Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1149: Shocked everyone

The management and leaders of the three cult organizations escaped from the secret road, and somehow they all evacuated in the same direction.

Even if there were traces of Lingwushe powerhouses in that direction, they did not change their direction as before.

"No matter how they flee in this direction, they shouldn't. Even if they negotiated in advance, there is no hope in this direction. Why should they continue to flee in this direction as before."

The command headquarters Wei Guangan and Wang Jianyuan had been watching the three cult organizations every move, and they were deeply puzzled when they discovered that the three cults were fleeing in the wrong direction.

In that direction, there is no forbidden area for spirit beasts and no large human cities. Why did the three major cult organizations fled to that place?

Could it be that this is the back hand of the cult? Something in the direction of escape made them escape, but at the end of this direction is the ocean of the forbidden area of ​​mankind, and they are all crazy.

"Report, the management and leaders of the three cult organizations are all gathered together." A member of the Lingwu Society ran in to report.

"Sure enough, as we expected, they really got together."

"Jianyuan, we don't have to wait anymore, even if they have any back-end, facing us, they only have a dead end, immediately report to Mr. Huang, we should completely close the net." Wei Guangan said for a moment in thought.

"Okay, it's time to completely eliminate human scum."

Although Wang Jianyuan is a little worried about what the cult will have, he is more confident in the strong people of Lingwu Society. Even if the cult has a back, he believes that the cult will struggle with them for a few more minutes.

"Let's go, we should do it now. The Azure Dragon God of War delegates the power to do it for us, and we must not let the Azure Dragon God of War down."

Seeing Wang Jianyuan's agreement, Wei Guangan directly ordered the various ministries to close the net, and he immediately set off with a large number of strong men.

"Damn, I thought it was a problem within the organization. I didn't expect that we were abandoned by the major forces. How could they do this..."

After the leader of the restoration organization converged with the other two cults, they quickly exchanged information, and finally understood why they were discovered by the Lingwu Society so quickly.

"Why can't they be like this? Don't think that some of them have worked with us, it means they have one heart with us."

"They only have interest in their eyes. Sometimes they will only be more vicious and poisonous than us. This is the major families, the major families,," the leader of the Death Organization laughed at himself.

"Many of them have cooperated with us, but now they have chosen to abandon us, it means that they have removed any traces of cooperation with us."

"At this moment they want us to die more than anyone else. Now our enemy is not only Lingwushe, but also the major forces that have cooperated with us."

The leader of the magic wheel organization clenched his fists tightly, facing the Lingwu Society they already had many difficulties, and now with the addition of the major forces, they almost had no way to retreat.

"Damn, the plan can be said to be successful, but why not give us more time, even if we are not discovered by the Lingwu Society a quarter and a half late, yes,," the leader of the restoration organization gritted his teeth.

"It's not too late, as long as we run to that place before the Lingwushe large forces catch up, we are basically all right." The leader of the Death Organization said.

"Yes, that is our only hope, as long as we..."

As soon as the leader of the magic wheel organization said halfway, his face became solemnly stiff, his body stopped, his eyes full of unwillingness to look forward.

He is not the only one with this expression, the people of the three major cults are all the same.

Ten figures appeared in front of them, all of which were high-end combat power. The seven great masters, one with A-level abilities, and two B-level abilities, were all brought by space abilities.

Those with spatial abilities have not stopped, continue to disappear and continue to bring people to appear. More than that, there has already been movement around, and the elite combat power of the Lingwu Society has also appeared one by one to firmly surround the three cult organizations.

"It turns out that you really have a back hand, but it's a pity that you have no chance at all, so surrender obediently and don't make fearless sacrifices."

Although Wei Guangan and the others didn't know what the backing of the three big cults was, at this moment the cults were no longer threatening.

It was only a matter of time before the three big cults were killed, but there were a lot of masters in the three big cults, and they would have to pay a high price to destroy them. It would be best if they could surrender.

"Three space abilities! Our space abilities were killed by you, right? What you did is really dripping." The leader of the Death God organization gritted his teeth and looked at one of the space abilities in the Lingwu Society.

"Surrender, you only have five great masters, facing us, you don't have a chance to win." Wang Jianyuan said calmly.

"Hahaha,,, it's really not as good as the sky. The plan has been successful, but it's a pity that God is not on our side."

The leader of the Magic Wheel Organization suddenly laughed at himself. Seeing the formation of the Lingwu Society, he knew that Wang Jianyuan was telling the truth. They were really not Lingwu Society's opponents. They were really unwilling and sorrowful about the upcoming results.


Wei Guangan and the others heard that the cult's plan had succeeded, and this made each of them look solemn in an instant.

Every plan of the cult harmed one party, but the three cults' conspiracy plan was successful and yet they were not discovered, which made them feel a little uneasy.

"By the way, you don't know the goal of our plan yet!"

The leader of the magic wheel organization also planned to break the jar. For them, their conspiracy plan was a success, but it was also considered a failure.

Failure is that this plan failed to keep them alive, and they hate it.

"The moment you deal with us, we have no choice. Only when the country is in disintegration and chaos, will you have no time to take care of us and give us a great opportunity to develop."

"It's a pity that things went counterproductive. We were discovered by you in advance, but it doesn't matter. The plan has been successful, and we are not too failed."

The leader of the magic wheel organization said the ultimate goal of the plan, but he didn't mention the specific content of the plan, as if he was waiting for something.

"Beng Li Chao? What did you do?"

Wei Guangan and the others were extremely disturbed when they heard this. They knew that the leader of the cult at the moment did not need to play with them, and they also said that the cult's plan was about to break the country into chaos.


The leader of the Liberation Organization also knew that there was little hope of escape, so he simply put aside his mind and looked at the panic of Lingwu Shrine.

"Report,, no, it's not good, the biggest beast tide in history has occurred in the three major cities of Plain, Xingwu and Haogu, and the three major cities have sent out urgent signals for help."

At this time, a Lingwushe correspondent ran over in a panic to report.


Wei Guang'an and their faces sank. Pingyuan, Xingwu and Haogu are the only first-tier cities that can send first-tier cities an urgent signal for help, knowing how serious the situation is at the moment.

Once one of the cities is breached, the surrounding cities will become dying. Once all three cities are breached, the country will collapse and become chaotic.

"This is your plan, to cooperate with the spirit beast..."

Wei Guang'an stared at the cult personnel with murderous eyes, gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"No, this is only part of the plan, and there is still something to be done!"

Faced with the killing intent of all the members of the Lingwu Society, the cult changed its usual ridicule and shocked everyone. ..

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