Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1201: One punch

Why is this happening, how can this kind of thing happen.

What secrets are there in this special little world? It's nothing more than the birth of a strong man and an immortal, but the legendary Tian Luo strong man was born.

No, it shouldn't be!

The ancestors of the dark night looked at Huang Jianzhi with horror in their eyes. Although there was infinite suspicion in their hearts, they had no extra thoughts about other things at the moment.

At this moment, they are facing a powerful enemy that is only in the legend. In the same realm, there is no problem with one or two small realms, but after a big realm, the problem is big.

No wonder he dared to face the nine of them alone. They had the capital, and they mocked each other ignorantly. Now they knew that they were the frog in the bottom of the well.

"Spare, spare me..."

At this moment, the ancestor of the floating life had no choice but to beg for mercy. His power was blocked and his body was confined, like a kitten being pinched to death by the neck and picked up, pitiful and helpless.

The Floating Ancestor with his eyes full of fear regretted it, regretting why he couldn't stand the temptation, and agreed to deal with outsiders.

If he doesn't agree, he will continue to live his own life in seclusion, and now that he is fine, his life is directly in the hands of others.

"Why should I spare you?" Huang Jianzhi asked the floating ancestor.

"I,, I am willing to join you and work for you. You need my kind of combat power to attack Tianyuan Continent."

Who can live and want to die, let alone those who live longer, the more afraid of death.

As long as he can survive, the Floating Ancestor doesn't care what happens to the Tianyuan Continent, his life is almost gone, who cares about who will rule the Tianyuan Continent.

"In order to survive, even sell the hometown where you gave birth and support yourself. You think a selfish person like you is worthy of living."

"No, you are not worthy!"

When the ancestor of the floating life heard this, his eyes changed, and he knew it was broken, and he quickly wanted to explain something.

But Huang Jianzhi would give him a chance to speak, and directly drew out his soul, holding his five fingers slightly, and the soul of the floating ancestor was wiped out.


Other ancestors and celestial powerhouses saw such a vicious scene, and ran straight away, asking them why they didn't use the situation of ants to kill more elephants to besiege Huang Jianzhi.

To be honest, they had thoughts like this, but seeing Huang Jianzhi killing an immortal powerhouse is as simple as pinching an ant to death. They dare to have that kind of thought.

Not to mention the celestial powerhouses, seeing the supreme nine ancestors die so easily, the faith in their hearts instantly collapsed.

Seeing that the remaining eight ancestors ran away directly, they were still stupidly staying in the same way, and decisively separated and fled.

"A bunch of silly roe deer"

Huang Jianzhi watched a group of people run away decisively, but he didn't stop him, and watched quietly, without worrying about them escaping at all.


The eight ancestors who ran apart first stopped. It was not what they wanted to stop, but they directly hit the barrier, causing the whole person to be posted.

"Ancestor, what's the matter with you?"

The celestial and powerful men who caught up from behind saw their ancestors posing in a strange posture in front, and asked involuntarily.

"Damn it, the wall, the invisible wall. This should be the enemy's means. We are trapped."

All the ancestors cursed secretly. They were all speeding up and fleeing. As a result, the injury was serious. All of them were the first to hit their faces and their noses were bleeding.

"The little wall also wants to block me, see if I won't break you, drink~"


"Hey, what's going on with this wall, it absorbs my attack..."

The first reaction of the eight ancestors when they encountered the enchantment was to break it and escape. As a result, countless attacks did not break it, and the enchantment became stronger, and their faces were pulled down.

"Hope this is useful"

The ancestors of the night and the others took out the space scroll again, and they tore them without responding, which made the ancestors of the night and their hearts completely panicked.

"Old Ancestor, I have searched the neighborhood as well as the underground. There is no way out. We should be surrounded by a super huge circle enchantment."

"Not good, ancestor, this round body barrier is shrinking,,," the strong celestial man exclaimed when there was a problem.

"It's so cruel, this is killing all of our roads." Old Ancestor Heiye gritted his teeth and said.

"Ancestor, what should we do?" The heavenly strongmen asked expectantly.

"What else can we do? If he doesn't give us a way to survive, we can only fight with him."

"The barrier is shrinking. This battle cannot be avoided. Without defeating him, this barrier will not disappear."

"Go, gather with other people first, we have to be united before we can defeat him."

The ancestors of the major empires were forced by Huang Jianzhi to have nowhere to go. They had no choice but to break the boat, and soon they gathered again.

"Yo, we meet again."

Huang Jianzhi greeted with a playful smile on his face when he saw the people coming back.

"Really want to kill them all?"

The ancestors of the dark night stared at Huang Jianzhi, clenching their fists and clenching their teeth.

"Why, I don't want to admit my fate, I plan to fight against it." Huang Jianzhi waved his hand and spread it out, saying that I am the villain and I am high-profile.

"Who would want to die, don't say you are not destiny, even if you are destiny, then we have to try."


The eight ancestors took the lead and screamed, condensing the fighting spirit of the heavenly strong behind them into a rope. They were desperate, and all of them knocked on the elixir that temporarily improved their strength.

Unlike the powerhouses of heaven and human, the ancestors of the night, in addition to knocking medicine, also used imperial secrets to increase their strength several times.

They don't want to be stunned as soon as they fight, they can only use their strongest combat power at the start, even if they squeeze their bodies.

The people who burned their breath to the extreme did not wait any longer, and immediately rushed towards Huang Jianzhi.

Huang Jianzhi didn't have any extra moves, and hit the front with a straight uppercut.

That punch was plain and flat, but it made the world pale, the sun and the moon were dark, and wherever the fist wind went, layers of space burst, allowing people to clearly see the terrifying dark matter in the cracks in the space.

There is a price to see clearly, a large number of celestial beings have no time to react, they are strangled by the distortion of the space cracks.

This is not over yet, the distortion of the space cracks is not the most terrible, the terrifying thing is the source of the space cracks.

The ubiquitous boxing wind expands endlessly, and the ancestors of the night are all within the scope of the boxing wind.

There is no reason at all, it is nothing at the touch of a touch, all the strong celestial beings within the range of the fist wind are gone, and no corpses are left.


Except for the ancestor Yous who was badly injured by the artifact backlash, the ancestors of the night and they were lucky to escape the range of the fist wind.

The price of escaping is all their own heritage, but they are all seriously injured.

With a punch, the whole army was wiped out by the strong celestial ancestors, one ancestor of the immortal was killed in battle, and the remaining seven ancestors were all seriously injured.

"No, it's not true, I'm dreaming, I must be dreaming..."

"One punch, just one punch to beat us like this, is this really the power that a strong Tianluo should have?"

"The end of Tianyuan Continent is here."

"Monster, he is a monster..."

The seven ancestors were all caught in fear and addiction and couldn't forget.

A punch not only severely wounded them, but also broke their minds. ..

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