Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1185: development of

"This is a very easy solution, as long as we fully control the alien door."

"Threatening, foreign gates that are not beneficial to our world will be destroyed to prevent other dynasties in Tianyuan Continent from infiltrating and invading us."

"What's good for us is the infinite mountain range connected to the alien gate on the East Great Canyon. The more remote, the more desolate and uninhabited place, the most suitable for us to steal their resources to grow."

"Low-key development, when the opportunity matures, we can choose a suitable principality or hou country for full penetration control, and then use the controlled dynasty as a springboard to expand our forces and gradually devour the entire Tianyuan Continent."

"It's difficult to swallow the Tianyuan Continent, but as long as our overall strength improves, we can do it one day," Huang Jianzhi said.

"President, we tried the Alien Gate a long time ago and it cannot be destroyed. President, do you have a way?"

Fu Botian looked at the president with full expectation. If this miraculous president can really destroy the alien gate, then the threat from Tianyuan Continent will be controlled by them.

According to what the previous president said, once they control the alien gate, the dynasty of the Tianyuan Continent will hardly pose a threat to them. Instead, they will gradually infiltrate the Tianyuan Continent under the light.

"My spatial ability has reached an indescribable state. It should be easy for me to destroy the alien gate. Go and verify it."

Having said that, Huang Jianzhi led the people from the federal management to the alien gate, and watched left and right. He waved his hand to make the surrounding people retreat to a safe area, and then he hit the alien gate with one punch.


"Beep sizzle~"

The entire alien gate was instantly dyed black and white, and under Huang Jianzhi's fist, it resembled a fragmented mirror cracked and shattered, and the resulting spatial cracks were extremely terrifying.

But under the perfect control of Huang Jianzhi's power, the space cracks gradually healed and disappeared. In less than half a minute, the giant alien gate that existed before disappeared.

"Did it, he really did it."

When Fu Botian saw this scene, they were completely excited, and Tianyuan Continent no longer poses a threat to them.

Once a certain empire or coalition forces in the Tianyuan Continent invade them, they can directly destroy the alien gate to prevent the Tianyuan Continent from invading.

There are so many alien gates, and the probability of being discovered is very low. As long as they do not act high-profile, it is difficult for the forces of the Tianyuan Continent to find alien gates leading to their world.

Otherwise, the seventeen alien gates have existed for so long, and the Dark Night Empire has only discovered one. It is indeed the place where other alien gates appear, many of which are in restricted areas or uninhabited places.

"There are sixteen alien gates left. Give me a list. That alien gate is not good for us. I will destroy them now."

Before long, a list was handed over to Huang Jianzhi. Huang Jianzhi saw that there were seven foreign gates that needed to be destroyed, and he did not hesitate to destroy them.

"Maybe he is the leader given to us by God." Fubotian and others sighed as they looked at Huang Jianzhi's disappearing back.

Empire of the Night

"What are you talking about, there is a strong person in the immortal realm, how can there be a strong person in the immortal realm in the small world, you are sure that this strong person in the immortal realm is the original aboriginal of the small world, not a hidden world strong in our world."

After the Dark Night Emperor got all the information, his face changed, he still couldn't believe that there would be a strong man in the fairy realm in the small world.

"Your Majesty, the situation is true. This is what all the soldiers who escaped have seen with their own eyes. The strong man in the immortal realm is called Huang Jianzhi, the president of the Small World Star Federation, the strongest in the actual sense."

"Prime Minister Fang, what do you think!"

The Night Emperor did not look at the shivering intelligence officer, but turned his attention to look at the other prime minister below.

It's just that his face is black all the way, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Dark Night Emperor at this moment is an explosive barrel that explodes at the touch of it.

Let me see what a shit, so many people have died, and the empire has been hurt and lost so much face. What do you want me to say. I can’t ignore me and let me retire in a few years.

The prime minister Fang Luotian felt bitter. If he answered something wrong, he would be scolded less, and the emperor would wear shoes, but the emperor was always the emperor, and it would be no good if he didn't answer.

"Your Majesty, since ancient times, I have never heard that the small world gives birth to a strong person, but once it is born, either this small world has a shocking secret, or this person named Huang Jianzhi is extraordinary."

Fang Luotian was right. If the small world really gave birth to a powerful person in the immortal realm, then this small world would have long been out of the control of the empire.

But since ancient times, in the empire that exists on the Tianyuan Continent, no small world has ever separated from the empire that controls it.

"Prime Minister Fang, you know what I want to hear is not this." The Dark Night Emperor gradually narrowed his eyes.

"Your Majesty, so many people have died, nobles, and the people need to explain, but we must not gather our troops to attack this small world."

"There are strong human beings and immortals in this small world. They can't be overthrown by a number of people. Our ancestors are in retreat, and you are the emperor. It's not easy to leave Yancheng."

"It is almost impossible to conquer this small world alone, so the minister believes that we should contact other empires to carve up this small world."

"The five empires join forces, and at least one or two hidden powers can be invited." Fang Luotian suggested.

"Just do what you say, our people can't die in vain." The Night Emperor thought for a while, and agreed to Fang Luotian's suggestion.

At this moment, another news came to the palace.

"The alien gate has disappeared. This is impossible. How could the alien gate disappear." The Night Emperor said in shock again.

"Your Majesty, the alien gate can't disappear for no reason, maybe that small world really hides some amazing secret."

"There cannot be only one foreign door connecting that world. We immediately joined forces with the other four empires to find the foreign door leading to that small world."

"It is best for the five empires to issue announcements together so that all the principalities and the powers of the princes in the world will find them for us."

"In order to prevent them from concealing from us, they also announced that there are strong people in the fairy realm in that small world. In this way, the principality and the power of the prince must be honest." Fang Luotian said.

"Do as you say!"


With the action of the Night Empire, the entire Tianyuan Continent was shaken, looking for the door to the small world foreign land that the Night Empire said.

The top Principality-the Principality of Yunhai knew that the small world he was attacking existed in the realm of human beings, and he was frightened and sweated. It was not until the secret that the secret foreign door in their territory had disappeared from his men that they breathed a sigh of relief.

They don't care why the secret foreign door in the territory disappeared. For them, the disappearance of the foreign door is the best result.

After Huang Jianzhi destroyed the unfavorable alien gate, the Star Federation entered into an all-round and rapid development.

In less than half a year, most of the spirit beasts above the B-level on the land were cleared, and the land turf returned to human hands again.

When the terrestrial spirit beasts were cleared, the marine creatures finally knew the terrible humans, and all the beast kings urgently united to prevent human attacks.

But there is a hairy, with Huang Jianzhi taking the lead, and the bodies of the beast kings have all contributed to mankind.

"Hey, there is a spirit beast in the realm of immortality hidden in the abyss of the ocean. It should be the emperor who rules the ocean."

"It's just a bit weird. Everything that happens in the ocean has nothing to do with it. Other Beastmasters don't seem to know its existence."

After Huang Jianzhi cleaned up the other beast kings, he unexpectedly discovered that there was still a spirit beast hidden in the ocean, which made him very interested. ..

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