reported that A-level spirit beasts led the tide of beasts to attack Skyrim. The people in the world were worried about whether Skyrim could be held.

As a result, within half a day, the news came out, the beast tide receded, and the A-level spirit beast was killed.

He was killed alone by a hero named Azure Dragon God of War. The existence of killing A-level spirit beasts alone is definitely a peerless powerhouse in the world.

The people all over the world are very concerned and curious about this Azure Dragon God of War, and they want to know more about the Azure Dragon God of War. It just happened that the official news was released.

Lingwushe had an S-level security consultant born, and it was this Azure Dragon God of War. At this moment, all the people exclaimed.

They know that the A-level security advisors of the Lingwu Society generally correspond to the great master peerless powerhouses or the A-level abilities.

But now that they saw an S-level security consultant, did people at that level have been born?

But when I think about it, I find it impossible. Once people of that level are born, the country will announce it long ago.

But this Azure Dragon God of War is located in an S-level security advisor, what is going on, why is he rated so high.

Soon the official gave the reason, and saw the official announcement screen introducing the basic information of the Azure Dragon God of War.

Azure Dragon God of War

The master's cultivation base has two abilities, A-level variant thought power and A-level energy control.

The introduction is so short, obviously the healing power is hidden by the people above.


The people all over the world were shocked and took a deep breath when they saw such a brief content. They finally knew why the Azure Dragon God of War became the only S-level security advisor of Lingwu Society.

This is an unprecedented monster. No wonder he is the only S-level security consultant. It can be said that he is absolutely invincible except for those three.

Not long after the announcement of Lingwusha, the hunting guild also announced that they had born an S-class hunter, who happened to be the Azure Dragon God of War.

The hunting guild is said to be a non-governmental organization, but in fact it is also an official organization. Due to the intervention of officials, the personal hunter information provided by Huang Jianzhi has also been updated and kept confidential, and the name has been directly changed to the Azure Dragon God of War.

The major hunting groups and individual hunters knew that the hunting guild would have S-rank hunters, and they were surprised at first. When they knew that the S-rank hunters were the Azure Dragon God of War, they had nothing to say.

For a time, the Azure Dragon God of War became a well-known Fengshen powerhouse.

Conferred God in World War I, famous all over the world! ..

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